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professional issues


What was the focus of the first LPN schools Home nursing including cooking and cleaning
What do professional boundaries mean and site examples of how one would break professional boundaries Getting emotionally involved with a client's spouse Having inappropriate relationships with a client's relative. Accepting money dating a patient
Explain the Good Samaritan Law In the state of Ohio you are not obligated to stop at an accident
Who is responsible for governing the practice of nurses> Ohio Legislative body
Why are nurses licensed To protect the poor defenseless, unsuspecting public
How many ?CEU credits do you need to renew your license every two years and how many hours are devoted to state board rules and regulations 24 CEU with one hour on law and rule
What would be the best way to receive a physician order Written
Who sets up the requirements for licensure Ohio Board of Nursing
What is it called when the nurse protects the patients rights Being a patient advocate
What is an approved program and who approves it Meets minimum standards for the state board of nursing a OBN member surveys the school every 5 years example EHOVE
What type of health insurance delivers care for a fixed prepaid rate HMO
What was FLO's nickname The lady with the lamp
What did Clara Barton do Started the Red Cross
Who was Lillian Wald started public health Henry Street Settlement
Who was Mary Breckenridge Midwife from Kentucky
What is an assault and give an example in the patient care setting An assault is an intentional threat to cause bodily harm to another. Does not have to include actual bodily contact. Threatening a patient with a restraint
What is false imprisonment and give an example patient refuses restraints and you restrain anyway
What is abandonment and give an example walking off job without being relieved or giving report
What is negligence and give an example Wrong medication A patient fall
What are different styles of leadership and explain them Authoritative (Autocratic) good at times of crisis a code blue Very direct with one way communication. Goal and task oriented
What are different styles of leadership and explain them Laisey Faire or Permissive - Free run style Everyone should feel free to do their own thing
What are different styles of leadership and explain them Democratic People centered approach. Allows employees more control
What does it mean to delegate a task and what things would you not delegate? The person is being delegated to, should have the appropriate training for the task. Review the 5 things necessary to properly delegate Delegate those things that do not require judgement or critical decision making.
How would you decide what to delegate Legal to delegate Nurse aide cannot pass meds
What does it mean to prioritize care? Take care of most critical or important patient's issues first
In the search for a new job which piece of paper is considered a legal document Application
What is included on a resume? Contact information name and number. Education, experience, references
A resume is never complete without/it gives life to your resume cover letter
Are incident reports included in the chart and do you document that you filled it out? They are not included in the chart? You do not chart that you filled out. If you do it is considered discoverable by the plaintiffs attorney if there is a suit.
What good is an incident report It is a way to improve care. Risk management tracks mistakes, falls, med errors, etc. and tries to find the root of the problem, correct it and improve patient care.
What is patient self determination act of 1991 It requires instit. to maintain written policy and proced. requir advance directives, and explains pt. that they have the right to refuse treatment. they also have a right to full disclosure of their disease process and benefits and risk s of procedures
What is libel A malicious or untrue writing about another person that is brought to the attention of others. The national inquirer gets this a lot
What is slander malicious or untrue spoken words about another person that are brought to the attention of others. Nurse telling clients Dr. so and so is a quack and kills patients - results in loss of business
How often do you renew your license? Every 2 years. RN's odd years, LPN's even years
What is medicare and who does it cover State and federally funded health care for those that are poverty stricken
What does a professional organization do for the nurses Keeps the nurses up to date on important nursing issues. Provides continuing education. Represents nursing at the state and federal levels
Name the two National LPN Organizations NAPNES NFLPN
What defines the scope of practice for the nurse in any given state? Every nurse should know what he or she can and cannot do while providing nursing care. (Interventions) Ignorance is no excuse. Each state board of nursing defines the scope of practice You need to know your scope in the state you practice
What defines the scope of practice for the nurse in any given state? Nurse practice acts define and limit the scope of nursing practice. All US legislatures and Canadian governments have adopted nurse practice acts.
Why do we write a resignation letter and what is the purpose? It's professional thing to do. It reveals responsibility, allows place of employment time to find replacement. It gives you credibility for future employment elsewhere. IT goes in your file and the dates may be important to get vacation or sick time
What are illegal interview questions? Give examples Age, number of children, sexual preference, religion, your shoe size
What sort of things do you need to take your NCLEX Picture ID, authority to test
What makes you eligible to take the NCLEX? Graduated from an approved program, Acceptance from the OBN after applying
How do you provide continuity of care between nurses and shifts Report at shift change and documentation
Define Abandonment of Care wrongful termination of providing patient care
Define Assault An intentional threat to cause bodily harm to another, does not have to include actual bodily contact
Define battery Intentional touching of another person without informed consent
Define Competency A legal presumption that a person who has reached the age of majority can make decisions for herself or himself unless proved otherwise (if she or he has been legally determined incompetent)
Define defamation spoken or written statements made maliciously and intentionally that may injure the subject's reputation
Define Harm injury to a person or the person's property that gives rise to a basis for a legal action against the person who caused the damage
Define Libel A malicious or untrue writing about another person that is brought to the attention of others
Define malpractice failing to meet a legal duty that result in harm to another
Define negligence the commission (doing) of an acto r the omission not doing of an act that a reasonably prudent person would have done in a a similar situation that leads to harm of another person
Define slander Malicious or untrue spoken works about another person that are brought to the attention of others.
Define Tort A type of civil law that involves wrongs against a person or property, torts include negligence, assault, battery, defamation, fraud, false imprisonment and invasion of property
Created by: gmabrender
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