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Immune System chap33

Chapter 33

Explain the meaning of an immune response. The immune response, a target-specific system of defense, primarily involves the lymphocytes, which are specialized cells that are located in blood and lymphoid tissue.
The immune system is a collection of specialized white blood cells and lymphoid tissues that maintain: immunocompetence
Lymphocytes which are either T-Cell or B-Cell lymphocytes comprise 20% to 30% of all leukocytes.
The T-cell lymphocytes are manufactured in the bone marrow and travel to the thymus gland, where they mature to become either: regulator T cells or effector T cells.
Are made up of helper and suppressor cells. Regulator T cells
killer(cytotoxic) cells Effector T cells
Fight infection recognize antigens Helper T cells (T4)
Lymphokines a type of cytokine, attract neutrophils and monocytes to remove the debris.
Suppressor T cells limit or turn off the immune response in the absence of continued antigenic stimulation.
Cell-mediated response occurs when T cells survey proteins in the body, actively analyze the surface features, and respond to those that differ from the host by directly attacking the invading antigen.
B-cell Lymphocytes mature in the bone marrow and migrate to the spleen and other lymphoid tissues such as the lymph nodes.
Phagocytes are stationary or mobile.
Neutrophils also called microphages because they are small, are present in blood and migrate to tissue as necessary after a cell-mediated response.
Monocytes also called macrophages because they are large are present in tissures such as the lungs, liver, lymph nodes, spleen, and peritoneum.
The mononuclear phagocyte system was formerly known as the reticuloendothelial system
Lymphoid tissue is also found: on the surface of the mucous membranes of the intestine, on alveolar memebranes in the lungs, and in the lining of hte sinusoids of the liver.
Fives types of immunoglobulins: IgA, IgD, IgE, IgG, IgM.
In what ways do immunoglobulins hinger antigens 1. neutralizing their toxins. 2. linking them together in a process called agglutination. 3. causing them to precipitate, or become solid
There are two groups of nonantibody proteins. One group is referred to as the Complement system and the other is cytokines.
Complement system is made up of many different proteins that are activated in a chain reaction when an antibody binds with an antigen.
Proteins cooperate with antibodies to attract phagocytes, coat antigens to make them more recognizable for phagocytosis A process know as opsonization
Cytokines are chemical messengers released by lymphocytes, monocytes, and macrophages.
Subgroups of Cytokines Interleukins, interferons, tumor necrosis factor, and colony-stimulating factors.
Interleukins carry messages between leukocytes and tissues that form blood cells. Ex. Promotion of inflammation and fever. Formation of scar tissue by fibroblasts. Growth and activation of NK cells and additional T cells. Production of mast cells. Growth of Bcells.
Interferons are chemicals that primarily protect cells from viral invasion. They enable cells to resist viral infection and slow viral replication. Administered parenterally.
Tumor necrosis (TNF) A type of cytokine, was discovered, it showed promise as a means of shrinking tumors.
Types of immunity Naturally acquired active immunity, artificially acquired active immunity, and passive immunity.
Example of Passive immunity Newborns receiving immunity from their mother.
75% Intravascular and intercellular fluid. Neutralizes bacterial toxins; accelerates phagocytosis IgG
10% Intravascular serum Agglutinates(clusters) antigens and lyses (dissolves) cell walls IgM
0.004% Surface of basophils and mast (connective tissue) cells. Promotes release of vasoactive chemicals such as histamines and bradykinin in allergic, hypersensitivity, and inflammatory. IgE
Drugs being used therapeutically to minimize inflammation. infliximab (Remicade), etanercept(Enbrel), and adalimumab (Humira) are TNF inhibitors
Engineered form of human interleukin-2 and is being used as a cancer treatment. Aldesleukin (rlL2)
screens for diseases associated with a deficiency or excess of immunoglobulins. Protein electrophoresis
the inability to mount an immune response. Its commn among AIDS pts. Anergy
Nutrients important in immune system functioning include: Amino acids such as argine and glutamine; essential fatty acids and omega-3 fatty acids; the B vitamins, especially vitamin B6 and folic acid; vitamin A, C, and E; and the minerals copper, iodine, and mg.
Created by: girlfey
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