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Vital signs-bbsnat

Vital Signs

the normal range of blood pressure 100/60 - 140/90
while watching the indicator at the same time you will be listening to how the brachial pulse sounds
the most common pulse point to use for the blood pressure is the brachial
When you are measuring the blood pressure you are measuring the force of the blood flowing through the arteries
low blood pressure hypotension
high blood pressure hypertension
when writing the blood pressure the top number is the systolic
when writing the blood pressure the bottom number is the diastolic
what will make you automatically fail the state test is the blood pressure cuff touches the stethoscope
when pumping up the blood pressure cuff to obtain a blood pressure, you first pump it up to 160
If you do not hear a beat you let the air out and listen for the blood pressure. If you hear a beat you will let the air out and wait for ____ min and then pump it up to____ 2, 180
____ refers to how many times a pulse beats in one minute rate
____ refers to the regularity of the heart beats rhythm
___ of the beat refers to how strong the heartbeats are force
the normal range for the pulse is 60-90
you report anything that is below ___ and over___ 60, 90
what are the supplies to take a pulse watch with a second hand, resident, paper & pen
If a pulse is weak and faint, recheck it for a ____ minute, report it to the nurse and put on her report sheet full
the ____ pulse is routinely used to take a pulse radial
the most accurate place to take a pulse is apical
to insure the resident does not know you are taking their respirations you hold the wrist as if you are still taking the pulse
if you cannot clearly see the chest rise and fall you hold the residents arm across their chest or ask them to fold their arms across
if you count the respirations for 30 seconds multiply by ___ or if you take it for a ____ minute, then tha is your respirations 2, full
you report to the charge nurse if any respirations are shallow and/or irregular
do not ask the resident to breath harder if you cannot see the chest rise and fall, that will cause the respirations to be inaccurate
the normal range for respirations is 12-22
supplies for respirations are watch with second hand, resident, pen & paper
if you obtain an abnormal respiration when counting to 30 seconds you recheck for full minute and report to nurse
Created by: coffeecake49
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