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OLOL Psych Exam 2

N140 OLOL Psych ~ Crisis Intervention

When does a crisis occur? when a perosn experiences a traumatic or overwhelming event.
A crisis often occurs when a person has ___, ___, or ___. a misperception of the stressor,has poor coping skills, or an ineffective/unavailable support system.
What is the goal of a crisis? to assist the person to resolve the immediate problem&regain emotional equilibrium.
Anxiety is the key feature of a crisis.
The person's failed attempts to cope heighten ___. anxiety.
The outcome of a crisis is either ___ or ____. -decompensation to a lower level of functioning; -adaptation&return to a previous level of functioning.
List the 3 types of crises. Maturational/Developmental; Situational; Adventitous
Maturational/Developmental Crisis Precipitated by the normal stress of development.
Situational Crisis Precipitated by a sudden traumatic event. It largely affects the person's identity & roles.
Adventitious Crisis Precipitated by an unexpected event. It occurs outside the person.
List ways to prepare for a crisis. prepare for maturational changes; have a balanced way of life(diet, exercise, fun); meditation, prayer, massage, etc.
What is the role of the intervener? to be empathetic; to clarify messages; respect personal space; remain calm; ignore challenging questions or statements; use non-threatening, non-verbal cues.
The intervener is an active participant, but does not take over the ____, unless what? problem-solving; unless the patient is suicidal or homicidal.
The intervener helps the patient.... analyze the stressful event;express feelings w/out probing;explore ways to deal w/stress&anxiety;problem solve&identify actions&strategies;seek support;&avert possible future crises through anticipatory guidance
A crisis intervention focuses on _________, rather than on the _______. the problem or stressor that precipitated the crisis, rather than on the personality traits.
Phase 1 of crisis theory development It is marked by increased anxiety in response to trauma.A person tries to use familiar coping mechanisms to resolve the feeling of increased anxiety.If coping mechanisms are effective,there is no crisis;if not effective,the person enters the next phase.
Phase 2 of crisis theory development It is marked by further increased anxiety from the failure of usual coping mechanisms.
Phase 3 of crisis theory development Anxiety continues to escalate.The person usually feels compelled to reach out for assistance.A person who is emotionally isolated before a traumatic event usually will experience a crisis.
Phase 4 of crisis theory development The active state of crisis.The person's inner resources&support systems are inadequate.The precipitating event is not resolved,&stress &anxiety mount intolerably.
The person in active state of crisis demonstrates what? a short attention span, ruminates, & looks inward for possible reasons for the trauma&how he or she might have changed or avoided it.
In Phase 4 of the crisis theory, behavior becomes increasingly ___ & ___. impulsive & unproductive
List common examples in various developmental stages of Maturational Crises. Mastering control of body functions; starting school; experiencing puberty; leaving home; getting married; becoming a parent; losing physical youthfulness; & entering retirement.
Exciting or happy events can increase anxiety or stress and could precipitate a ____. Maturational Crisis.
Situational Crisis Loss of a spouse or job; academic failure; birth of a child with a disability; or diagnosis with a chronic or terminal illness that affects how people perceive themselves.
Adventitious Crisis Terrorism; Natural disasters; hurricanes; fires; floods; earthquakes; riots; kidnappings; war; & bombings.
List 6 helpful strategies to develop healthier coping skills (Adaptive Coping). 1)Openly expressing feelings; 2)Recognizing that changing thoughts will change feelings; 3)Using positive self-talk; 4)Engaging in progressive relaxation; 5)Exercising; 6)Using various sleep hygiene techniques to aid relaxation & sleep.
Created by: luv*a*nurse
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