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Gender Glossary

Nursing - Introductory Sociology- Week3-2

biological determinism explanations that attribute complex social phenomena to physical characteristics
comparable worth the principle of paying women and men equivalent wages for jobs involving similar levels of skill
al labor market theory the idea that women and men have different earnings because they tend to work in different segments of the labor market
feminism a way of thinking and acting that advocates a more just society for women
feminist theory analyses of women and men in society intended to improve women's lives
gender socially learned expectations and behaviors associated with members of each sex
gender apartheid the extreme segregation and exclusion of women from public life
gender identity one's definition of self as a woman or man
gender segregation the distribution of men and women in different jobs in the labor force
gender socialization the process by which men and women learn the expectations associated with their sex
gender stratification the hierarchical distribution of social and economic resources according to gender
gendered institution the idea that whole institutions are patterned by gender
hermaphroditism a condition produced when irregularities in chromosome formation or fetal differentiation produces persons with mixed sex characteristics
homophobia the fear and hatred of homosexuality
human capital theory a theory that explains differences in wages as the result of differences in the individual characteristics of the workers
labor force participation rate the percentage of those in a given category who are employed
liberal feminism a feminist theoretical perspective asserting that the origin of women's inequality is in traditions of the past that pose barriers to women's advancement
matriarchy a society or group in which women have power over men
multiracial feminism form of feminist theory noting the exclusion of women of color from other forms of theory and centering its analysis in the experiences of all women
patriarchy a society or group where men have power over women
radical feminism feminist theoretical perspective that interprets patriarchy as the primary cause of women's oppression
sex used to refer to biological identity as male or female
sexism an ideology that defines women as different from and inferior to men
socialist feminism a feminist theoretical perspective that interprets the origins of women's oppression as lying in the system of capitalism
Created by: 241152
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