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bi240 local vs syste

grcc bi240 local vs systemic effects of inflammation

Vascular changes, dilute toxins, carry plasma proteins &WBC's to site, carry debris away Local effects of inflammation result in
What are the acute phase reactants fibronogen, c-reative protein and cerulosplasmin
S&sx of local inflammation redness, swelling, serous, fibrinous, purulent, abscess, hemorrhagic, pain
Redness Erythemia/warmth due to increased blood flow to the area.
Swelling/edema shift of protein + fluid into interstitial space (exudate)
exudate fluid that filters from the circulatory system into lesions or areas of inflammation
serous watery fluids with proteins and wbc
purulent pus that includes WBC + cell debris + microorganisms
Abscess Pocket of purulent exudate
Hemorrhagic Bloody- due to damaged blood vessels.
Fluid exerts pressure on nerves and irritation by chemical mediators Pain
lack of nutrients or mechanical disruption loss of function
Systemic effects of inflammation fever, leukocytosis, increased plasma proteins, hypothalamus resets, increase temp impedes bact growth, malaise, fatigue and anorexia
systemic affect: fever aka pyrexia is usually low grade (mild)
systemic affect: leukocytosis WBC's produce pyrogens (interleukins-1)- it is a substance that induces fever.
systemic affect: plasma proteins (Complement system) increase
systemic affect: Hypothalamus resets thermostat to higher body temp. The higher temp impairs growth/reproduction of pathogenic organism
systemic affect:malaise just don't feel well
Diagnostic test that indicates there is an underlying infectioin where the wound is located Increased WBC
Diagnostic test that gives proportion of WBC and helps to distinguish between bacterial/viral or allergic response CBC with differential
Increase eosionophils indicate allergic reaction (usually)
Increase in immature neutrophils means bacterial infection
Increased ESR indicates what? inflammation
inflammation Increased level of serum C-reactive protein indicates what?
Inflammation will show an increase in what type of cells? abnormal cells
Inflammation will show an increase of plasma proteins (fibrogens, prothrombin and alpha-antitrypsin) because this is a response by the liver to increase protein synthesis.
An increased value of enzymes & iso-enzymes indicates severe inflammation and necrosis that are released from damaged cells
Increased value of enzymes & iso-enzymes is helpful in identifying what? Specific site of necrosis
A lab value that is specific to a site of necrosis is CK-Mb (enzymes) which indicates an MI;
A lab value that indicates necrosis, but is not specific is AST which indicates liver disease &/or MI
Complication of acute inflammation necrosis, infection, skeletal muscle spasms and local effects.
Acute inflammation: necrosis ulcers or erosian of tissue leads to perforation (erosian through wall)
Acute Inflammation: infection Micro-organisms can enter inflammed tissue easier
What are barriers in fighting infection. Lack of blood supply (i.e. DM) due to damage
What do foreign bodies do when there is infection? introduce microbes which resist phagocytosis.
Complication of infection is that some microbes resist? Phagocytosis
Exudate is another complication of infection because it is an excellent medium for microbes to colonize area.
Complication of inflammation if there is a sprain, tendinitis or fractures are muscle spasms
Local effects of inflammation with regards to lungs impairs expansion and diffusion of oxygen
local effects of inflammation with regards to joint impairs ROM
Chronic inflammation developes following what? acute inflammation or secondary to chronic irritation (i.e smoking, certain bacteria, or abnormal immune response)
Characteristics of chronic inflammation include less swelling
Characteristics of chronic inflammation will have an increase level of lymphocytes, macrophages, fibroblasts & more tissue destruction
There will be more tissue destruction with chronic inflammation
more collagen production in an area of chronic inflammation there will be more scar tissue formation
Granuloma may form due to chronic inflammation because neutrophils and macrophages are unable to destroy microorganisms
Created by: Wends1984
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