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Mental Health BP1

Mental health Unit One Exam Blueprint

Freud believed that early experiences continue to influence people throughout their lives. He also theorized that dreams give clues to the person's unconscious mind.
Freud's psychoanalytic techniques encourage individuals to talk freely about anything that comes into their mind.
Freud divided the mind into three parts
Freud Parts of the mind 1: Id the part of the personality containing basic instincts and urges
Freud Parts of the Mind 2: Ego it is the "I", the part of the personality that develops to respond to the realities and problems of everyday life.
Freud Parts of the Mind 3: Superego the person's conscience and the internalized concept of the ideal self.
Freuds theory of development of personality psychosexual development
Freud believed, after observing behaviors in childre, that the personality was fully developed by age 12
Defense mechanisms - Acting Out Using action instead of thoughts or feelings to respond to stress or emotional distress.
Defense mechanisms are thoughts and behaviors that distort reality to protect the self.
Defense Mechanisms - Altruism dealing with emotional conflict by meeting the needs of others, receivng gratification either vicariously or from the reactions of others.
Defense Mechanisms - Anticipation experiencing emotional reactions in advance of the stressful event.
Defense mechanisms - compensation attempt (conscious or unconscious) to overcome perceived inadequacies.
Defense mechanism - denial refusal to acknowledge a painful reality.
Defense mechanism - Displacement transferring a feeling about one person or object to another usually safer one.
Defense Mechanism - Dissociation A breakdown uin the usually integrated functions of consciousness, memory, or perception. Detachment from emotional significance. (common w/ sexual assault)
Defense mechanism - Humor Amusing or ironic aspects of a stressful experience are emphasized.
Defense Mechanism - Intellectualization Excessive use of abstract thinking or using generalizations to control disturbing feelings.
Defense mechanism - projection attributing ones own unacceptable feelings or thoughts to another.
Biological Theories These theorists believed that people are born with certain predispositions and abilities that affect personality. They believe that people are born with what makes them individuals.
Pavlov studied classical conditioning. He would ring a bell and then would fee dhte hungry dogs, this would cause the dog to salviate. Eventually when the bell would ring the dog would salivate even though there was no food.
Nurses use a behavior reinforcement when they give positive reinforcement to clients for desirable healthy behavior
Negative reinforcement is not commonly used. But one form of negative reinforcement behavior therapy is administering Antabuse. This will make the pt sick if they drink alcohol.
Maslow focused on human needs and most highly evolved state of human development. He identified human needs and placed them in a hierarchy.
The base of Maslows Hierarchy is physiological needs. These needs must be met before the person may work to achieve the next level.
The 2nd level of Maslows Hierarchy is Safety needs
The 3rd level of Maslow's Hierarchy is Belonging
The 4th Level of Maslow's Hierarchy is Esteem
The Tippy-Top level of Maslow's Hierarchy is Self-Actualization.
Interpersonal Theories personality constantly changes as a result of interaction with others.
There are seven important characteristics that describe mentally healthy people. Interpre reality accurately, healthy self-concept, Able to relate, Acheive sense of meaning in life, Demonstrate creativity/productivity, Have control over behavior, Adapt to change.
The ability to accurately determine reality is a basic component of mental health.
A healthy concept includes a realistic appraisal of the self and positive acceptance of the self as it is.
DSM stands for Diagnostic and Statistical manual of Mental Illness - This manual attempts to classify disorders, not people.
Nursing Stress When you are working as a nurse you will have stress as you will with any other job.
Some of the areas of life that will cause you stress: The work, The profession (pt care), The people, The feelings
Stress It is a persons perception of an event that makes it stressful. You must be aware that it isn't the event itself that causes stress for the client but the significance of the event that it has for the client that gives it its meaning.
Maladaptation Is unhealthy behavior that disrupts the integrity of the individual.
Adapatation is one way to cope with stress. The behavior maintains the integrity of the individual this is a healthy response to stress.
In the 50s there was a movement taking place that was doing what to the mentally ill? deinstitutionalization
The two ideas behind the movement of deinstitutionalization: People should be treated in the least restrictive environment possible, and it is cheaper to treat people in the community than in a state hospital.
Deinstitutionalization has led to the mentally ill being homeless.
Primary Prevention starts with healthy people and prevents them from being affected by the disorder.
Secondary Prevention involves people who are already affected by a disorder. They are identified and treated early to prevent the negative outcomes of the disorder.
Benzodiazepine is used for anxiety.
Benzodiazepine side effect sedation
Tertiary Prevention serves people who are already severely affected by a mental disorder. The goal is to prevent further disability.
