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Nursing Proc.

Test II, N101

Always moving, in a state of flux Dynamic and cyclic
All about the Pt. and their needs Client centered
What does this pt. need? Planned & outcome oriented
Plans need to be able to be revised Flexible
Process must be able to be used with the healthy and the sick Universally Adaptable
Can change goals, re-evaluate plan Patient Status Oriented
Always thinking critically Cognitive Process
Nursing Diagnosis NANDA
NANDA Nursing Diagnosis
North American Nursing Diagnosis Association NANDA
Nursing Interventions Classifications NIC
NIC Nursing Interventions Classifications
What YOU as a nurse will do (treatment) Intervention
NOC is the patient Outcome
Nursing-Sensitive Outcomes Classification NOC
NOC Nursing-Sensitive Outcomes Classification
Five Steps of Nursing Process (ADPIE) Assessing, Diagnosing, Planning, Implementing & Evaluating
Assessing, Diagnosing, Planning, Implementing & Evaluating Five Steps of Nursing Process (ADPIE)
Patient Data, what are their needs? Assessing
Medical Diagnosis: Pt. has HIV Nursing Diagnosis? Risk for Infection
Actual or Potential problems related to Medical Diagnosis Nursing Diagnosis
Pt. is sick with suicidal thoughts. Nursing Diagnosis? Risk for suicide
analyzing patient data to identify patient strengths and problems (NANDA) Diagnosing
PO (not referring to by mouth) Plan Outcome
PI Plan Intervention
Desired outcome & intervention specific for pt. Planning
Put the Planning into Motion Implementing
How well is the plan working? Did Pt. reach their outcome/goals? Evaluating
Sequence Systematic
Interaction & overlapping of the 5 steps Dynamic
Heart, for humans Interpersonal
Nurse & Pt. Team Outcome
Framework for all nursing activities Universally applicable
Four Blended Skills of Nursing Cognitive, Technical, Interpersonal & Ethical
What is necessary to achieve goals? Cognitive
Manipulate equipment to produce desired outcome Technical
Establish trust w/Pt Interpersonal
Moral and Professional Ethical
WHY are you using the plan you are using? Scientific Rationale
Created by: lost little girl
Popular Nursing sets




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