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Med Terms 1

Final Exam

Diminished or lack of urine production Anuria
Enlargement of the stomach gastromegaly
Enlarged heart cardiomegaly
Suffix meaning "inflammation" -itis
heartache cardialgia
inflammation of a joint arthritis
formation of bone or bony tissue ossification
clubfoot talipes
inflammation of bone and bone marrow osteomyelitis
spongy bone cancellous bone
removal of a portion of a spinal vertebra laminectomy
spoon-shaped projection of scapula acromion
vertebrae that support the lower back lumbar
hairline fracture stress fracture
projections or outgrowths of bone processes
incomplete fracture greenstick
highly contagious skin disease caused by the itch mite scabies
cyst filled with cheesy material found on the scalp sebaceous cyst
using sandpaper and brushes to remove the epidermis and potion of the dermis dermabrasion
pinpoint hemorrhages of the skin petichia
substance needed to lubricate the hair and waterproof the skin sebum
destruction of tissue by freezing cryosurgery
loss of hair or male pattern baldness alopecia
fungal infection of the nails onychomycosis
carpet burn abrasion
where a hair strand develops hair follicle
crack-like groove in the skin or mucous membrane fissure
any visible damage to the tissues of the skin lesion
localized pyogenic infection that originates deep in a hair follicle furuncle
removal of damaged or necrotic tissue from a wound to promote healing debridement
dorsal cavity spinal/cranial
body system organizations of organs to perform functions of the body as a whole
cells that group together to perfom a specialized function tissue
body plane that divides the body into upper and lower portions transverse
cavity where the reproductive organs are housed pelvic
medial toward the midline
proximal toward the nearest point of attachment
thoracic cavity lungs, heart, aorta, esophagus, trachea
coccyx tailbone
pain -algia, -dynia
characteristic of urine -uria
surgical fixation -pexy
blood condition -emia
surgical repair of the nose rhinoplasty
surgical removal -ectomy
phlebotomy incision into a vein
melan/o black
dermat/o skin
meta beyond
idio individual
hydro water
tinea cruris jock itch
verruca vulgaris wart
hyper excessive
ectopic outside normal area
-megaly enlargement
ab- away
ad- toward
dys- painful
sym- joined
condyloma accuminata venereal warts
ecchymosis bruise
hypo below
pseudo false
peri around
trans across
contra against
hetero different
onychophagia nail biting
tachy rapid
centesis surgical procedure to remove fluid
inter between
intra within
ambi both
pan all
retro backward
I&D incision and drainage
brady slow
cardi heart
intra within
juxta near, beside
auto self
tinea ring worm
tinea pedis athlete's foot
geriatrics the branch of medicin that deals with characteristics of aging and the treatment and diagnosis of the elderly
removal of a bunion bunionectomy
unusual lack of skin color hypopigmentation
entropion turning in of the eyelid
ectropion turning out of the eyelid
inability to control urine in the bladder incontinence
partial or complete hairloss alopecia
poor vision due to the natural aging process presbyopia
senile lentigines/brown macules age spots
humpack kyphosis
senile warts seborrheic keratosis
pinching the skin of the forearm skin turgor
bones become fragile due to loss of bone density osteoporosis
clicking or crackling sounds heard upon joint movement crepitation
BPH benign prostatic hypertrophy
cramplike pain in the calves of the legs caused by poor circulation to the leg muscles claudication
urination at night nocturia
macular degeneration progressive deterioration
old or elderly gerent/o
excessive vomiting hyperemesis
achalasia decreased mobility of the esophagus
inflamed diverticula diverticulitis
hiatal hernia diaphragmatic hernia
rough elevations covering the tongues' upper surface papillae
yellow skin discoloration icterus
a rotation or twisting of loops of bowel volvulus
obstruction of the intestine ileus
mass formed during chewing bolus
gallstones cholelithiasis
diarrhea frequent passage of loose, watery stool
bleeding of the gums gingivitis
hard white substance that covers the dentin of the crown of the tooth enamel
liquid-like material partially digested food found in the stomach chyme
abnormal accumulation of fluid within the peritoneal cavity ascites
mastication chewing
deglutition swallowing
the bitter, yellow-green secretion produced by the liver bile
the act of expelling feces from the rectum through the anus defecation
liver heapat/o
stomach gastr/o
perforation -tresia
tongue lingu/o
-emesis to vomit
angina pectoris chest pain
deviation from the normal pattern of the heartbeat arryhthmia
inflammation of the heart muscle myocarditis
tachycardia rapid heart rate
excessive levels of fats in the blood hyperlipidemia
heart attack myocardial infarction
inflammation of a vein associated with a clot thrombophlebitis
arteriosclerosis hardening of an artery
accumulation of fluid in interstitial spaces edema
plasma protein that helps maintain normal blood pressure albumin
a clot that forms and stays in place embolus
hemopoeisis or hematopoiesis formation of blood
the clear, thin, sticky fluid portion of the blood that remains after coagulation serum
clotting cell thrombocyte
malignancy of blood forming cells; uncontrolled increase of immature WBCs leukemia
form of anemia due to lack of vitamin B12 pernicious
enlargement of the spleen splenomegaly
disease producing microorganisms pathogens
-stasis stopping, controlling
agglutin/o to clump
Hbg hemoglobin
CBC complete blood count
-emia blood
to eat -phagia
Hct hematocrit
positive sign of meningitis Brudzinski's sign
ataxia without muscular coordination
hemiparesis paralysis of one side of the body
stiff neck associated with meningitis nuchal rigidity
abnormal sensation of tingling of prickling paresthesia
a bruise of brain tissue contusion
inflammation of muscle myelitis
sciatica inflammation of the sciatic nerve
abnormal muscle tone or tension dystonia
connective tissue bands that join bone to bone ligament
wasting away of muscles and muscle tissue atrophy
surgical puncture of a joint to remove fluid arthrocentesis
small sac of synovial fluid bursa
joint arthr/o
pain in the joints arthralgia
Created by: VAthen
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