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Stack #105177

chapter 14chapter 14
periosteum outermost layer of the bone, made up of fibrous tissue
conpact bone dense, hard layer of bone tissue that lie underneath the periosteum
cancellous (spongy) bone contains little spaces like a sponge and is encased in the layers of conpact bone
endosteum membranous lining of the hollow cavity of the bone
diaphysis shaft of the long bones
epophysis ends of the long bone
bone marrow material found in the cavities of bones
red marrow thick, blood-like material foung in flat bones and the ends of long bones. Location of blood cell formation
yellow marrow soft, fatty material found in the medullary cavity of long bones
maxilla uppper jawbone
mandible lower jawbone
vertebral column made up of bones called vertebrae through which the spinal cord runs. The vertebral column protect the spinal cord, supports the head, and provides a point of attachment for ribs and muscles.
cervical vertebrae (C1 to C7) first set of seven bones, forming the neck
thoracic vertebrae (T1 to T12) second set of 12 vertebrae; they articulate with the 12 pairs of ribs to form the outward curve of the spine
lumbar verebrae (L1 to L5) third set of five larger vertebrae, which forms the inward caurve of the spine
sacrum next five vertebrae, which fuse together to form a triangular bone positioned between the two hip bones
coccyx foru vertebrae fused together to form the tailbone
lamina part of the vertebral arch
clavicle collarbone
scapula shoulder blade
acromion extension of the scapula, which forms the high point of the shoulder
sternum breastbone
xiphoid process lower portion of the sternum
humerus upper arm bone
carpal bones wrist bones
metacarpal bones hand bones
phalanges finger and toe bones
pelvic bone, hip bone made up of three bones fused together
ischium lower, rear portion on which one sits
ilium upper, wing-shaped part on each side
pubis anterior portionof the pelvic bone
acetabulum large socket in the pelvic bone for the head of the femur
femur upper leg bone
tibia and fibula lower leg bones
patella kneecap
tarsal bones ankle bones
calcaneus heel bone
metatarsal bones foot bones
articular cartilage smooth layer of gristle covering the contacting surface of joints
meniscus crescent-shaped cartilage found int he knee
intervertebral disk cartilaginous pad found betweent he vertebrae in the spine
pubic symphysis cartilaginous joint at which two pubic bones fuse together
synovia fluid secreted by the synovial membrane and found in joint cavities
bursa fluid-filled sac that sllows for easy movement of one part of a joint over another
ligament flexible, tough band of fivrous connective tissue that attaches one bone to another at a joint
tendon band of fibrous connective tissue that attaches muscle to bone
aponeurosis strong sheet of tissue that acts as a tendon to attach muscles to bone
skeletal muscles (also known as striated muscles) attached to bones by tendons and make body movement possible. Skeletal muscles produce action by pulling and by working in pairs. Also known as voluntary muscles because we have control over these muscles
smooth muscles (also known as unstriated muscles) located in internal organs such as the walls of blood vessels and the digestive tract. They are also called involuntary muscles because they respond to impulses from the autonomic nerves and are not controlled volumtarily
cardiac muscle (known as myocardium) forms most of the wall of the heart. Its involuntary contraction produces the heartbeat
abduction movement of drawing away from the middle
adduction movement of draawing toward the middle
inversion turning inward
eversion turning outward
extension movement in which a limb is placed in a straight position
flexion movement in which a limb is bent
pronation movement that turns the palm down
supination movement that turns the palm up
rotation turning around its own axis
carp/o carpals (wrist bones)
clavic/o, clavicul/o clavicle (collarbone)
cost/o rib
crani/o cranium (skull)
femor/o femur (upper leg bone)
fibul/o fibula (lower leg bone)
humer/o humerus (upper arm bone)
ili/o ilium
ischi/o ischium
lumb/o loin, lumbar region of the spine
mandibul/o mandible (lower jawbone)
maxill/o maxilla (upper jawbone)
