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voidin dysfunk

voidin dysfunk, AP, Patho, s/s, dx, tx, interventions

Trigone of Bladder rectangular area that is created fro litgaments that suspend and anchor thebladder within the pelvic and pubic bones. this area forms the floor of the bladder
Transitional epithelium: a continuous layer of cells that line the renal pelvis and the ureteres and is continuous wih the urinary bladder, this type of tissue can tolerate a considerable amount of stretching.
Bladder wall, contains layers of smooth and involuntary muscle. contraction of these muscles compressed the urinary bladder and epels it contents through the urethrya
urethra extends from theurinary bladder to the exterior, males about 18 to 20 cm, females:2.5-3.0
Internal sphincter, provides involuntary control over the discharge of uring from the bladder and located at the bladder neck
External sphincter: a circular band of skeletal muscle that is under voluntary control and located at the end of the urethra
Upper urinary tract: composed of the kidneys, renal pelvis, and ureters.
Lower urinary tract: bladder, urethra and pelvic floor muscles.
The bladder holds 750 to 1000 ml of urine. what about urge?, awareness of urge, (a) Urge to urinate usually 250 ml of urine.(b) Awareness of the need to void comes from the stretch receptors in the wall of the bladder.Stimulating these receptors also results in the involuntary contraction of the bladder.
sphincter control, and usual residual? (e) Normally, 10cc of urine remains in the bladder after urination. er. (d) Both internal and external sphincters will become relaxed and urination occurs.
relaxation of internal and external is related how? external sphincter doesnt relax, then the internal sphincter will not relax either.(b) As the volume of urine in the bladder increases, enough pressure will be generated to force open the internal sphincter, causing the external sphincter to open.
95% of water, the remainder is what? and how much total urine is formed daily each hour? About 95% of water, the remainder is nitrogenous wastes. (b) Daily the kidneys form 1L to 2L of urine and the average hourly output is >30 cc/hr for an adult.
Dysuria: (1) Painful or difficult voiding associated with a sensation of pain or burning. (2) Seen frequently in females. is associaated with: a) Pathological conditions. (b) Lower urinary tract infections. (c) Irritation of the urinary meatus after sexual intercourse. (d) Use of bath and feminine hygiene products.
get a baseline voiding frequency, although, accepted norm of once every 3 to 6 hours)frequency results from several conditions: (a) Infection. (b) Diseases of urinary tract. (c) Metabolic disease. (d) Hypertension. (e) Medications (diuretics).
urgency results from: (a) Inflammatory lesions in bladder, prostate, or urethra. (b) Acute bacterial infections. (c) Chronic prostatitis in men.
seen in urethral irritation or bladder infections. Burning upon urination
Involuntary urination at anagewhencontinence should be present. Most children achieve bladder control by age 5.(2) Primarily a maturational problem that usually ceases between 6 and 8 years May be diurnal (while awake) or nocturnal (while sleeping). Enuresis
(a) Decreased renal concentrating ability. (b) Heart failure. (c) Diabetes mellitus. (d) Poor bladder emptying. (a) Decreased renal concentrating ability. (b) Heart failure. (c) Diabetes mellitus. (d) Poor bladder emptying.
1) Large volumes of urine voided in a given time. (2) Results from diabetes mellitus and diabetes insipidus. (3) May be patient induced from high fluid intake. g. Polyuria:
(a) Acute renal failure. (b) Shock. (c) Dehydration. (d) Fluid and electrolyte imbalance. Oliguria: (1) Urine output less than 400 ml/day
(1) Urine output less than 100 ml/day. (2) Indicates complete renal shutdown requiring immediate medical intervention. (3) Results from same conditions as listed for oliguria. . Anuria:
a) Fistula between bowel and bladder. (b) Rectosigmoid cancer. (c) Regional ileitis. (d) Sigmoid diverticulitis (most common). (e) Gas-forming urinary tract infections. Pneumaturia: (1) Passage of gas in urine during voiding. (2) Results from:
(a) Compression of urethra. (b) Outlet obstruction. (c) Neurogenic bladder. (d) UTI. Hesitancy: (1) Results from:
Subjective Assessment: changes in voiding pattern, severity duration of difficulty, past tstudies. hopsitalizations related to urniary dificulty
objective inspect abd scars, movement, pulsations, symmetry
Examin, back and note any bulging bruising, or scars
Percussion: tympanic sound produced normally, if full a dullness will be percussedover the bladder
Palpation palpate the suprapubic area. the bladder will only be palpable if there is at least moderate distention
Asseess the kidney for ttp by strikin one fist lightlh over the costovertabrral angle. If pain tendernes odduns continue for signs of electrolyte and water imbalance
Anesthetized, unconscious, retarded, or elderly clients may not receive stimuli to nerve endings as the bladder fills and urinary sphincters relax involuntarily. Anesthetized, unconscious, retarded, or elderly clients may not receive stimuli to nerve endings as the bladder fills and urinary sphincters relax involuntarily.
Created by: redhawk101
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