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Exam II Communicable & Infectious Disease Risk (HIV/AIDS)

What is the estimate if poeple livinf with HIV/AIDS in U.S.? 1 million
What populaion are at risk with HIV/AIDS? Men who have sex with men. Injection drug users. Ethnic minorities. Young . Women.
The primary infections of HIV Is within about 1 month of contracting the virus.
Clincial latency means what? When the body shows no symptoms.
Transmission is through what? Oral or anal Sex, coming in cantact with bodily fuild of infected person and from blood.
What is the final stage of symptomatic disease? Full blown AIDS
HIV Test Counseling? Assess risk. Discuss risk behaviors and how to avoid engaging in them. Develop with the client a risk-reduction plan. Establish the follow-up appointment and posttest counseling.
Posttest Counseling: What do you tell those who showed a negative result? Counsel on risk-reduction activities; make sure client understands test may not be truly negative (6-12 weeks before evidence of HIV antibody).
Posttest Counseling: What do you tell those who showed a positive result? Counsel about the need for reducing his or her risks and notifying past partners
Epidemiology and Surveillance of HIV/AIDS indicates what about newly infected persons? Decline in number
What is shown about the prevalence of AIDS Increasing
What is the primary transmission mode in women? Heterosexual
HIV in older adults? Increasing
Perinatal cases od HIV? Decreasing
Who is affected most my AIDS? Minorities.
At the end of 2004, how many adulescents were living with AIDS? 459,078 adults and adulescents
Of the 459,078 adults and adulescents, what is the percentage for males? 73%
Of the 459,078 adults and adulescents, what is the percentage for females 27%
Areas with the highest prevalence rates in 2004 were? The US Virgin Islands, New York, Florida, New Jersey, Louisiana, and South Carolina.
How do we Caring for AIDS Patients in the Community? Identifying resources such as social and financial support services. Interpreting school and work policies.
What else can nurses to cre for AIDS patienes in the community? Assisting employers by educating managers about how to deal with ill or infected workers to reduce the risk of breaching confidentiality or wrongful actions such as termination.
What is the STD Scope of the Problem? > 12 million Americans infected every year.
What other STD scope of problem are we seeing? Emergence of new STDs. Subpopulation variability. Geographic variability.
What is the HP 2020 goal for HIV Pts? Prevent human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infection and its related illness and death.
What is the HP 2020 goal for STD Pts? Promote responsible sexual behaviors, strengthen community capacity, and increase access to quality services to prevent STDs and their complications.
Name some Common STDs? Gonorrhea. Syphilis. Chlamydia. Hepatitis B. Genital herpes. HPV. & Herpes Simplex.
How can nurses treat bacterial STDs? Usually treatable with antibiotic
What are the emerging problem with bacterial STDs? Antibiotic-resistant strains of gonorrhea are emerging
Give some example of Antibiotic-resistant strains of gonorrhea? Gonorrhea, syphilis, Chlamydia.
What are some factors associated with the risk of STDs? Younger than 25 years. Member of minority group. Residing in an urban setting. Being impoverished. Using crack cocaine.
What other Factors are Contributing to the Problem of STDs? Periods when Pt sod not know the have STD hence they unknowingly transmit it to others. poverty, lack of access to healthcare, sexuallity, secrecy, substance abuse.
Identify the following as either bacterial or viral STDs: Gonorrhea? Bacterial.
Identify the following as either bacterial or viral STDs: Syphilis? Bacterial.
Identify the following as either bacterial or viral STDs: Chlamydia? Bacterial.
Identify the following as either bacterial or viral STDs: Hepatitis B Viral.
Identify the following as either bacterial or viral STDs: Genital herpes? Viral.
Identify the following as either bacterial or viral STDs: HPV? Viral.
Identify the following as either bacterial or viral STDs: Herpes Simplex? Viral.
Wha are the S/S of gonorrhea in males? Purulent & corpious urethral dischard, dysuria, or asymptomatic.
What are the S/S of gonorrhea in females? None; they are asymptomatic.
Other types of gonorrhea are? Gonococcal cervicitis (Of the Cervix). & Gonococcal ophthalmia (of the eyes).
What causes syphillis? Spirochete Treponema pallidum.
Syphillis incedence is? Declining
Clinical manifestation of syphillis are divied into what? Divided into early and late stages. Latency, a period when there are no clinical signs of infection, may occur during the early and late stages, but the client has historical or serological evidence of infection.
Clinical manifestation of syphillis: late stage? May be asymptomatic, ulcerating gumma, Congenital syphilis – mucous patches
What is known about pts with Chlamydia? Pts often don’t know they have it since the disease often has no symptoms.
Cases of chlamydia is reported to the CDC from where? 50 states of the U. S. and the District of Columbia.
Chlamydia can have what impact on women if left untreated? Impact on woman’s ability to have children
How hard is the treament of chlamydia? Easy to cure
What is the national results on Herpes? Show that genital herpes infection is common in the United States.
What treatment for herpes? No cure or treament - viral
S/S of Herpes? Painful lessions
How many types of HPV do we have that infect genital areas of males and females? 40 HPV
Which other area can HPV affect? Mouth and throat.
Gaurdicell for girls of what age? 9 - 26 yo
Gaurdicell protects how many types of HPVs? 4 types
Chlamydia rate in the U.S is? Rising
Gonorrhea rate in the U.S is? Declinig
Primary and secondary syphilis — Rates Declining
Hepatitis A Virus is often transmitted via what? Fecal-oral route
What other sourses of Hep. A? Water, food, sexual contact
Hep.A is often silent in whom? Children
Hepatitis B Virus is spread via? Blood and body fluids
How long can Hepatitis B Virus survive in room temperature At least 1 week
S/S of Hepatitis A Virus? Jaundice, dark colored urine, fever, nausea, tiredness, loss of appettite, vomitting.
Hepatitis A Virus incubation period is? 1 - 2 weeks
Any vaccine availble for Hepatitis A Virus? Yes, since 1995.
Prevention of Hepatitis A Virus? Vaccine, hygiene, appropriate sanitation.
How infecious is Hepatitis B Virus? 100 times more infectious than HIV
Vaccine avaible for Hepatitis B Virus? Yes
Prevention of Hepatitis B Virus? Vaccination, immunization, prevention of nosocomial infection, avoid sexuall contacts with infected person and avoid injection drug users.
Hepatitis C Virus is spread via? Blood or body fluids.
Hepatitis C Virus is the most common what in the U.S.? Chronic blood-borne infection .
Hepatitis C Virus is the leading cause of what? Chronic liver disease, end-stage liver disease, liver cancer, and liver transplants in the U.S.
Hepatitis C Virus prevention? Screen blood and blood products.
Created by: nze
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