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Health Assessment2

My health assessment quiz terms

Agnosia loss of ability to recognize importance of sensory impressions
Agraphia loss of ability to express thoughts in writing
Amnesia loss in memory
Analgesia loss of pain sensation
Aphasia loss of ability to preform movements
Ataxia inability to preform coordinated movements
Athetosis Bizarre, slow, twisting, wreathing movements.
Chorea Sudden Rapid Jerky movements
Clonus rapidly alternating involuntary contraction and relaxation
coma State of profound unconsciousness
Decerebrate Rigidity Arms stiffly extended, adducted, internaly rotated
Decorticate rigidity arms adducted and flexed
Dysarthria Imperfect articulation of speech
Dysphasia Impaired speech
Extinction disappearance of conditioned response
Fasciculation loss of muscle tone
Graphesthesia ability to "read" a number by having it traced on the skin
Hemiplegia loss of motor power on one side of the body
Lower motor neuron Motor neuron in the peripheral nervous system
Myoclonus rapid sudden jerk in the muscle
Nuchal ridigity stiffness in cervical neck area
Nystagmus back and fourth oscillation of the eyes
Opisthotonos prolonged arching of back
Paralysis decreased or loss of motor function due to problem
Paraplegia impared body function in the lower half of the body
Paresthesia abnormal sensation
Point localization ability to discriminate exactly where on the body was touched
Proprioception sensory information concerning body movements
Spasticity continuous resistance to stretching by a muscle due to abnormally increased tension
Stereognosis ability to recognize objects by feeling their forms, size, weight
Tic repetitive twitching of a muscle group at the wrong time
Treamor involuntary contraction of opposing muscle groups resulting in rhythmic movements
Two point discrimination Ability to distinguish between the separation of 2 pinpricks on the skin
Upper motor neuron Nerve located entirely within the central nervous system
Created by: 100001394013825
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