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Herlihy 23

GI System

Gastroenterology Study of the digestive tract
Digestive system Digest tract and the accessory organs of digestion
Digestive tract A hollow tube extending from the mouth to the anus
Digestive tract also called... The alimentary canal or the gastrointestinal tract
Structures of the difestive tract Mouth, pharynx, esophagus, stomach, small intestine, large intestine, rectum, anus
Accessory organs include... Salivary glands, teeth, liver, gallbladder, and pancreas
Digestion The process by which food is broken down into small particles for absorption
Absorption The end products of digestion move across the walls of the digestive tract into the blood for distribution throughout the body
Two forms of digestion Chemical and mechanical digestion
Four layers of the digestive tract Mucosa, submucosa, muscle layer and serosa
Mucosa Innermost layer of the digestive tract
Submucosa Thick layer of loose connective tissue
Muscle layer Third layer of the digestive tract; allows peristalsis to occur
Peristalsis Rhythmic alternating contraction and relaxation of the muscles
Serosa Outermost lining of the digestive tract
Digestive tract begins in the... Mouth
Mouth is also known as... Oral cavity
Buccal cavity Refers to the area between the gums and the cheek or lips
Chewing Mastication
Two sets of teeth Deciduous and permanent
How many deciduous teeth? 20
How many permanent teeth? 32
Names of the teeth Incisors, cuspids, bicuspids, molars
Three parts of the teeth Crown, neck and root
Gingivitis Inflammation of the gums
Stomatitis Refers to inflammation or ulcers of the mouth area
Tongue Muscular organ that occupies the floor of the mouth
2 functions of the tongue Continuously repositioning food during chewing, contains taste buds
Frenulum Anchors the tongue to the floor of the mouth
Sublingual Below the tongue
Frenulum Anchors the tongue to the floor of the mouth
Sublingual Below the tongue
3 types of salivary glands Parotid, submandibular, sublingual
Parotid glands Largest of the three glands and lie below and anterior to the ears
Submandibular glands Located on the floor of the mouth
Sublingual glands Located under the tongue and are the smallest of the salivary glands
Saliva Watery fluid that contains mucus and the digestive enzyme, amylase
Approximately how much saliva is secreted in one day? 1 liter
Sialolithiasis A salivary duct becomes obstructed by a stone
The anterior hard palate Separates the oral cavity from the nasal cavity
The posterior soft palate Separates the oral cavity from the nasopharynx
Palatine tonsils Masses of lymphoid tissue located along the sides of the posterior oral cavity
Swallowing Deglutition
Three parts of the pharynx Nasopharynx, oropharynx, laryngopharynx
Which parts of the pharynx are included in the digestive system? Oropharynx and laryngopharynx
Esophagus length 10 inches
2 esophageal sphincters Pharyngoesophageal and gastroesophageal or LES
Pyrosis Heartburn
Stomach Pouchlike organ that lies in the upper part of the abdominal cavity under the diaphragm
5 stomach functions Secretion of gastric juice, secretion of gastric hormones and intrinsic factor, regulation of the rate of partially digested food to small intestine, digestion of food, absorption of small quantities of water and disolved substances
3 parts of the stomach Fundus, body, pylorus
2 sphincters of the stomach Cardiac sphincter and pyloric sphincter
Rugae Accordian-like folds which allow the stomach to expand
Three layers of muscles in the stomach Longitudinal, oblique and circular
Muscles of the stomach create... Chyme
Chyme Thick, paste-like mixture
Three types of cells in the gastric glands Mucous cells, secrete mucus; chief cells, secrete digestive enzymes; parietal cells, secrete hydrochloric acid
Vomiting Emesis
Ulcer Stomach lining may erode or break down creating a lesion
Hiatal hernia If the opening where the esophagus enters the abdominal cavity is weakened or enlarged, the stomach may protrude into the thoracic cavity
An acidic chyme is ejected from the stomach into the... Small intestine
Small intestine location In the central and lower abdominal cavity
3 parts of the small intestine Duodenum, jejunum, ileum
Duodenum First part of the small intestine
Most digestion and absorption occur in the... Duodenum
Jejunum The second part of the small intestine
Ileum The third part of the small intestine, extends from the jejunum to the ileocecal valve
The ileocecal valve Prevents the reflux of contents from the cecum back into the ileum
Cecum Part of the large intestine
Peyer's patches Diminish the bacterial content in the digestive system
Large intestine Extends from the ileocecal valve to the anus
Parts of the large intestine Cecum, colon, rectum and anal canal
First part of the large intestine Cecum
What structure is attached to the cecum? Appendix
Appendix Wormlike structure that contains leukocytes and is a source of immune cells
Four functions of the large intestine Absorption of water, synthesis of certain vitamins, temporary storage site for feces, and elimination of waste from the body
Normal flora Presence of bacteria in the intestinal tract
Volvulus Bowel becomes twisted on itself
Amylases Enzyme that digests carbohydrates
Bile A digestive aid secreted by the liver; emulsifies fat
Chyle Milky fluid found in the lacteals f villi, consists of emulsified fats and lymph
Chyme past-like mixture of partially digested food, water, and digested enzymes formed in the stomach
Pancreatic enzymes The most important of all the digestive enzymes
Created by: caysmommy03
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