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Unit 9 .

Elderly Care

What percentage of elderly individuals is cared for in long-term care facilities 5 percent
Dark yellow or brown spots on the skin are called senile lentigines
A condition in which calcium and other minerals are lost from the bones, causing the bones to become brittle and more likely to fracture, is osteoporosis
Physical changes of aging in the circulatory system? Heart muscles become less efficient at pushing blood into the arteries, blood flow to the brain decreases and Blood pressure may increase. Blood pressure may increase.
A condition that occurs when the intraocular pressure of the eye increases and interferes with vision is glaucoma
The correct term for difficult swallowing is dysphagia
The inability to control urination is incontinence
A physical or mental defect or handicap that interferes with normal functions is a/an _ disability
Cause of temporary confusion or disorientation? stress or depression, kidney disease, medications
A form of dementia that causes progressive changes in brain cells is Alzheimer’s disease
Keeping the individual oriented to day/night cycles, repeating instructions and allow time for the individual to respond, and talking about familiar things or current events Examples of reality orientation
A specially trained individual who works with the elderly and their families, health care providers, and other concerned individuals to improve the quality of care for the elderly is a/an ombudsman
It can be difficult to prove Abuse
The proper term for a blood clot is thrombus
keep hearing aid in good working condition, talk slowly and clearly, avoid yelling or speaking excessively loud, face individuals while talking to them, eliminate background noises ways to improve communication when a person has a hearing impairment.
regular trips to the bathroom, wearing easy-to-remove clothing, using absorbent pads, bladder training program Ways to help an individual who has mild urinary incontinence.
talking incoherently, not knowing own name, not recognizing others, wandering aimlessly, lacking awareness of time or place, displaying hostile and combative behavior, hallucinating, regressing in behavior, paying less attention to personal hygiene, unabl signs of confusion or disorientation
walls of blood vessels become thick and lose their elasticity arteriosclerosis
blood vessels become narrow due to deposits of fat and minerals atherosclerosis
What is the name for activities that help promote awareness of person, time, and place? reality orientation
Many individuals are active, productive, and self-sufficient into their eighties and even nineties. T/F True
Elderly people experience a gradual loss in height when bones in the vertebral column press closer together.
Elderly individuals should be encouraged to exercise as much as their physical condition permits
Elderly people are more susceptible to colds and pneumonia because they have difficulty coughing up secretions from the lungs.
The senses of taste, smell, vision, and hearing diminish as an individual ages
Long-term care facilities must allow married couples to live together in the same room.
Changes in living environments create psychosocial changes in elderly individuals.
All care provided to elderly individuals should allow as much independence as possible.
Disease can cause permanent disabilities.
Each time a transient ischemic attack occurs, more damage to brain cells results.
Poor nutrition, a lack of fluids, and alcohol intake can lead to confusion or disorientation.
Independent living or assisted living facilities usually provide assistance with meals, transportation, housekeeping, social activities, and medical care.
Elderly individuals have the same physical and psychological needs as people of any age.
Gerontology is the scientific study of aging and the problems of people who are old.
Individuals with Alzheimer’s lack a neurotransmitter, or chemical that allows messages to pass between nerve cells in the brain.
Created by: Health Science
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