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150 Final

Chronic Final

Normal BP <120/<80
Prehypertension BP 120-139/80-89
HTN, stage 1 140-159/90-99
HTN, stage 2 >160/>100
Primary HTN No specific etiology, 90-95%
Primary HTN-r/t age, gender, family hx, ethnicity, sedentary lifestyle, socioeconomic status, stress, obesity, alcohol, smoking, diabetes, elevated lipid levels, high sodium diet
Secondary HTN specific cause identified & corrected, 5-10%
Secondary HTN-r/t renovascular, Cushing’s disease, oral contraceptives, primary aldosteronism, renin secreting tumors, pheochromocytoma
Most common causes of secondary HTN renal parenchymal & renovascular disease
HTN-Clinical manifestations h/a, epistaxis, dizziness, weight changes, DOE, diaphoresis, palpitations, visual disturbances
Target Organ disease-organ most impacted by high BP heart
HTN-Lifestyle modifications weight reduction, moderate ETOH intake, regular physical activity, decrease Na intake, adequate potassium/calcium/magnesium intake, stop smoking
DASH ^fruits & veggies (10-11 servings), decreased fats (26%,<10%saturated), low fat dairy products, <3,000mg NaCl/day
HTN-Meds diuretics, adrenergic inhibitors, vasodilators, ACE inhibitors, ARBs, CCBs
Furosemide/Lasix(loop diuretic) give undiluted, 20mg/min, use w/in 24h
Hydrochlorothiazide/HCTZ-SE hyperglycemia, hyperuricemia, hypokalemia, ortho hypotension, dry mouth, thirst, n/v, blurred vision, photosensitivity
Metoprolol/Lopressor (adrenergic inhibitor)action beta-adrenergic blockers, decrease HR/CO, decrease renin release from kidney
Adrenergic Inhibitors Alpha 1 receptor blockers, dilate blood vessels, 1st dose phenomenon, NA and fluid retention w/ ^ doses
1st Dose Phenomenon 1st dose or dose^ leads to Hypotension
“Prils” action vasodialate, decrease aldosterone, ACE in the lining of blood vessels, ACE block enzyme that converts A-I to A-II
ACE-SE angioedema (life-threatening-tongue swelling), hypotension(1st dose effect), hyperkalemia(monitor potassium), cough
LV Failure-S&S lungs; fatigue, SOB, dyspnea, DOE, orthopnea, paroxysmal nocturnal dyspnea, cough, crackles, edema, weight gain
RV Failure-S&S secondary to LV failure; venous congestion, edema, dependent edema, pitting edema, sacral edema, peri-orbital edema, ascites, anasarca, distended neck veins, hepatomegaly, nocturia, weight gain
HF-Diagnosis CXR, Echocardiogram-EF<50%, BNP-^w/ cardio issues>100
Systemic Lupus Erythematous diffuse connective tissue disorder, autoimmune, secondary to genetics, hormonal, environmental, chemical or med induced
SLE-S&Sx fever, fatigue, weight loss, arthritis, pleurisy, pericarditis, skin rashes, all body systems may become infected
SLE-Manifestations characteristic skin changes, butterfly rash, malar rash, red/purple/scaly, inflamed appearance
SLE-Pharmacology Corticosteroids-mainstay of therapy, decrease tissue inflammation, topical for dermatologic therapy, oral low dose maintenance therapy, IV high dose for exacerbation
Corticosteroids-SE glaucoma/cataracts, fluid retention, ^BP, mood swings, weight gain, hyperglycemia, ^risk infections, loss of calcium, cushingoid features
Magnesium 1.3-2.3mg/dL, ^in CKD, mag & potassium go together-change mag to change potassium
PVD-Causes pump failure, obstructed vessels, aging process, obstructed lymphatic vessels
PVD-Assessment 6 Ps-pain, pallor, pulselessness, paresthesia, polar, paralysis
PVD-Arterial Characteristics Paresthesia, dependent cyanosis, gangrene of toes/feet, decreased peripheral pulses, thick/brittle nails, pallor on leg elevation, instructed to walk 30min/day to the point of pain
Assessing ABI Ankle BP/Brachial BP, WNL: 1.0
PVD-Medications Anticoagulants-Heparin, Lovenox, Antiplatelets-asprin, enteric-coated asprin-325mg/162mg/81mg, Plavix
Diabetes-Risk Factors type 2 sedentary lifestyle, HTN/CAD, Elevated lipids, GDM, Newborn wt>9lbs
Sick Day Rules insulin as usual, BG more often, ^fluids, rest, contact HCP for persistent S&S/BG >250
Diabetes-Exercise decreases need for insulin, if BS is low exercise makes it lower, eat before exercise & have snack handy
Hypoglycemia-S&Sx shaky, sweaty, hungry, headache, dizziness, pale, mood change, confusion, nightmares, BG45-60mg/dL
Diabetes HbA1c >6.5%
Hypoglycemia-Tx oj, milk, pb (hot & dry, sugar’s high-cold & clammy, needs some candy)
DKA S&S dehydration, excessive urine, thirst, acetone breath, vomiting, abd pain, Kussmaul's respirations, BG>300mg/dL, pH <7.35, HCO3 low
DKA Therapy insulin, rehydrate, electrolyte replacement, potassium
HHNK S&S similar to DKA except, absence of ketone production, BG >600mg/dL
Buerger’s Disease autoimmune vasculitis, men, tobacco, bluish discoloration in big toe
Mitral Valve Heart Disease-Risk Factor infection?
