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Saunders PN 4th

Personal notes from Saunders PN 4th

A nurse review the cts serum calcium level & notes the level is 8.0 mg/dl. the nurse undestands that which condition would cause this serum level? 1. renal disease 2. prolonged bed rest 3. hyperparathyroidism 4. excessive ingest of VIT D 2 - prolonged bed rest * the excessive ingestion of vitamin D, renal disease and hyperthroidism are causative factors for HYPERCALCEMIA.
What is a suspected indicated hypercalcemia? 1.twiching, positive trousseaus sign, hyperactive bowel sounds and generalized musscle weakness GENERALIZED MUSCLE WEAKNESSS. the first three are signs of hypocalcemia
a nurse is caring for a client with hyperparathyroidism and notes that the clients serum calcium level is 13mg/dl. Which medication would the nurse prepare?1.calcium 2.calcium gluconate 3.Calcitonin 4VitD. Calcium serum level is 8.6 to 10.Calcium gluconate & calcium chloride R medications used 4 tetany which occurs as a result of acute hypocalcemia. CALCITONIN a thyroid hormone decreases the plasma calcium by inhibiting bone reabsorption & lowering Ca+
the nurse is caring for client with renal failure. The lab result=3.6mg/dl. What would u expect? 1.twitching 2. irritability 3. hyperactive reflexes 4. loss of deep tendon reflexes Normal mag level is 1.6 to 2.6. A ct w/ mag increase experiences loss of deep tendon reflexes! #1-3=Hypomagnesium
the nurse reviews the ct serum phosphorous level and notes that the level is 2.0mg/dl. Reason->? 1.alcoholism 2.chemotherapy 3. hypoparathyroidism 4.vitamin d intoxication #1. normal phosphorous level is 2.7 to 4.5 mg/dl. the ct in this question is experiencing malnutrition. #2-4=hyperphosphatemia
which is the least amount of phosphorous 1. fish 2. oranges 3.almonds 4. whole grain bread 2. orange
what is a positive chvostek sign indicative of? hypocalcemia other s/s tachycardia, hypotension, paresthesias, twitchings, cramps, tetany
a ct has the following lab values: a pH of 7.55, an HCO3 22 mm Hg, and a PCo2 of 30 mm Hg. What should the nurse do?1.Perform Allen test 2.Prepare the ct 4 dialysis 3. Admin. Insulin 4.Encourage ct 2 slow down breathing #4. t/ Ct is in respiratory alkolosis based on high pH, low PCo2
The nurse is told that the blood gas results indicate a pH of 7.55 and Pco2 of 30 mm Hg. The nurse determines that these results indicate 1.metabolic acidosis, 2. Metabolic Alkalosis 3. Respiratory acidosis 4.Respiratory alkalosis 4. Normal pH is 7.35-7.45. In a respiratory condition, an opposite relationship will be seen btwn the pH and PC02, as is seen in opt 4
A ct is schedule 4 blood 2 b drawn fr. the radial artery 4 ABG (arterial Blood gas). A nurse assists with performing allens tests where?1. ulnar circulation 2. carotid circulation 3 femoral circulation 4.brachial circulation #1. before performing a radial puncture 2 obtain an ABG, Allens test should b performed 2 determine adequate ulnar circulation. Failure 2 assess collateral circulation could result in severe ischemic injury to the hand if damage to the radial artery occur
a nurse is caring for a ct with severe diarrhea. The nurse mx the ct closelud understanding that this ct is at risk for devloping which acid base disorder? metabolic acidosis. intestinal secretions high in bicarbonate may be lost through enteric drainage tubes, an ileostomy, or diarrhea. The decreased bicarbonate level creates the actual base deficit of metabolic acidosis
prothrombin time (PT) and international normalized ratio (INR) prothrombin is a vit. K-dependent glycoprotein produced by the liver that is necessary for firm fibrin clot formation.
prothrombin time (PT) and international normalized ratio (INR) PT measures the amount of time it takes flor clot formation. it is used to mx response 2 warfarin sodium (Coumadin) or to screen 4 dysfunction of the extrinsic system that results from liver idease, vit k def, DIC
Creatine Kinase an enzyme found in muscle and brain tissue; it reflects tissue breakdown resulting from cell trauma. The test is performe 2 detect CNS damage. CK normal value is 26 to 174 units/L
Myoglobin an oxygen binding protein found in straited(cardiac&Skeletal)muscle that releases oxygen at very low tensions. Any injury to skeletal muscle will cause a relase of myoglobin into the blood. Normal values is less than 90 mcg/L
Albumin a main plasma protein of blood, maintains oncotic pressure and transports bilirubin, fatty acids, medication, hormones and other substances that are insoluble in water. Value is 3.4--5g/dL.
