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GCNL Lymphatic

Head, Neck, & Lymphatic System

Peyer patches Aggregate collections of lymphatic cells found in the ileum of the small intestine.
Humoral Immunity Immunity characterized by the circulation of antibodies in the blood stream
Cellular Immunity Mechanism of acquired immunity mediated by T Cells.
Lymphangitis Inflammation of the lymphatics that drain area of infection characterized by red streaks.
Lymphadenopathy "Disease of the lymphnodes." Synonymous with enlarged/swollen lymphnodes.
Euthyroid state State of normal thyroid gland function.
Grave's Disease Autoimmune disorder leading to overactivity of the thyroid gland.
Pregnancy Induced Hypertension HTN due to pregnancy (Preeclampsia).
Palpebral fissures The separation between the upper and lower eyelids.
Nasolabial fold Commonly known as "smile lines" or "laugh lines."
Cellulitis Common skin infection caused by bacteria. Symptoms include fever, pain/tenderness and increasing erythmia as the infection spreads.
TMJ Temporomandibular Joint pain. Blanket term used to cover a variety of acute/chronic pain, especially found in the muscles of mastication.
Cervical Adenopathy Enlargement of the cervical lymph nodes. Caused by various infectious diseases.
Goiter Swelling of the thyroid gland which may lead to swelling of the neck/larynx.
Shotty Lymph Nodes Small nodes that feel like BB's under skin.
Fluctuant Lymph Nodes Wavelike motion that is felt when the node is palpated.
Matted Lymph Nodes group of nodes that feel connected and seem to move as a unit.
Virchow's Node A lymph node in the area superior to the left clavicle. Afferently receives from lympth vessels in the abdominal cavity. If found to be enlarged/hard, regarded to be indicative of cancer in the abdomen. Unrelated to sentinel node procedure.
Lymphadenitis Inflammation and enlargement of nodes.
Lymphedema Edematous swelling due to excess accumulation of lymph fluid
Caput succedaneum SQ edema over presenting part of the head at delivery.Swelling of the scalp in a newborn.
Cephalhematoma Beneath the membrane covering the skull, a collection of blood bound by the suture lines.
Thyroglossal duct cyst Palpable cystic mass in the neck. May have tenderness, difficulty swallowing. Freely moving cystic mass in midline of neck.
Branchial cleft cyst (pharyngeal fistula) Congenital lesion formed by incomplete involution of branchial cleft. Solitary, painless, my have intermittent swelling. Oval, moderately movable.
Torticollis Wry/stiff neck. Inability to rotate neck fully. May have vision problems.
Myxedema (as seen in hypothyroidism) Skin and tissue disorder usually due to severe/prolonged hypothyroidism. Muscle pains, constipation, coarse skin, slow speech.
Hashimoto disease Autoimmune antibodies against thyroid gland, often causing hypothyroidism.
Lymphangioma (cystic hygroma) Congenital malformation of dilated lymphatics
Congenital Condition existing at birth/before birth/during the first month of life.
Lymphatic filariasis (elephantiasis) Massive accumulation of lymphedema throughout body. Most common cause of secondary lymphedema worldwide.
Non-hodgkin Lymphoma Malignant neoplasm of the lymphatic system and the reticuloendothelial tissues
Hodgkin Disease Malignant cancer originating from white blood cells, characterized by an orderly spread from one lymphnode to another.
epstein-barr virus mononucleosis Infectious mononucleosis.
Toxoplasmosis Zoonosis (disease from animals to humans). Caused by the parasite Toxoplasma gondil.
Roseola infantum (HHV-6) Infection by Human Herpes Virus-6. Common in infancy to 2 yrs. Fever, mild respiratory illness, adenopathy.
Herpes Simplex (HSV-1) Infection by human herpes virus 1 (HSV-1) or human herpes virus 2 (HSV-2). Lesions present, burning, itching
Cat Scratch Disease Among the most common causes of subacute or chronic lymphadenitis in children
AIDS Dysfunction of cell-mediated immunity.
Serum Sickness (type III hypersensitivity reaction) Immune complex disease. Allergic reaction to certain medications.
Latex allergy type IV dermatitis (delayed hypersensitivity) Allergic contact dermatitis that involves the immune system, caused by chemicals used in latex products.
Latex allergy type I reaction True allergic reaction caused by protein antibodies
Created by: tdiaz65
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