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Gordon's Functional Health Patterns

Functional Health Patterns (FHP) direct the care giver to determine, what? -The kind of information to obtain -The order in which to collect the information -How detailed of an assessment is indicated
FHPs provide the healthcare team with objectives to evaluate and diagnose the health status of, who? -Individuals -Families -Communities
What are the 11 Functional Health Patterns (FHPs)? 1. Health Perception-Health Mgmt 2. Nutrition-Metabolic 3. Elimination 4. Activity-Exercise 5. Sleep-Rest 6. Cognitive-Perceptual 7. Self-Perception-Self-Concept 8. Role-Relationship 9. Sexuality-Reproductive 10. Coping-Stress Tolerance 11. Valu
Which FHP is the "umbrella" pattern, that effects all other patterns? Health-Perception-Health Management pattern
Which pattern: Identifies a person's knowledge of his/her health status as well as their understanding of illness, wellness and treatment? Health-Perception-Health Management pattern
Which pattern: Determines an individual's perception, acceptance, and utilization of treatment modalities? Health-Perception-Health Management pattern
Which pattern: Discovers the need for health education? Health-Perception-Health Management pattern
Which pattern: Identifies health related behaviors and beliefs shared by family members of communities? Health-Perception-Health Management pattern
Which pattern: Provides the healthcare team with available health resources within the individual's community? Health-Perception-Health Management pattern
Which FHP includes the process that maintain energy stores and specific cellular functions? Nutrition-Metabolic pattern
In which pattern does inadequacies of the pattern possibly account for problems in other FHPs? Nutrition-Metabolic pattern
Which pattern does this statement refer to: Fluid intake supports metabolism; imbalance can occur with many issues, including age, dehydration, climate, illness, and activity? Nutrition-Metabolic pattern
Which pattern does this statement refer to: Nurses will work with people who are both underweight or overweight. Either state can precipitate illness and disease? Nutrition-Metabolic pattern
Skin is the first organ of defense against infection. Imbalances of this pattern may increase risks of infection? Nutrition-Metabolic pattern
Which FHP has a focus of urination and excretion? Elimination pattern
Which pattern does this statement refer to: Input and output measurements assist nurse in determining fluid balance? Elimination pattern
Which pattern does this statement refer to: Individuals with urinary or fecal incontinence may have sx's of depression, anxiety, or isolation? Elimination pattern
Which pattern does this statement refer to: Incontinence can cause skin breakdown and increase the risk of infection. Elimination pattern
Which pattern does this statement refer to: Proper waste disposal is important to prevent the spread of infection? Elimination pattern
Which FHP encompasses the 3 key functions Mobility, Independent Self-Care, and Exercise & Leisure? Activity-Exercise pattern
What are the three key functions? 1. Mobility 2. Independent Self-Care 3. Exercise & Leisure
What percentage of the population has some disability that involves mobility or self-care? 1/5
Which pattern does this statement refer to: Lack of adequate exercise can cause poor muscle tone, balance difficulties, increased risk of obesity, inability to complete ADL's and feelings of fatigue both physically and mentally? Activity-Exercise pattern
Which pattern does this statement refer to: Limited activity increases an individual's risk of certain diseases? Activity-Exercise pattern
Which FHP identifies if community resources are meeting the needs of the disabled? Activity-Exercise pattern
Which FHP is focused on if the individual feels rested and ready to start the day? Sleep-Rest pattern
Which pattern identifies sleep disturbances and sleep deprivation? Sleep-Rest pattern
What can sleep deprivation cause? Conditions of pain, anxiety, and fear.
Sleep deprivation and disturbances are risk factors for what? Injury and accidents
Which pattern does this statement refer to: Inadequate rest is common in the hospital setting? Sleep-Rest pattern
Which pattern does this statement refer to: Noise and physical space can increase the risk of sleep deprivation? Sleep-Rest pattern
Which FHP describes an individual's ability to make decisions and gather information from the environment? Cognitive-Perceptual pattern
Which pattern does this statement refer to: Reports of pain can identify possible damage to tissues and surrounding structures? Cognitive-Perceptual pattern
Which pattern does this statement refer to: Pain can interfere with ADL's? Cognitive-Perceptual pattern
Which pattern does this statement refer to: Assessment of sensory perception is essential for good communication, safety, and patient care? Cognitive-Perceptual pattern
Which pattern does this statement refer to: Assessment of a person's cognitive and perceptive functions provides insight into their thinking processes and ability to make decisions? Cognitive-Perceptual pattern
Which FHP looks at how the individual describes their feelings about themselves and focuses on specific mood states? Self-Perception-Self-Concept pattern
Which pattern does this statement refer to: Surgical risk is increased when patients experience excessive fear and anxiety? Self-Perception-Self-Concept pattern
Which pattern does this statement refer to: Fear of the unknown is common for those individuals waiting for a diagnosis and treatment plan? Self-Perception-Self-Concept pattern
What pattern can significantly shape a person's response to illness or injury? Self-Perception-Self-Concept pattern
Which pattern is the starting point for wellness and health promotion? Self-Perception-Self-Concept pattern
Which pattern does this statement refer to: Feelings of hopelessness, powerlessness, and depression are not uncommon following a loss or disability? Self-Perception-Self-Concept pattern
Which pattern refers to a patient blaming him/her self for an illness? Self-Perception-Self-Concept pattern
Which FHP defines one's personal identity and influences health and illness? Role-Relationship pattern
Which pattern does this statement refer to: An individual's functional role can be the basis of stress and illness, as well as wholeness and wellness? Role-Relationship pattern
Which pattern does this statement refer to: Loss of relationships can result in grieving, depression, fatigue, and changes in socioeconomic status. Role-Relationship pattern
Which pattern does this statement refer to: Social support can greatly impact the recovery process and quality of one's life? Role-Relationship pattern
Which FHP focuses on reproductive issues and an individual's satisfaction with their sexual identity and sexual health. Sexuality-Reproductive pattern
Which pattern does this statement refer to: Sexuality and sexual health is and essential component to human wellness? Sexuality-Reproductive pattern
Which pattern does this statement refer to: Many people are reluctant to discuss issues regarding sexuality with health care staff; the lack of accurate info. and support can lead to unintended pregnancy, STI's, sexual dysfunction and poor self-concept. Sexuality-Reproductive pattern
Which pattern does this statement refer to: 1/2 of all pregnancies in the US are unintended, and STI's are very prevalent? Sexuality-Reproductive pattern
Which FHP is focused on coping strategies and how an individual deals with stress? Coping-Stress Tolerance pattern
Which pattern does this statement refer to: Ineffective coping patterns can manifest in specific psychological and physiological illness (acute or chronic)? Coping-Stress Tolerance pattern
Which pattern does this statement refer to: Adequate support systems and resources can be identified to assist individuals, both in and outside of the hospital or healthcare facility? Coping-Stress Tolerance pattern
Which FHP is guides an individual's decision making and provides them with a sense of comfort? Value-Belief pattern
Which pattern does this statement refer to: An individual's beliefs and values strongly influence how and why they make health care decisions? Value-Belief pattern
Which pattern does this statement refer to: Prior knowledge of beliefs may assist nurses in creating a care plan that incorporates and values their beliefs? Value-Belief pattern
Which pattern does this statement refer to: More emphasis may be placed on spiritual beliefs and practices when individuals are acutely ill? Value-Belief pattern
Created by: MEPN 2013
Popular Nursing sets




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