Alkaline phophatase an enzyme normally foun din bone, liver, intestine andplacenta. Value is 4.5 to 13 king armstrong unites
Ammonia A waste product of nitrogen breakdown, metabolized by the liver and excreted by the kidney as urea. Value is 35 to 65
bilirubin produced by the liver, spleen an dbone marrow; also a byproduct of hemoglobin breakdown. total levels with any type of jaundice
a nurse is told that th elab result 4 the digoxin level is 2.4 the nurse plans to 1)hold the medication 2)check the cts last respiratory rate 3)record the normal value on the cts flow sheet 4)adminsister the next dose of the medication as scheduled. #1. Dig therapeutic range=0.5 to 2 ng/mL
a ct w/ atrial fib who is receiving maintenance therapy w/ warfarin has a pt of 30 secs. The nurse anticipates that which of the following B prescribed 1)adding a dose of heparin 2)holding the next dose of warfain 3inreasing the next dose of warfarin #2 the normal PT is 9.6 to 11.8 secs for adults males and 9,5 to 11.3 secs for adult female. if the level was too high, then the antidote ( vit K0 may be prescribed
an adult ct who had preadmisssion testin b4 surgery has had blood drawn for the determination of serum electrolyte levels. The nurse identifies which of the following as an abnormal value?,2.Cl-101,3.K+-3.8,4.bicarb-26 #1. na=135-145, K+-3.5-5.1,Cl-=98-107,bicarbonate-22 to 29.
for high potassium you should give? Kayexalate - Polystyrene solfonate
What happens when you give Lasix ( furosemide) to a cit with low potassium level/cardiac hix? could precipitate ventricular dyshythmias in the ct
a ct is having prob w/ bloo dclotting. which food item woul dthe nurse encourage t/ ct to eat?1.legumes 2. citrus fruits 3. vegetable oils 4. Green, leafy vegetables #4. Green leafy vetables are high in vit K, which acts as a catalysts for facilitating bloo dclotting factors.
a ct has acute diverticulities. Which principle should the nurse keep in mind whil eplanning care for this ct? 1. avoid fiber intake 2. use a fluid restricted diet 3. inrease seed and nut intake 4. collow the exchange list of rdiet #1. diet therapy for acute diverticulities involves allowing the bowel to rest by avoiding fiber foods. Fluids are encouraged rather than restricted
a nurse is providing dieatry instrcution to a ct with gout. the nurse tell sthe ct to avoid which food item? 1. scallops 2. chocolate 3. corn brean 4. macaroni products #1, scallops should be omiited from the diet of a ct who has gout bc of high purine content. 2-4 are ok.
a clear liquid diet has been prescribed for a ct w/ gastroenteritis. Which item would be the most appropriate to offer to the ct? 1. soft custard 2. orange juice 3. fat free broth 4. strained soup 3#
a nurse intrcuts a ct to increase amt of riboflavin in the diet. The nurse tells the ct to select which food item that is high in Riboflavin? 1. milk 2.tomatoes, 3.citrus fruits 4. green, leafy vegetables #1food sources of riboflavin include milk, lean meats, fish and grains
phlbeitis and thrombophlebitis an inflammation of the vein that can occur from mechanical or chemical ( medication) trauma or local infection. PHLEBITIS can cause the development of a clot (thrombophlebitis).
Infiltration a form of tissue damage; also called extravasation, seepage of the IV fluid out of the vein and into the surrounding tissues, occurs when an IV device has become dislodge or perforates the walls of the vein
a mother cals tells the nurse that her 3 yr old child has just ingested liquid furniture polish. the nurse would direct the mother to immediately 1.induce vomiting 2. call an ambulance 3. call the posion control center 4. brin gthe child to the ER #3.If a posioning occurs, the poison control center shoul dbe contacted immediately. Vomiting shoul dnot be induced if the victim is unconscious or if the substance ingested is a strong corrosive or petroleum product. NO ER or Ambulance bc delay treatment
a ct has MRSA & is on contact precautions, what do u wear? 1. gloves and gown 2. gloves & goggles 3. Gloves, gown and goggles 4. gloves a gown and shoe protectors? 3. Googles r worn to protect the mucous membranes of the eye during interventions that may produce spashes of blood, body fluids, secretions and excretions.
Created by: starr8904
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