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HCTA MedTerm Q4b

HCTA MedTerm Quiz 4b Cardiac Terms Ch 4

Atrium upper chambers
endo/cardium inner chamber membrane/lining
epicardium Outer membrane of Heart
interatrial septum partition b/w R & L Atriums of Heart
interventricular septum partiton b/w R &L Ventricules
myocardium heart muscle
pericardium protective sac filled w/ fluid surrounding heart
visceral pericardium layer of pericardium that is closest to the heart
parietal pericardium outter layer of the pericardium
pericardial cavity cavity of pericardium that is filled w/ fluid
mitral valve = bicuspid valve b/w left Atrium & left Ventricle
aortic valve valve b/w L Ventricle & Aorta
pulmonary semilunar valve valve from R Ventricle to Pulmonary artery
Tricuspid valve valve b/w R Atrium & R Ventricle
arteries carries blood away from heart
vein carries blood to the heart
aorta large artery (main trunk) branching from Left Ventricle (Oxigenated blood going to body)
diastole to expand, blood enters heart, heart is relaxed while filling, lower pressure number
systole heart contracting, blood is being ejected to body, higher pressure number
normotension normal BP
hypotension low BP
Hypertension HTN: High BP
sinoatrial node (SA node) Pace Maker cells in R Atrium
Atrioventricular Node (AV node) Amp's signal from SA node, sent heart
Bundle of His Neurological Fibers from AV note to R & L Ventricles to Purkinje Fibers on outside of Heart
Purkinje Fibers Ventricle wall nerve fibers that fire causing heart to contract
polarization firing of nerve fibers causing contraction
RePolarization Recharging of nerve fibers, resting state
Normal Sinus Rhythm NSR: cycle of heart normal (60-100 bpm)
aneurysm widening/bulging vessels or heart wall
saccular aneurysm sac-like bulge of vessel
fusiform aneurysm spindle shaped bulge
dissecting aneurysm split/tear of vessel
angina pectoris chest pain, deox heart muscle
arteriosclerosis thickening, loss of elasticity, & calcification of arterial walls
atheromatous plaque swollen area w/in lining of artery caused by lipid build up
claudication to limp, pain in limb, deox blood in calf muscle...
constriction compression causing narrowing (stenosis)
diaphoresis profuse sweating (perspiration)
embolus Clot carried in bloodstream that obstructs flow of blood when lodged
heart murmur abnormal sound caused by chamber/valves
infarct to Stuff, local Necrosis
ischemia decreased blood flow to tissue, deox
Occlusion Plugging/Obstruction
Stenosis Narrowing
Thrombus Stationary blood clot
vegetation to grow (abnormal)
Atrial Septal Defect ASD: opening b/w (in the septum) the Atriae
Coarctation of the Aorta Narrowing of descending Aorta, limits flow to lower body
Patent Ductus Arteriosus PDA: opening b/w pulmonary artery and aorta (usually closes after birth)
Ventricular Septal Defect VSD: Opening in septum separating ventricles
Sudden Cardiac Arrest SCA: abrupt cessation of cardiac output (CO)
deep vein thrombosis DVT: clot deep in vein (femoral or iliac veins)
Thrombophlebitis inflammation of a vein associated w/ clot formation
auscultation exam method listening to sounds of heart and body with stethoscope
gallop abnorm sound of valves during ventricular contraction that sounds like a gallop of a horse
ECG or EKG electrocardiogram
Holter ambulatory monitor portable EKG worn by Pt. for 24 hours
Intracardiac Electrophysiological Study EPS: invasive catheter electrodes W/in heart maps electrical conduction of heart
intracardiac catheter ablation radiofrequency waves sent through catheter within heart to treat arrhythmias, selectively destroying myocardial tissue to generate normal electrical path
magnetic resonance angiography MRA: immaging heart & vessels
Multiple-gated acquisition scan MUGA: nuclear image of beating heart w/radio active isotope injection
Myocardial radionuclide perfusion scan Scan of Heart w/IV injection of Thallim isotope abs by cells to evaluate CAD (coronary arterydisease).
Ventriculogram X-ray of ventricles
Stroke Volume Blood vol. ejected from heart ventricles after contraction
cardiac output CO: meas. blood ejected per minute from either ventricle (only one)
ejection fraction percent volume ejected from left ventrical compared to total amout filling left ventricle in diastole
transesophageal echocardiogram (TEE) echocardiogram of heart after ultrasonic transducer inside esophagus
Coronary artery bypass graft (CABG) Blood vessel grafting to bypass occuded RCA or LAD (right coronary artery & Left anterior descending artery)
anastomosis opening, joining of two blood vessels to allow flow
endarterectomy surgical removal of lining of artery to clear blockage
Percutaneous Coronary Intervention PCI: Tx intervention of coronary artery disease (CAD) performed at time of catheterization in specialized lab, not OR
Atherectomy Escision of atheromatous paque from w/in artery using catheter to cut/pulverize tissue buildup
percutaneous transluminal coronary angioplasty PTCA: Tx's narrowing of coronary artery using balloon catheter
ICD implantable cardioverter defibrillator
Created by: HCTA
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