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Stack #66662

STD Quiz 1

degenerative deterioration of an organ or part in structure of cells and tissue
neoplastic new & abnormal formation of tissue (tumor)
metabolic physical & chemical changes which take place within an organism
infectious caused by a microorganism that invades and multipliesin the body
non-contagious not transmissible
contagious transmissible from person to person
communicable EASILY transmissible
epidemiology science of defining and explaining the interrelationships of factors that determine disease frequency and distribution
mode of transmission how an organism passes from person to person
Endemic infection is present in low but constant numbers
epidemic infection is present in increased numbers
pandemic infection is very widely spread (world wide)
infection invasion and multiplication of the causative agent in the host
disease clinically apparent response to the infection
four phases incubation, prodromal, invasive, convalescent
incubation time between infection and exposure until development of symptoms
prodromal early symptoms, general complaints
invasive appearance of signs and symptoms
convalescent recovery stage
direct contact skin to skin, mucous membrane to membrane, person to person
vertical transmission mother to baby during pregnancy or during birth
indirect contact fecal/oral, vector, fingers,
vaginitis inflammation and discharge from vagina
trichomoniasis Trichomonas vaginalis ( a protozoa)
yeast infection Candida albicans/ most frequent cause of vaginitis
bacterial vaginitis Gardnerella vaginalis/ decrease in Lactobacillus/ odor
cervicitis infalmmation of cervix
Syphilis Treponoma pallidum
chancroid Haemophilis ducreyi
genital warts Human papilloma (HPV)
salpingitis inflammation of the fallopian tube
pelvic imflammatory disease (PID) infection of endometruim
lymphadenopathy associated with Chlamydia, syphilis, chancroid
urethral discharge most common symptom in men
profuse purulent discharge gonorrhea, chlamydia
mucoid white discharge non-gonococcal urethritis, chlamydia, yeast, herpes
genital sore 2nd most common symptom in men
Epididymitis inflammation of epididymis
Prostatitis inflammation of prostate
Balantitis inflammation of glans penis
proctitis infalmmation of rectum
Reiter's syndrome form of arthritis associated with non-gonococcal urethritis
scabies parasitic infection, mite
Pubic lice parasitic
3 things Normal flora nutrients, space, waste
pathogen disease causing organism
opportunistic pathogen organism that causes disease if given the opportunity
virulence strength of organism to cause disease
viability organism's ability to live on the source
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