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Digest sys diseases

Digestive system diseases and liver and gallbladder-patho

95% of what is caused by infection due to helicobacter pyloric? And the other 5% is due to anti-inflammatory drugs? Gastric ulcers
We all have this bacteria but when it gets out of control is causes necrosis of the intestines and leads to gastric ulcers? hypochlorite
Stomach acid stops what from healing? Gastric ulcers
Burning pain in epigastric region (midline) can indicate what? gastric ulcers
What can irrate gastric ulcers? Spicy foods, citrus food, caffeine because it causes more stomach acid to secrete.
Diagnosis for gastric ulcers is... Imaging- endoscopy of upper GI tract and biopsy.
Treatment for gastric ulcer is... antibiotics if still infection. Chance to heal, change diet so not to irrate. if it causes pain stay away. H2 blocker (antagonist) stops parietal cells from secreting acid. PPI (protein pump inhibitors) stops production of stomach acid.
What is the the prognosis or gastric ulcers? not fatal if treated but if not it bleeds and becomes fatal.
What is Crohn's Disease? An inflammatory Bowel Disorders. Its long term and chronic. there are times or remission and exacerbation. Starts in ileum and spreads but it skips around. it can affect any part of the intestines and all layers.
What is the etiology of Crohn's disease? Idiopathic. More common in females and it starts in teens and 20's. Jewish is most likely to get it.
Diaherria, cramping, wieght loss and pain in RLQ is S/S for what? Crohn's disease
Crohn's disease is most likey mistaken for what? Appendicitis
To Rule Out diagnosis to rule out all other inflammatory bowel disorders first is used for what diagnosis? Crohn's disease
During Flare ups for this disease steriods and anti-inflammatory drugs are used along with replacing fluids to treat diaherria is for what disease? Crohn's disease
Prognosis for Crohn's disease is what? Fatal because of obstruction
What is a deverticulum? Sac/pouch off a structure. Usually found at end of lrg. intestine.
What is Diverticulosis? Diverticulum is not inflamed, its silent.
What is Diverticulitis? Diverticulum is inflamed and causes cramping and diarrhea.
Time. being elderly, straining b/c of constipation, lack of fiber and fluid and inactivity leads to what? Diverticulosis
What are the S/S for diverticulosis? None, its silent.
What is the diagnosis for both diverticulosis and diverticulitis? Colonscopy
What is the treatments for diverticulosis? High fiber, more fluid, more activity, and no eating nuts or seeds.
What is the etiology for diverticulitis? Seeds or nuts, e. coli or anything that can get stuck in sac/pouch.
Diverticulitis leads to what S/S? Pain, diarrhea, cramping and visible blood in feces.
What is the treatments for diverticulitis? Anti-inflammatory drugs and antibiotics and surgery.
What is the prognosis for diverticulosis? Very good if looked after.
What is the prognosis for diverticulitis? Possibly fatal.
Constant bleeding (lack of clotting factors), not disgesting or absorbing fats (steatorrhea) which leads to malnutrition, blood sugar drop (hyperglycemia), raise in estrogen in males along with breast development, abdominal edema (ascites)mean? These are s/s of liver dPisease.
What is jaundice? Build up bilirubin to the point thats its visible including the eyes - yellowish color.
Prehepatic (hemolytic) jaundice is what? Appears in sickle cell anemia patients or newborns. Breaking down RBC to fast. Sending to much hemoglobin to liver, it can't keep up.
What are the s/s of prehepatic (hemolytic) jaundice? Dark urine and feces.
Hepatic (hepatocellular) jaundice is...? Do more research on this one.
Posthepatic (obstructive) jaundice is what? It blocks some of the ducts that carry bilirubin.
What causes posthepatic (obstructive) jaundice? gall stone, pancreatitis, cystic fibrosis (thick mucus).
What are the s/s of posthepatic (obstructive) jaundice? Dark urine but pale feces.
Long term inflammation ( 15 yrs or more)of the liver and the forming of scar tissue that hardens leads to what? Cirrhosis of the liver.
What causes Cirrhosis of the liver? Toxins such as lead, drugs or alcohol, or a virus that causes hepatitis.
How many kinds are there of Viral Hepatitis? A, B and C.
Hepatitis A is also known as what? Infectious hepatitis.
Hepatitis B is also known as what? Serum hepatitis.
Exposure of sewage and contamination of water leads to what Hepatitis? Hepatitis A.
What is the incubation for Hepatitis A. One month
What is the diagnosis for hepatitis A. test for antibodies.
Describe hepatitis A. Acute, very mild s/s, rarely needs treatment, theres a full recovery and not fatal.
How is Hepatitis B spread? Through body fluids especially blood.
What is the incubation for Hepatitis B. three months.
Of what hepatitis do they actually test for the virus in the blood known as the Australian antigen? Hepatitis B.
Describe hepatitis B. Acute with mild s/s and little treatment needed. However, a sml. % dont recover and develop chronic Hep B. This leads to liver cancer or cirrhosis eventually. 3-4% develop severe acute form that needs hospitalization and has a 50% survival rate.
What is more contagious? HIV or Hepatitis B? Hepatitis B
What is the transmission for Hepatitis C? Through blood.
What is the incubation for Hep C? three months
How do you diagnosis for Hep C? Test for antibodies in blood.
Describe Hep C? Its the 2nd most common form. Acute or chronic. Acute is mild. But chronic is more common. Leads to liver damage, cirrhosis, or liver cancer 15 yrs later. It is not as contagious.
What is cholelithiasis? It is gallstones, crystalized cholesterol. The cholesterol that doesn't get broken down by bile. Gallstones get stuck in ducts but some are silent and pass through.
What increases your risk of cholelithiasis? Taking birth control pills and being pregnant. Affects females the most obviously.
What happens when the gall stones become stuck? They cause tearing and severe pain. Hurts the most while eating b/c bile is being produced. Also causes diarrhea and cramping.
What is the reason for gall stones to form? Because the bile is stand some where in the intestines.
How do they treat cholelithiasis? Remove the gallbladder, liporexin which breaks down stones.
What is a special x-ray of the lrg. intestine, colon and rectum. Barium Enema
Barium Swallow is what? A barium solution that is swallowed that shows up on a x-ray. finds abnormalities of the esophagus, and stomach.
A tiny camera to examine the upper digestive system is what? Endoscopy.
Fecal occult blood is what? looking for blood in feces thats not visible, look for hemoglobin and DNA.
Helicobacter pylori causes what? ulcers when it gets out of control.
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