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Hematologic system

Nursing assessment of the Hematological System

Name and describe the 3 functions of the blood 1)Transport - O2, nutrients, hormones, wastes, 2)Protect - from pathogens and FBs, maintain homeostasis 3)Regulate-fluid, electrolytes, acid/base, body temp
What are the components in blood and what is the percentage of each 1)Plasma (55%)-proteins, water, solutes, 2)blood cells (45%)- RBCs, WBCs, Thrombocytes
what is the symptomatology of low hemoglobin 1)pallor, 2)confusion, 3)short of breath, 4)fatigue
Which type of blood cell is the first-responder in times of injury Platelets (thrombocytes)
What are some causes of lymphedema 1)defect in lymph system, 2)disruption of lymph system due to surgery, 3)radiation Tx of pelvic region
List the stages of clotting 1)vascular response-local vasoconstriction, 2)Platelet response-collagen from inner lining comes in contact with platelets causing clumping, 3)Clotting factors-inactive plasma proteins become activated via the intrinsic/extrinsic pathways
what are the functions of the spleen 1)hematopoietic, 2)filter-removes old RBCs and recycles iron, 3)immune-contains lymphocytes and monocytes, 4)storage-30% of platelet mass
What are the nursing implications for a patient following a splenectomy 1)increased bleeding due to highly vascular structure, 2)long-term-decrease in T-cell and B-cell production leading to an increase in immune disorders (pt needs to be vaccinated)
What are the functions of the lymphatic sytstem 1)carries fluid from interstitial spaces to blood, 2)carries fat, proteins and some hormones from GI to blood, 3)returns excess fluid to blood preventing lymphedema
What are the nursing implications for a pt with cirrhosis or liver failure 1)increased bleeding tendencies, 2)increase in metabolites/toxins/ammonia/nitrates
What are the functions of the liver 1)filter for the blood, 2)produces all the procoagulants(prothrombin)
What are the hematological effects of aging 1)decrease in red marrow, 2)decreased # of stem cells, 3)decreased reserve capacity, 4)decrease in all blood cells except WBC
how does aspirin affect the hematologic system 1)inhibit platelet aggregation, 2)increase bleeding time
how does NSAIDs affect the hematologic system 1)inhibits platelet aggregation
how does Tegretol (anti-seizure) affect the hematologic system 1)anemia, 2)leukopenia, 3)thrombocytopenia = all due to changes in marrow RBC production
how does Dilantin(anti-seizure) affect the hematologic system 1)anemia
how does Bactrim (antibiotic) affect the hematologic system 1)anemia, 2)leukopenia, 3)neutropenia, 4) thrombocytopenia
how does prednisone (adrenal corticosteroid/antiinflammatory/immunosuppressant) 1)lymphopenia (too many lymphocytes, 2)neutrophilia
how does Diuril (diuretic) affect the hematologic system thrombocytopenia
list the lab tests for hematological function 1)RBC, 2)Hgb 3)Hematocrit (Hct) 4)RBC indices 5)WBC 6)WBC differential 7)platelet ct 8)ESR
what is a normal value for WBC 1) above 11,000 indicates infection or malignancies, 2)below 11,000 indicates leukemia/bone marrow suppression
what types of biopsies are done to assess hematologic function 1)bone marrow(assesses hematopoiesis) 2)lymph node (assesses histologic function)
Created by: lampcow38
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