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Broad Spectrun-Ch 12

Mosby's Chapter 12 Antiinfective Medications

What are Broad Spectrum Antibiotics (action) Either bacteriocidal or bacteriostatic
What are broad-spectrum antibiotics used for Any organism diagnosed with a culture but NOT viral, parasitic or fungal infections
What is a secondary infection An infection that follows another
What is a mixed infection Both infections are present at the same time
What are adverse reactions of Broad spectrum antibiotics superinfections, diarrhea, oral thrush, vaginal itching, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea.
What do aminoglycosides treat gram negative infections when penicillin is contraindicated
What does bacitracin treat RESTRICTED TO USE IN SEVERE INFECTIONS Staphylococcal pneumonia, empyema in infants
What does clindamycin treat SEVERE INFECTIONS caused by strep, pneumonia, staph, or anaerobic bacteria WHEN PENICILLIN AND ERYTHROMYCIN CONTRAINDICATED
What does erythromycin treat Alternative treatment for people hypersensitive to PENICILLINS
What is Lincomycin used for SEVERE INFECTIONS strep, pneumococci, staph when penicillin and erythromycin c/i
What is polymoxin B used for All gram negative organisms EXCEPT PROTEUS. Acute infections (e-coli, H influenza, Klebsiella) RESERVED FOR RESISTANT INFECTIONS
What is Spectomycin used for Gonorrhea
what is telithromycin used for mild to moderate URI, chronic bronchitis, acute sinusitis
what are tetracyclines used to treat granuloma, rickettsial, mucoplasmal infections, spirochetal, chlamydia STD's IN PATIENTS SENSITIVE TO PENICILLINS
What is vancomycin used for Staph, osteomyelitis, pneumonia, soft tissue infections, MRSA
What are adverse reactions to aminoglycosides renal toxicity (reversible) ototoxicity
What are adverse reactions to bacitracin Renal toxicity leading to tubular and glomerular necrosis, severe pain and rash with IM injection
Cephalosporins adverse reactions Painful IM injections, thrombophlebitis, hemolytic anemia
Clindamycin adverse reactions Severe and fatal colitis, abdominal cramps, diarrhea, bloody/mucousy diarrhea
Colistin adverse reactions Renal toxicity
erythromycin adverse reactions GI distress, hearing loss, hepatotoxicity
lincomycin adverse reactions Severe and fatal colitis, hypotension, cardiac arrest WITH RAPID IV INFUSION
polymyxin B adverse reactions Nephrotoxicity, poteinuria, cellular urinary casts, azotemia, decreased output, elevated BUN
tetracycline adverse reactions black "hairy" tongue
vancomycin adverse reactions nephrotoxicity, ototoxicity
When should tetracycline be used cautiously? In those with poor liver function (can cause hepatotoxicity)
How much of a urine output should you have each day while on antibiotics? At least 1500 mLs to prevent renal toxicity
Can you drink milk with tetracycline? No
What medication is used to treat anthrax? Ciprofloxacin
Can tetracyclines be taken with food? No take 1 hour before or 2 hours after meals with a full glass of water
What should people taking tetracycline avoid? The sun
What shouldn't be taken with tetracycline? Iron preperations, antacids, milk, or dairy products
What is Amikacins Trade name? Amikin
What is amikacin used to treat? May be used to treat unidentified infections before results of sensitivity tests are known.
What are trade names of gentamicin? Garamycin, Genoptic, Gentacidin, Gentak, Ocumycin
What is Gentamicin used to treat? Used to treat unidentified infections. Do not mix with carbenicilin or other drugs
What is the trade name for neomycin Mycifradin, Neofradin, Neo-tabs
What is neomycin used for Preoperative preparation for surgery
What is the trade name of paromomycin Humatin
What is paromomycin used for Intestinal Amebiasis, Hepatic coma
What is the trade name for tobramycin Nebcin
What is tobramycin used for? May be used in combination with penicillin or cephalosporin in treatment of unidentified infections before results of sensitivity tests are known. No not premix with other drugs
What are included in the first generation cephalosporins Cefadroxil, cephalexin
What are the trade names for cefadroxil and cephalexin Duricef, Keflex
What is included in the second generation cephalosporins? Cefaclor, cefoxitin, cefpozil, cefuroxime
What are the trade names? Ceclor, Raniclor, Mefoxin, Cefzil, Ceftin, Zinacef.
What does the CDC recommend for gonorrhea and PID? cefoxtin (Mefoxin)
Created by: Peachfuzz2994
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