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Phy Ass & peri OP

Chap 33, 37 Mat/Chi

Normal VS Newborn Temperature 96.8 - 99 Axillary (36 - 37.2)
Normal VS Newborn Pulse 120-160 bpm
Normal VS Newborn Resp Rate 30 - 60 breaths/min
Normal VS Newborn Blood pressure Systolic: 60 - 99 Diastolic: 30 - 62
Normal VS 4yrs Temp 97.5 - 98.6 Axillary (36.4 - 37)
Normal VS 4yrs Pulse 80-125 bpm
Normal VS 4yrs Resp Rate 20-30 breaths/min
Normal VS 4yrs BP Girls: Systolic: 91-104 Diastolic: 52-66 Boys: Systolic: 93-107 Diastolic: 50-65
Normal VS 10yrs Temp 97.5 - 98.6 Oral (36.4 - 37)
Normal VS 10yrs Pulse 70-110 bpm
Normal VS 10yrs Resp Rate 16-22 breaths/min
Normal VS 10yrs BP Girls: Systolic: 102-115 Diastolic: 60-74 Boys: Systolic: 102-115 Diastolic: 61-75
Normal VS 16yrs Temp 97.5 - 98.6 Oral (36.4 - 37)
Normal VS 16yrs Pulse 55-90 bpm
Normal VS 16yrs Resp Rate 15-20 breaths/min
Normal VS 16yrs BP Girls: Systolic: 111-124 Diastolic: 66-80 Boys: Systolic: 116-130 Diastolic: 65-80
Fontanel: inspected for.... size, tenseness, pulsation
Anterior Fontenal Closes at age... 12-18 months
Posterior Fontenal Closes at age... 6-8 wks
Bossing... Frontal enlargement
4 normal findings in children Small,firm,nontender,shotty(freely palpable&very small)lymph nodes; Tonsils of varying size(often larger n young child); PERRLA; pulses n upper&lower extremities & bilaterally symmetric
5 steps for assessing heart sounds 1.Identify rate & rhythm 2. Identify S1 & S2. 3. assess S1 & S2 separately to determine where best heard 4. Listen for extra heart sounds. 5. Identify murmurs
Count RR & apical heart rate... before taking other VS
Measure apical heart rate for 1 min on.... any child <2, child being assessed for the first time, any child with irregular heartbeat, any child whos treatment decisions are determined on basis of heartrate
During assessment of RR and effort abdominal movement is observed in? Infants and young children
During assessment of RR and effort thoracic movement is observed in? Older children & Adolescents
3 things to evaluate while assessing RR... 1. Quality of RR; 2. symmetry of chest movement with each breath; #. any noisy respirations
If BP reading is hyper/hypo in a child, What do u do? Follow up with manual cuff
Capillary refill on children is... < 2sec
Who is head circumferance measured on? all children from birth to 36 months
Philtrum little notch between nose and upper lip (should be intact)
Children by age 30 months should have ? teeth 20
5 types of eye charts: 1. Snellen Chart- has to know alphabet(20 ft) 2. Tumbling E (20) 3. Lea Chart-4 different symbols (10) 4. HOTV Chart-points to letter on the card n their lap (10) 5. Ishihara Chart- colorblindness
Pectus Excavatum Funnel Chest (curve inward at sternum)
Pectur Carinatum Pigeon Chest (curve outward at sternum withsides of chest sunken in)
What position is best for a boy during Genitalia exam? Tailor Position (crossed-legged)
Gross Motor Devel in Infants Raises head & holds position 2wks-2mo
Gross Motor Devel in Infants Moves all extermities, Kicking arms/legs 2mo
Gross Motor Devel in Infants Draws up knees & raises abs off table, rocks when up on knees, rolls over 3-6mo
Gross Motor Devel in Infants Sits alone using hands for support (tripod fashion) by 7mo
Gross Motor Devel in Infants inchworm, may move backwards (crawfishing), creeps & rolls By 9mo
Gross Motor Devel in Infants Crawls in one-sided manner (use both arm and leg on right/left side) 6-9mo
Gross Motor Devel in Infants crawls correctly 6-9mo
Gross Motor Devel in Infants begins to pull up by 11mo
Gross Motor Devel in Infants Cruises: attempts to walk with support by 12mo
Gross Motor Devel in Infants Sits from standing posture by 12mo
Gross Motor Devel in Infants walks alone by 15mo
Define and give examples of Neurologic Soft Signs.... R findings that indicate inability to perform activities related to age which pose a potential problem: Short attention span, poor motor cord. Hyperkinesis, uneven perceptual development, incomplete laterality(favor neither R/L), mirroring movements
If a Preanesthetic Drug is used what r 5 precautions u should do: 1.Guard the patient’s safety; 2.Minimize physical discomfort or pain; 3.Minimize negative psychological responses to treatment; 4.Control behavior; 5.Return the patient to a state in which safe discharge is possible
2 common Preanesthetic Drug Midozolam (Versed) Chloral Hydrate
orally administered sedative/hypnotic used to decrease anxiety and induce sleep without depressing respiration or cough reflex Chloral Hydrate
given orally or IV and has a short duration, predictable and rarely causes respiratory depression. Provides preoperative anxiety reduction, amnesia, and sedation. Midozolam (Versed)
6 Fasting Recommendations to Reduce the Risk of Pulmonary Aspiration 2hr:Clear Liquids & Breast Milk 2hrs; 6hrs:Infant Formula,Non human milk,Light meal (toast & clear liquids) Meal including fried or fatty food or meat increase emptying time.
Atelectasis common complication after surgery (respiratory)
4 main postOP care 1.VS 2.surgical site checked for drainage 3.assess for PAIN; 4. Neuro assessment
Early signs of Malignant hyperthermia tachycardia, rising blood pressure, tachypnea, mottled skin and muscle rigidity
Define: Malignant hyperthermia inherited disease that causes a rapid rise in body temperature (fever) and severe muscle contractions when the affected person receives general anesthesia.
4 Restraining Methods Therapeutic hugging Jacket restraints Mummy or swaddle restraint Limb restraints
3 important assessments when using restraints Check the extremity distal to the restraint for circulation, sensation, and motion every 15 minutes for the first hour, and subsequently as agency policy dictates. Remove restraints every 2 hours for ROM and repositioning Document care above
3 readiness to advance signs for I No vomiting or diarrhea or cramping Increased appetite Good bowel sounds
1gram =
Ibuprofen mayNOT be given to? infants under 6 months old
Created by: mromerobr
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