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BVT Reprod words

words dealing with reproduction

Genitalia reproductive organs located outside body
Perineum external region covering pelvic floor
Scrotum encloses, protects, and supports testicles
Testicles produce sperm within the seminiferous tubules and testosterone
Seminiferous tubules contained in lobule and stimulated by FSH to make sperm
Semen alkaline male fluid that contains sperm, ejaculate
Epididymis portion of seminal duct
Penis transports sperm to vagina, composed of erectile tissue
Glans penis sensitive end of penis
Rete testis formed by seminiferous tubules uniting to form epididymis
Prepuce foreskin that covers glans penis
Vas deferens storage site for sperm and excretory duct for ejaculate
Seminal vesicles make a yellow substance that nourishes sperm cells
Ejaculatory duct formed by union of vas deferens and seminal vesicle ducts
Prostate gland secretes a thick, alkaline substance that helps sperm motility by negating the acidic vagina
Bulbourethral glands also known as Cowpers’s glands; add alkaline secretion
Gamete reproductive cell; spermatozoa
Motile capable of spontaneous activity
Phimosis narrowing of opening of foreskin
Impotence erectile dysfunction, male cannot achieve or maintain erection
Premature ejaculation climax is reached to soon
Torsion of the testis twisting of vas deferens and blood vessels leading into testes
Priapism erection lasting more than 4 hours
Benign prostatic hypertrophy abnormal enlargement of prostate
Prostate specific antigen PSA test screens for prostate cancer
Digital Rectal examination screens for prostate enlargement
Circumcision surgical removal of foreskin
Castration surgical removal of testicle
Ablation removal of body part or destruction of it’s function
TURP transurethral resection of the prostate
Genital herpes herpes simplex virus type 2 with itching, burning, lesions
Trichomonas vaginal inflammation
Vulva pudendum labia, clitoris, Bartholin’s glands, vaginal opening
Chlamydia most common STD caused by bacterium chlamydia trachomatis
Gonorrhea STD caused by Neisseria gonorrhoeae which causes painful urination, and has a discharge
HIV human immunodeficiency virus
Genital warts caused by human papilloma virus and increases cancer risk
Syphilis STD caused by Treponema pallidum
Trichomonas caused by parasite Trichomonas vaginalis which causes vaginal inflammation
Mons pubis fleshy prominence over pubis
Labia majora vaginal lips that protect external genitalia and urethra
Labia minors vaginal lips that protect external genitalia and urethra
Clitoris erectile tissue
Bartholin’s glands glands on either side of vaginal opening that produce a mucus
Perineum area between thighs and extends from vagina to anus
Areola dark area that surrounds nipple
Mammary glands lactiferous glands that produce milk
Lactiferous ducts milk ducts
Ovaries contain follicles with eggs plus produce hormones
Follicle fluid filled sac with ova
Ova egg
Fallopian tube oviducts
Infundibulum funnel shaped opening into fallopian tube
Uterus womb
Fundus rounded part of uterus above fallopian tube opening
Menstruation periodic discharge of lining and egg
Functional ovarian cyst fluid filled sac that occurs when follicle fails to rupture, not caused by a disease
Polycystic ovary syndrome Stein Leventhal syndrome which is due to a hormone imbalance which causes many cysts to form
PID Pelvic Inflammatory disease is often a complication of STDs
Fibroid leiomyoma, which is a benign tumor in wall of uterus
Uterine prolapse uterus sags from normal position
Cervical cancer second most common cancer for women
Cervical dysplasia precancerous lesions detected on Pap smear
Vaginal candidiasis yeast infection from Candida albicans
Polycystic breast disease presence of multiple cysts in breast
Fibroadenoma small fibrous breast lumps
Premature menopause ovaries stop functioning before age 40
Premenstrual syndrome bloating, edema, mood swings that occur two weeks before menstrual cycle
Premenstrual dysphoric disorder severe physical and emotional problems associated with menstrual cycle
Pap smear Papanicolaou test for cervical cancer
Tubal ligation fallopian tube is ligated and a section removed
Conization cone biopsy from cervix
D&C dilatation and curettage to remove material from surface of uterus
Total hysterectomy removal of cervix and uterus
Radical hysterectomy panhysterectomy is the surgical removal of cervix, tubes, uterus, ovaries, and nearby lymph nodes
Breast augmentation mammoplasty to increase breast size
Ovulation release of ovum
Corpus luteum secretes progesterone
Fertilization conception
Coitus copulation or sexual intercourse
Zygote single cell formed by union of sperm and egg
Implantation embedding of zygote into lining of uterus
Embryo fro implantation through the eighth week
Fetus developing child from week nine until birth
Fraternal twins fertilization of separate ova by separate sperm
Identical twins fertilization of one ova by one sperm; cell divides into two separate parts
Chorion this outer membrane of embryo
Placenta organ that allows for exchange of nutrients, oxygen, and waste between mother and fetus
Afterbirth placenta
Amniotic sac bag of water
Umbilical cord connects placenta and fetus
Cord blood blood in umbilical cord vessels
Gestation 280 days for growth of fetus
Pregnancy gestation
Due date measured from first day of last menstrual period and known as EDC
Trimester three months
Quickening first movement of fetus
Viable when fetus is capable of living outside of the womb
Braxton Hicks contractions not true labor pains but intermittent contractions
Parturition labor or childbirth
First stage of labor contractions of uterus through dilatation of cervix
Dilatation widening of cervix
Effacement thinning and shortening of cervix
Second stage of labor delivery of infant
Presentation position of fetus
Crowning when head can be seen at vaginal orifice
Third stage of labor expulsion of placenta
Puerperium period three to six weeks after birth of child
Involution return of uterus to normal size
Colostrum fluid secreted by breasts for first few days after delivery; helps with immunity, rich in antibodies
Lactation milk production
Lochia vaginal discharge for first two weeks after childbirth
Vernix greasy substance that protects fetus
Meconium First bowel movement that is greenish in colAmniocentesisor
Infertility inability to conceive
Abortion interruption or termination before fetus viable
Spontaneous abortion miscarriage
Induced abortion human intervention
Ectopic pregnancy extrauterine pregnancy
Tubal pregnancy pregnancy with implantation in fallopian tube
Preeclampsia toxemia; includes hypertension, edema, proteinuria
Eclampsia more serious; can include seizures and coma
Abruption placenta placenta separates prematurely
Breech presentation buttocks or feet come out first
Placenta previa placenta anchored in lower part of uterus
Premature born before 37th week of gestation
Stillbirth birth of a fetus that died before it was delivered
Pregnancy test determines the level of human chorionic gonadotropin
Fetal ultrasound images and evaluates fetal development
Chorionic villus sampling CVS checks for genetic abnormalities
Fetal monitoring monitors fetal pulse
Apgar score evaluation of newborn in areas of heart rate, respiratory effort, muscle tone, skin color, and response to stimulation
Cesarean section delivery of child through an incision
VBAC vaginal delivery of a child after a C
Amniotic Fluid fluid that surrounds and protects the fetus
Hyperemesis gravidarium excessive vomiting during pregnancy
Neonatal hyperbilirubinemia jaundice in newborn
cervical os opening of cervix
Created by: msmm
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