Mitral Valve Disease-S&Sx mitral click, fatigue, anxiety, no Sx
Mitral Valve-after surgery Warfarin/Coumadin-LIFELONG
Oxygenation Assessments 6 Ps-pain, pallor, pulselessness, paresthesia, polar, paralysis
Diverticulitis-Nutrition initially clear liquid diet, high fiber/lowfat, no nuts/popcorn/seeds/etc
Lab tests for Hepatitis LFT,PT, serum bilirubin, serum protein, serum ammonia
AST/ALT 10-40
PT 12-16sec
Serum Bilirubin 0-0.9mg/dl(over 1-jaundice)
Serum Protein 6.0-8.4
Serum Ammonia 15-90
Albumin 3.5-5.5g/dl
Liver Biopsy-Nursing Responsibility check labs/consent, per/post VS, instruct pt to inhale/exhale-hold breath, needle inserted btw 6th & 7th rib, position on R-pillow to costal margin, remain in position, avoid coughing/straining
Hepatitis A fecal-oral, shellfish, mild flu-like sx
Hep A-Nursing Mgmt prevention (handwashing), sm freq meals, 2,000-3,000cal/restrict fat, do not force feed, I&O, no alcohol, vaccine
Hep C IV drug use/needlesticks, most common chronic blood-borne infection, blood trans & sexual contact, most common reason for liver transplant, 15-160day incubation, assoc w/ HIV, 40-59yrs/africian americans, often no signs/sx
CKD-Potassium Assessments ^in CKD, norm is 3.5-5mEq/L
CKD-Hemodialysis Labs GFR, BUN, Creatinine, 24h Urine for CrCl, Albumin, Hgb&Hct, K, Na, Ca, Mg, P,TSAT
GFR 120mL
BUN 10-20mg/dL
Creatinine 0.7-1.4mg/dL
Creatinine Clearance 75-125mL/min
Hemoglobin 12-18gm/dL
Hematocrit 35%-52%
Albumin 3.5-5.5g/dL
Potassium(K) 3.5-5mEq/L
Sodium(Na) 135-145mEq/L
Calcium(Ca) 8.6-10.2mg/dL
Magnesium(Mg) 1.3-2.3mg/dL
Phosphorus(P) 2.5-4.5mg/dL
TSAT >20% is target for CKD
Parkinson’s-S&Sx gradual onset, dysphagia, drooling, risk of aspiration and choking, tremor, rigidity, and bradykinesia, asymmetric onset, resting tremor, shake while walking
Addison’s Crisis-Priority Nursing Diagnosis Shock, fluid vol deficit/dehydration
Cushing’s Assessments excessive adrenocorticol activity, pituitary tumors, ^secretion of glucocorticoids, ^sex hormones, buffalo hump, moon face, facial hair, truncal obesity, ecchymosis
MG-Medical Emergencies Myasthenic Crisis & Cholinergic Crisis, both characterized by respiratory difficultyrespiratory failure
MG-Diagnosis Tensilon test: obvious ^ increase in strength after administration is + for MG
Myasthenia Gravis autoimmune disease, S&Sx: diplopia (double vision), Ptosis(drooping eyelid), weakness ^ w/ activity-decreases w/ rest, difficulty speaking-chewing-aspiration, respiratory failure
Myasthenic Crisis due to infection, ^stress, not enough drugs on board, ^ muscle weakness & difficulty breathing,Tx: ^cholinergic agents
Cholinergic Crisis drug overdose, excess stimulation of PNS, abdominal cramps, diarrhea, excessive oral secretions, difficulty breathing, muscle weakness
Cholinergic Crisis Implications/Tx monitor heart rate, stop cholinergic agents, give anticholinergic-atropine, mechanical ventilation
HIV-Infection Control for Nurses Handwashing!, No recapping, touching sharps box, leaving things on bedside
HIV-CD4#s-Normal 300-2000/cubic mm blood
Concern w/ CD4# <200 & opportunistic inf
HIV-EIA enzyme immunoassay detects presence of antibodies that indicate HIV inf
HIV-High Risk Groups Men w/ men, Injection drug users, ^heterosexual, ^women of childbearing age, ^African americans, ^Hispanic
HIV-Transmission Edu Primarily sexual contact, sharing needles/syringes/inj equip, mother to child, HCW needlesticks