Codependency means that you let another persons behavior affect you and become obsessed with controlling that persons behavior An example of this is a person apologizing to someone else for forgetting to do something that they should have done for themselves.
Personal Boundaries Nurses may allow themselves to be defined by others. Nurses may need the opinions of others to validate their good intentions.
Without healthy boundaries, nurses do things for people that they should do for themselves.
Burnout is a state of physical, emotional, and mental exhaustion caused by long-term involvement in situations that are emotionally demanding.
Risk factors for nurse burnout include high workload, poor social or institutional support, a sense of putting in more than they receive, perception of high stress, role conflict and helplessness.
Self-understanding is the best first step on the path to healthy nursing. Acknowledge your own feelings as important. It is healthy to recognize when you are feeling different genuine feelings either positive or negative.
Be an active listener. This means pay close attention to the verbal as well as the nonverbal message that they are sending you. Being an active listener takes practice
Other good ways of being an active listener face the other person, open posture, lean forward, give verbal and nonverbal feedback to show interest and encouragement.
Open ended question the nurse asks a question that requires an explanation or extended response by the client
Erik Erikson created his own personality theory based on psychosocial development. He describes how identity develops in a series of eight stages that are built on each other.
Each of the stages in Eriksons personality theory represents a conflict or core prob that the individual strives to overcome at a critical period of development. A person must successfully resolve each conflict in order to master the next one.
Each stage of Eriksons personality theory has two components the successful and the unsuccessful sides of the conflict.
Post Traumatic Stress Disorder was at one time called shell-shock because of the relationship to war
PTSD describes a response to an intense traumatic experience that is beyond the usual range of human experiences. IE rape, war, major auto accident, observing torture or being tortured, witnessing a violent death.
PTSD causes the pt to repeatedly relive their experience in dreams or flashbacks.
Any time an individual is having a hallucination do not confirm them. Let them know they are not real and that they are due to their illness and when they get better they will go away.
There are three types of PTSD: Acute - within 6 months of the event and last 6 months Chronic - symptoms last 6 months or longer Delayed - start 6 months after event
Treatment for PTSD includes antidepressants or anti-seizure meds, cognitive therapy which breaks neg thought patterns, or behavior therapy which aims to break off conditioned automatic response.
Another thing that seems to help with preventing PTSD is immediate debriefing of the individuals immediately following a tragic or successful event.
Anxiety is a normal response to stress or threat
Anxiety is a state or feeling of apprehension, uneasiness, agitation, uncertainty, and fear resulting from the anticipation of some threat or danger.
Anxiety is often described as a type: mild, moderate, severe, and panic.
The individuals that suffer from anxiety have an ineffective coping problem. With anxiety these individuals take on an attitude fear it, avoid it.
Be sure you allow the pt to verbalize their fears and concerns, inform them of expected behaviors and olutcomes and allow them to control as much of their care as possible.
Panic attack symptoms, at least 4 of the following: sweating, increase blood pressure, dilated pupils, chills and hot flashes. heart palpitations, or accelerated heart rate, sweating, trembling or shaking, feeling of dyspnea or choking, chest pain, nausea or abdominal distress, tachycardia, feeling dizzy or faint, fear of losing control or going crazy, fear of dying, paresthesia
A more sever type of anxiety disorder is panic disorder. Panic can be defined as an attack of acute, intense, and overwhelming anxiety accompanied by a degree of personality disorganization - like not being able to think clearly.
During a panic attack symptoms occur within 10 minutes.
To help decrease the stress or anxiety during a panic attack stay with them. Women have this more commonly than men. Have them take a deep breath, and stay with them.
Obsessive Compulsive Disorder has two features: Obsessions are thoughts that are recurrent, intrusive and senseless. These thoughts are anxiety producing and distressful in that thoughts are uncontrollable.
OCD has two features: Compulsions (a repetitive action) are behaviors that are performed in response to an obsessive thought.
Individuals with OCD are very rigid in thought and inflexible with routines and rituals.
When the OCD pt comes to the hospital and you are organizing their care you need to provide for them as few disruptions of their normal routine as possible.
The repetitive, ritualistic behaviors such as checking the locks 10 times before going to bed may reduce anxiety and tension produced by the obsession.
Meds used to treat anxiety disorders include: Xanax, ativan, tranxene, prozac, paxil, zoloft, and desyrel
With phobic disorders the most common coping mechanism is avoidance. A phobia is different from normal fear. A phobia is irrational fear in which the indivual tends to dwell on the object of the phobia. They may recognize that the fear is irrational but still continue.
Created by: christinego
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