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GRCC B121 #4 spinal

GRCC BI 121 spinal cord components

Cervical enlargement component of spinal cord and is the origin of the arm nerves
Lumbar enlargement component of spinal cord and is the origin of the leg nerves
conus medullaris End of the spinal cord at L1
Filum Terminale Pia mater that attaches cord to superior coccyx
Cauda Equina Nerves radiating from inferior lumbar enlargement
Central Canal Continuous with brain ventricles
Gray matter of the spinal cord Internuerons and motor neuron cell bodies
White matter of the spinal cord axons
Spinal Cord function Spinal reflex arc transmission
Conduit for impulses to (afferent) and from (efferent) brain Spinal Cord function
Reflex Arc Spinal cord fx, pathways for impulses (reflexes) that do not go through brain.
Heart rate, blood pressure, sneezing, knee jerk e.g. of Reflex Arc
reflexes/impulses that go through the spinal cord Reflex Arc
Reflex Arc Components Receptor, sensory neurons, interneurons, motor neurons, effectors
Receptor An RA component that recieves stimulus
e.g. of receptor, an RA component Meissner's
Sensory Neurons An RA component where the PNS neuron that delivers stimulus to interneuron in CNS.
Interneurons (association) An RA component where CNS neurons that form reflex centers that relay stimuli.
This is not always present Interneuron (RA component)
Knee jerk e.g. interneurons (association)
Motor Neurons An RA component that passes stimulus to effectors
Nerve tracts Component of spinal cord
Composed of axons with a common origin & terminus & cross over in cord or brain stem therefore right brain receives from left body. nerve tracts
Right brain receives from left body via? Tracts that are composed of axons with a common origin and terminus & cross over in cord or brain stem.
How do nerve tracts work? Through ascending and descending impulses.
Ascending nerve tract Carry sensory (afferent) impulse up to brain.
Each have 6 tracts Ascending & descending nerve tracts
Descending tracts Carry motor (efferent) impulse down to neurons. (Away from brain)
Damage to a tract anywhere along its length will affect what? Its function. (e.g. coricospinal tract and skeletal muscles)
What happens if there is damage to the descending tract? Loss of motor function inferior to damaged area.
What happens if there is damage to the ascending tract? Loss of sensation inferior to damaged area.
Afferent Ascending tracts
Efferent Descending tracts
Think Christopher Reeve damage to C1 & C2 Damaged this tracts to c1 & c2....everything below didn't work.
Experimental repair of spinal tracts protein blockers, PNS neuron transplant, Neural stem cell
Protein blockers An experimental repair of spinal tracts:Blocks the CNS protein that prevents axon regeneration.
PNS neuron transplant An experimental repair of spinal tracts: PNS neuron and growth factor
Neural stem cell An experimental repair of spinal tracts: Brain stem cells induces to form patches.
Created by: Wends1984
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