HIV-Opportunistic Inf pneumonia, bacterial, fungal candida, fungal, viral, protozoal, malignancies
Stroke/CVA-Priority Nursing aspiration prec; no straws, HOB^, consistency of thickening, food on unaffected side
Stroke/CVA-Risk Factors TIA, african american, atrial fib
COPD-ABGs Respiratory Acidosis
pH 7.25-7.35
CO2 35-45
HCO3 22-28
PO2 80-100
SaO2 95-100
Gout-Nutrition Guidelines No Purine-turkey, pork roast, wine, shellfish, sardines, organ meats
Angina-nursing mngmt maintain bedrest(Fowler’s), O2 as ordered, monitor for pain
Angina-pt teaching rest if pain, avoid sudden exertion, exposure to cold, tobacco, limit OTC meds that ^heart rate/BP(“drines”,caffeine), low-fat/high fiber diet
Rheumatoid Arthritis-S&Sx joint swelling, tenderness, erythema, warmth, decreased mobility, deformity
Theophylline Levels check for toxicity, 5-20mcg/mL is therapeutic, >20 is toxic, may see CNS/cardiac effects w/ toxicity
Rationale for use of Anti-gout Meds for CHF & Renal Insufficiency NSAIDS should not be given b/c they decrease renal perfusion, Corticosteroids manages HTN & proteinuria
MS-S &Sx depends on amount of demyelination, fatigue, weakness, loss of balance, muscle spasticity, visual disturbances, depression
MS-Temperature heat slows nerve conduction, aggravates sx-cool/cold ^ nerve conduction, improves sx
RA-Methotrexate antineoplastic agent, ulcerative stomatitis, leukopenia, thrombocytopenia, h/a,
MS-Pharmacology corticosteroids for acute exacerbations, interferon/Avonex, Baclofen/Lioresal for ROM
Parkinson’s-Pharmacologic therapy Dopaminergic drugs-^levels of dopamine in a variety of ways
Parkinson’s-Levodopa/Larodopa Most effective agent for tx of Parkinson’s, precursor to dopamine, ½ life 180 min, less effective over time/more pronounced side effects, SE: dyskinesias/motor fluctuations
Parkinson’s-Carbidopa/Lodosyn Inhibits enzyme AADC, more levodopa reaches brain
Parkinson’s-Levadopa/Carbidopa(Sinemet) Hallmark of therapy, controlled release, give w/ food but no high protein meals, store in tight/light resistant containers
Parkinson’s-Anticholinergic therapy-Benzotropine/Cogentin rare, not w/ elderly, controls tremor & rigidity of Parkinson’s, SE: can’t see, can’t pee, can’t spit, can’t shit
Parkinson’s-Dopaminergic Agonists-Ropinirole/Requip mimic dopamine, restless leg, often used w/ younger pts
Parkinson’s-MAO-B Inhibitors-Rasagiline/Azilect ^ dopamine in brain, inhibit metabolism of dopamine by MAO-B, food/drug interactions-Tyramine(aged cheese, meat, chocolate)-Hypertensive Crisis!
RA-Adalimumab/Humira DMARD-injectable pen: stop change of joints, risk for infection, risk for other immunocompromised probs
ALS-Mobility Loss Hazards of immobility: bed sores/skin integ, wasting, contractures, osteoporosis, respire/pneumonia, risk for aspiration, DVT
Ulcerative Colitis-S&Sx exacerbations/remissions, diarrhea, LLQ abd pain, tenesmus, rectal bleeding, anemia, cramping, malnutrition, arthritis, skin lesions, ocular disorders, oral lesions/ulcers
Crohn’s Disease-Labs to Monitor occult stool, steatorrhea, CBC-anemia/leukocytosis, sed rate ^
Crohn’s-IV Med Flagyl-candida, nausea-drug interactions: ^blood thinning effects of Coumadin
Nicotine-Adverse Effects ^HR, ^BP, coronary artery constrict, ^risk of CAD/sudden cardiac death, ^catecholamines
Created by: neffielewis
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