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PharmAppendix A&C

Drug Categories:Controlled Substances and FDA Pregnancy Risk

Schedule I (C-I) high abuse potential; lack of accepted safety, not approved for medical use in the U.S.; i.e. heroin, THC, ecstasy, peyote
Schedule II (C-II) potential for high abuse with severe physical or psychological dependence; approved for med use in U.S.; i.e. opioids such as meperidine, methadone, morphine, oxycodone, amphetamines, and cocaine
Schedule III (C-III) less abuse potential than schedule II drugs; potential for moderate physical or psychological dependence; i.e. anabolic steroids, ketamine, hydrocodone/codeine compounded with an nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug
Schedule IV (C-IV) less abuse potential than schedule III drugs; limited dependence potential; i.e. some sedatives and anxiety agents, non-opioid analgesics, "diet drugs"
Schedule V (C-V) limited abuse potential; i.e. small amounts of opioid (codeine) used as antitussives or antidiarrheals, pregabalin (Lyrica)
Pregnancy Category A adequate, well-controlled studies in pregnant women have not shown an increased risk of fetal abnormalities to the fetus in any trimester of pregnancy
Pregnancy Category B animal studies revealed no adverse effects but no studies in women; or animal studies have shown adverse effects but studies in women do not have adverse effects
Pregnancy Category C animal studies have shown adverse effects but no adequate or well-controlled studies in women; or no animal studies have been conducted and no good studies in women
Pregnancy Category D studies in women show risk but potential benefits may outweigh the risk to the fetus
Pregnancy Category X both animal studies and studies in women have shown risks; product is contraindicated for women planning to become pregnant or who are pregnant
Aloe Vera uses inhibit infection and promote healing of minor burns and wounds; as a laxative
black cohosh (black snakeroot, squawroot)/Cimicifuga racemosa uses for management of some symptoms of menopause and as an alternative to hormone replacement therapy; may be beneficial for hypercholesterolemia or peripheral vascular disease
Capsicum (hot peppers)/Capsicum frutescens uses for neuralgic pain relief, bladder pain and hyperreflexia; as an antipruritic for psoriasis
Chamomile/ Matricaria chamomilla uses drunk as an infusion for GI disturbances; as a sedative and as an anti-inflammatory agent
Cranberry/Vaccinium macrocarpon uses to prevent UTI by acidifying the urine; lower pH also reduces the ammonia odor of urinary incontinence
Garlic/Allium sativum uses to lower blood glucose cholesterol, and lipid levels; as topical antifungal
Ginger (ginger root, black ginger)/Zingiber officinale uses as antiemetic, cardiotonic, antithrombotic, antibacterial, antioxidant, antitussive, anti-inflammatory, prophylaxis for nausea and vomiting; for GI disturbances, colic; to lower cholesterol
Green tea/Camellia sinensis uses to reduce cancer risk, lower lipid levels, help prevent dental caries; for antimicrobial and antioxidative effects
melatonin uses for insomnia; topically to protect against ultraviolet light
St. John's wort (Klamath weed, goatweed, rosin rose)/Hypericum perforatum uses as an antidepressant or antiviral
Tea tree oil/Melalueca alternifolia uses as topical antimicrobial, antifungal
Created by: laotracuata
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