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nur 101 exam 03.2

respiratory and musculoskelatal

lining on the lungs visceral pleura
lining on thoracic cavity parietal pleura
pleura activity potential space between visceral and parietal pleura. contains serous fluid.
breating controlled by pons and medulla in brainstem
where gas exchange takes place alveoli
phospholipid (surfactant) holds open alveoli
increased compliance easy lung expansion
decreased compliance difficult to expand, increased stiffness to lungs
external resp atmospheric pressure opposed to chest cavity pressure; pressure gradient
internal resp at cellular level with exchange of O2 and CO2 with O2 to cell via diffusion
pons regulates resp rhythm
medulla controls respiratory RATE and DEPTH (shallow or deep); depends on O2, CO2 and H ion concentrations in blood and body tissues
accessory muscles trapezius, sternocleidomastoid, intercostals, abdominal; are used when struggling to breathe
ND ineffecgtive airway clearance coughing clears airway, so there is partial or complete obstruction, edema, secretions, choking, position, abnormal respiratory rate, decreased coughing effort
ND ineffective breathing pattern hypo- or hyperventilation, SOB, orthopnea, dyspnea
ND impaired gas exchange abnormal ABGs – arterial blood gases
PH acid/base balance The level of H ions. normal range 7.35-7.45. <7.35 = acidic. >7.45 = alkolosis
PO2 tells how much O2 lungs delivering to blood and tissue; 80-100 normal
O2 sat tells if lungs are getting rid of CO2 like it’s supposed to and if blood is getting where needs to be; can make changes in pts.oxygen if within parameters; O2 saturation of Hgb; 95-100% is normal, but some MDs will give parameters of 92% to 100%.
PC02 respiratory function; lungs effected; tells how well getting rid of CO2; 35-50 normal. <35 alkaline >50 acid (retaining C02)
HC03 kidney are effected; bicarbonate; assesses H ion levels (metabolic); 22-29 normal
For a RESPIRATORY problem we need to assess lungs for PH and CO2
Respiratory Acidosis = low ph and high co2
respiratory alkalosis = high ph and low co2
For a METABOLIC problem we need to assess ph and HC03
metabolic acidosis = low ph and low hco3
metabolic alkalosis = high ph and high hco3
altered elasticity and compliance (means ease of breathing; increased compliance means no effort at all to breathe/decreased compliance means working harder to breathe)
inflamatory/infectious inflamed pleura fluid with pus [between parietal and visceral pleura
flail chest result of rib fracture
pneumothorax collapsed/airless lungs
bronchial lung sounds over trachea; HIGH pitch – LOUD intensity
broncho-vesicular lung sounds over main bronchi; MODERATE pitch – MEDIUM intensity
vesicular lung sounds over lesser bronchi, bronchioles, and lobes; LOW pitch – SOFT intensity
Adventitious/Abnormal Lung sounds crackles, wheezes, Pleural friction Rub, rhonchi
breath sounds character or pitch high or low
intensity loud, medium, soft
Presence of adventitious sounds crackles, wheezes, pleural friction rub, rhonchi
PROM passive range of motion; the nse does
AROM active range of motion: the pt does
ROM to prevent contractures (can no longer use body part because it is fixed/frozen from lack of ROM)
lordosis abnormal concave of lumbar spine
kyphosis abnormal rounding of thoracic curve
Created by: 526128021
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