patell/o patella (kneecap)
pelv/i, pelv/o pelvis, pelvic bone
phalang/o phalanges (finger or toe bones)
pub/o pubis
rachi/o spine, vertebral column
radi/o radius (lower arm bone)
sacr/o sacrum
scapul/o scapula (shoulder blade)
spindyl/o, vertebr/o vertebra
stetn/o stenum (breastbone)
tars/o tarsals (ankle bones)
tibi/o tibia (lower leg bone)
uln/o ulna (lower arm bone)
aponeur/o aponeurosis
arthr/o joint
burs/o bursa (cavity)
chondr/o cartilage
disk/o intervertebral disk
menisc/o meniscus (crescent)
synovi/o synovia, synovial membrane
ten/o, tend/o,tendin/o tendon
ankyl/o crooked, stiff, bent
kinesi/o movement. motion
kyph/o hump
lamin/o lamina (thin, flat plate or layer)
lord/o bent forward
myel/o bone marrow
my/o, myos/o muscle
oste/o bone
petr/o stone
scoli/p crooded, curved
inter- between
supra- above
sym-, syn- together, joined
-asthenia weakness
-clasia,-clasis, -clast break
-desis surgical fixation, fusion
-physis growth
-schisis split, fissure
ankylosis abnormal condition of stiffness (often referring to a joint, such as the result of chronic rheumatoid arthritis)
arthritis inflammation of a joint. (The most common forms of arthritis are rheumatoid arthritis and osteoarthritis)
arthrochondritis inflammation of joint cartilages
bursitis inflammation of a bursa
brusolith stone in a bursa
carpoptosis drooping wrist (wristdrop)
chondromalacia softening of cartilage
cranioschisis (congenital) fissure of the skull
dusjutus inflammation of an (intervertebral) disk
fibromyalgia pain in the fibrous tissues and muscles (a common conditon characterized by widespread pain and stiffness of muscles, gatigue, and distrubed sleep.)
kyphosis abnormal condition of a hump (of the thoracic spine) (also called hunchback or humpback)
lordosis abnormal condition of bending forward (forward curvature of the lumbar spine) (also called swayback)
maxillitis inglammation of the maxilla
meniscitis inflammation of a meniscus
myasthenia muscle weakness
myeloma (malignant) tumor of the bone marrow
osteitis inflammation of the bone
osteoarthritis (OA) inflammation of the bone and joint
osteocarcinoma cancerous tumor of the bone
osteochondritis inflammation of the bone and cartilage
osteomalacia softening of bones
osteomyelitis inflammation of the bone and bone marrow
osteopetrosis abnormal condition of stonelike bones (marblelike bones caused by increased formation of bone)
osteosarcoma malignant tumor of the bone
polymyositis inflammation of many muscles
rachischisis (congenital) fissure of the vertebral column (also called spina bifida)
sciliosis abnormal (lateral) curve (of the spine)
spondylarthritis inflammation of the vertebral joints
synoviosarcoma malignant tumor of the synovial membrane
tendinitis inflammmation of a tendon
tenodynia pain in a tendon
tenosynovitis inflammation of the tendon and synovial membrane
ankylosing spondylitis form of arthritis that first affects the spine and adjacent structures, and that, as it progresses, causes a forward bend of the spine (also called strumpell-marie arthritis or disease, and rheumatoid spondylitis)
bunion abnormal enlargement of the joint at the base of the great toe. It is a common problem, often hereditary or caused by poorly fitted shoes (also called hallux valgus)
carpal tunnel syndrome (CTS) a common, painful disorder of the wrist caused by compression of a nerve
Colles fracture a type of wrist fracture (the fracture is at the lower end of the radius, the distal fragment being displaced backward)
exostosis abnormal benign growth on the surface of a bone (also called a spur)
fracture (fx) broken bone
gout disease in which an excessive amount of uric acid in the blood causes sodium urate crystals (tophi) to be deposited in the joints, especially that of the great toe
herniated disk rupture of the intervertebral disk cartilage, which allows the contents to protrude through it, putting pressure on the spinal nerve roots (also called slipped disk, ruptured disk, herniated intervertebral disk, or herniated nucleus pulposus [HNP])
muscular dystrophy (MD) group of hereditary diseases characterized by degeneration of muscle and weakness
myasthenia gravis (MG) chronic disease characterized by muscle weakness and thought to be caused by a defect in the transmission of impulses from nerve to muscle cell.
