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Chemotherapy Drugs and Common Reactions

These antineoplastic drugs interfere with DNA and prevent nucleic acid from completing cell division Alkylating agents (Cytoxan)
This is the most widely used class of antineoplastics Alkylating agents (Cytoxan)
This is an adverse rxn specific to Alkylating agents such as Cytoxan Hemmorhagic cystitis
This is given to inactivate urotoxic metabolites in the bladder MESNA
These antineoplastic drugs cause cell death or slowed growth Antimetabolites (methotrexate)
This antimetabolite blocks the synthesis of folic acid Methotrexate
These two drugs are used for diagnoses other than Cancer Cytoxan and Methotrexate
Pts taking this antineoplastic drug should increase fluid intake and hydrate well to prevent renal side effects such as HC Cytoxan
Pneumotitis and fibrosis are common adverse rxns to this antineoplastic drug Methotrexate
This side effect of methotrexate includes renal cellular death Acute Tubular Necrosis
ATN in use with methotrexat should be treated with IVF containing sodium bicarb to alkalinize urine
BM toxicity, oral and GI ulceration, and bowel perforation are common adverse rxns with this dose limiting drug methotrexate
Substances from bacteria that can kill cancer cells Antitumor Antibiotics
This IV drug often appears red doxorubicin (Adriamycin)
This form of administration involves small lipid sacs that open and release when they reach the cancer cells Liposomal administration
Liposomal administration is specifically used for which antineoplastic drug? doxorubicin (Adriamycin)
Cardiotoxicity and Angioedema are side effects specific to this antineoplastic drug doxorubicin (Adriamycin)
This category of antineoplastic drugs affect cell division Natural products
This drug is specific to the M-phase and administered IV Vincristine (Oncovin)
Nervous system toxicity is specific to this dose limiting drug Vincristine (Oncovin)
Numbness, tingliign, muscular weakness, and loss of reflexes are associatedd with side effects of this system Nervous system (Neuropathy)
Severe constipation is specific to this antineoplastic drug Vincristine (Oncovin)
Allergic rxns are HUGE with this antineoplastic drug Vincristine (Oncovin)
An added benefit on this antineoplastic category is that they are BM sparing Natural products
These slow the growth of hormon-dependent TUMORS by blocking substances essential for growth Hormone/Hormone antagonists
Gynecomastia and Hirsutism are adverse rxns of which type of hormone therapy Sex hormone therapy
These block estrogen receptors on breast cancer cells, but have estrogen effects on non-breast cells as well. SERMs Tamoxifen (Nolvadex)
Added benefits of this drug include improved bone density and improved lipid profiles Tamoxifen (Nolvadex) SERM
Drug of choice for metastatic breast cancer Tamoxifen (Nolvadex) SERM
Given prophylactically to decrease breast cancer risk Tamoxifen (Nolvadex) SERM
This should be given with food or milk to decrease GI stress Tamoxifen (Nolvadex) SERM
Potentially fatal effects of this drug include DVTs and endometrial cancer Tamoxifen (Nolvadex) SERM
These stimulate the body's immune system to fight against tumor cells BRMs
These attack only one specific type of tumor cell. These cells MUST posses theh specific protein receptor Monoclonal antibodies
This monoclonal antibody is used against breast cancer Herceptin
These are used in transplant pts to reduce immune response Monoclonal antibodies
These are used in autoimmune diseases (RA, lupus) and asthma to suppress the immune system Monoclonal antibodies
Used in lymphoma, HER2 receptor positive cancers (Breast), HER1, and Leukemia Monoclona antibodies
Increases killing potential of chemo Monoclonal antibodies
Inhibit angiogenesis Monoclonal antibodies
Because cells can repair in this stage, drugs are not as effective G0 phase
An example of a high growth fraction cancer lymphoma
Example of a low growth fraction cancer Solid tumors as in breasts or lung cancer
Course of chemotherapy includes (think frequency in wks) Every 3 weeks with 6-12 treatments at a time
This antineoplastic drug is HIGHLY does specific Doxorubicin (Adriamycin)
What color are chemo bags? Yellow
PPE employed in preparation and administration of Chemo Special gloves, gown, and mask
How long should excretia precautions be employed 48 hours
Excretia precautions include... Wear gloves for all body fluids, double flush toilet, No body fluids in trash!!!
Onset of emetogenic effects with chemo drugs 1-2 days (Premedicate)
What is the low point of BM suppression referred to? Nadir
Anemia, thrombocytopenia, and neutropenia are all effects of Bone marrow suppresion
This effect of chemo can result in high risk for infections Neutropenia
Absolute Neutrophil Count <500 Neutropenia
This drug stimulates neutrophil production by BM Filgrastim (Neupogen)
This drug should not be given within 24 hrs of chemo Filgrastim (Neupogen)
Bone pain is a common side effect of this drug and contraindicated in peopel with bone cancer. Filgrastim (Neupogen)
Chlorohexadine gluconate (Peridex) are used to treat which side effect of chemo Mucositis
Half/half saline peroxide mixture Mucositis
This effect of chemo is alleviated by the swish and spit regimen Mucositis
Viscous Lidocain is used with which side effect of chemo Musocitis
This drug is used to "rescue normal cells" Folinic Acid
Created by: Blitzkid22
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