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NCLEX Review1

Normal WBC 4500 to 11,000/ul
Normal Sedimentation Rate 0-30 mm/hour
Normal Bilirubin <1.5 mg/dl
Meninges envelope the.. Brain and spinal cord
Two factors that increase for developing fluid retention Intake greater than output, increase in weight
Fluid rention would manifest as... Dependent edema
Cleft palate should checked for... Hearing loss
A. Fib ventricular rate over 100 bpm is at risk for.. Low cardiac output
Hodgkin's disease Enlarged, painless lymph nodes, fever, malaise and night sweats
Fracture pain feels like.. Sharp, continous, increasing in frequency
Bone pain feels like... Dull, deep axhe
Muscle injury feels like... Aching, cramping pain, or soreness
Signs of respiratory distress r/t to meconium aspiration.. Tachypnea, grunting, retractions, nasal flaring
Candida alblicans clinical manifestations Pain, itchy, thick white discharge
UTI clinical manifestations Hematuria, proteinuria, costverbral angle pain
2nd day postparum lochia rubra is.. Normal
Post term infant is.. Born after 42 weeks of gestation
Pre term infant is born bw 24-37 weeks of gestation
Signs of PIH are Proteinuria, edema, hypertension
Arthrogram using contrast medium make sure not... Allergic to iodine or shellfish
Pulomonary edema from Ht failure may ge first manifested as... COUGH
Needles should not be.. Recapped, bent, broke, cut
Needles should be disposed in a... Labeled impermeable container
Casted extremity s/sx of infection.. Odor, purlent drainage from cast,, presence of "hot spots"
Created by: moxleyjulene
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