osteoporosis abnormal loss of bone density occurring frequently in postmenopausal women
rheumatoid arthritis (RA) a chronic systemic disease characterized by autoimmune inflammatory changes in the connective tissue throughout the body
aponeurorrhaphy suture of an aponeurosis
arthroclasia (surgical) breaking of a (stiff) joint
arthrodesis surgical fixation of a joint
arthroplasty surgical repair of a joint
bursectomy excision of bursa
carpectomy excision of a carpal bone
chondrectomy excision of a cartilage
chondroplasty surgical repair of a cartilage
costectomy excision of a rib
crainioplasty surgical repair of the skull
craniotomy incision of the skull (as for surgery of the brain)
diskectomy excision of an intervertebral disk
laminectomy excision of a lamina (often performed to telieve pressure on the nerve roots in the lower spine caused by a herniated disk and other conditions)
maxillectomy excision of the maxilla
meniscectomy excision of the meniscus (performed for a torn cartilage)
myorrhaphy suture of a muscle
ostectomy excision of a bone
osteoclasis (surgical) breaking of a bone (to correct a deformity)
patellectomy excision of the patella
phalangectomy excision of a finger or toe bone
rachiotomy incision into the vertebral column
spondylosyndesis fusing together of the vertebrae (spinal fusion)
synovectomy excision of the synovial membrane (of a joint)
tarsectomy excision of (one or more) tarsal bones
tenomyoplasty surgical repair of the tendon and muscle
tenorrhaphy suture of a tendon
vertebroplasty surgical repair of the vertebra
arthrography x-ray imaging a join (with contrast medium)(MRI has mostly replaced arthrography as the imaging technique for the knee, wrist, hip, and shoulder. Arthrography is still used for specialized functions such as when metal is present in the body)
arthroscopy visual examination of a joint
arthrocentesis surgical puncture of a joint to aspirate fluid
electromyogram (EMG) record of the (intrinsic) electrical activity in a (skeletal) muscle
arthralgia pain in the joint
atrophy without development (wasting)
bradykinesia slow movement
carpal pertaining to the wrist
carnial pertaining to the crainuim
dyskinesia difficult movement
dystrophy abnormal development
femoral pertaining to the femur
humeral pertaining to the humerus
hyperkinesia excessive movement (overactive)
hypertrophy excessive development
iliofemoral pertaining to the ilium and femur
intercostal pertaining to between the vertebrae
intercranial pertaining to within the cranium
ischiofibular pertaining to the ischium and fibula
ischiopubic pertaining to the ischium and pubis
lumbar pertaining to the loins (the part of the back between the thorax and pelvis)
lumbocostal pertaining to the loins and the ribs
lumbosacral pertaining to the lumbar regions (loin) and the sacrum
osteoblast developing bone cell
osteocyte bone cell
osteonecrosis abnormal death of bone (tissues)
pelvic pertaining to the pelvis
pelvisacral pertaining to the pelvis and the sacrum
pubofemoral pertaining to the pubis and the femur
sacral pertaining to the sacrum
sacrovertebral pertaining to the sacrum and the vertebrae
stenoclavicular pertaining to the sternum and clavicle
sternoid resembling the sternum
subcostal pertaining to below the rib
submandibular pertaining to below mandible
submaxillary pertaining to below the maxilla
subscapular pertaining to below the scapula
substernal pertaining to below the sternum
suprascapular pertaining to above the scapula
suprapatellar pertaining to above the patella
symphysis growing together
vertebrocostal pertaining to the vertebrae and ribs
chiropodist, podiatrist specialist in treating and diagnosing diseases and disorders of the foot, including medical and surgical treatment
chiropractic system of therapy that consists of manipulation of the vertebral column
chiropractor specialist in chiropractic
orthopedic (ortho) branch of medicine dealing with the study and treatment of diseases and abnormalities of the musculoskeletal system
orthopedist physician who specializes in orthopedics
orthotics making and fitting of orthopedic appliances, such as arch supports, used to support, align, prevent, or correct deformities
orthotist a person who specializes in orthotic
osteopath physician who specializes in osteopathy
osteopathy stystem of medicine that uses the usual forms of diagnosis and treatment but places greater emphasis on the role of the relation between body organs and the musculoskeletal system; manipulation may be used in addition to other treatment
prosthesis an artificial substitute for a missing body part such as a leg, eye, or total hip replacement
C1-C7 cervical vertebrae
CTS carpal tunnel syndrome
EMG electromyogram
fx fracture
HNP herniated nucleus pulposus
L1-L5 lumbar vertebrae
MD muscular dystrophy
MG myasthenia gravis
OA osteoarthritis
ortho orthopedics
RA rheumatoid arthritis
T1-T12 thoracic vertebrae
Created by: mcgowan330



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