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Antidiarrheal Meds


Absorbants and Protectants Kaopectate (Kaolin and Pectin)
Absorbants and Protectants Activated Charcoal
Absorbants and Protectants Bismuth Subsalicylates (Pepto-Bismol)
Absorbants and Protectants MOA Absorbant preps act in intestines to bind substances that can cause diarrhea. Promotes intestinal absorption of fluids and electrolytes. Decreses synthesis of prostaglandins in intestine.
Bismuth subsalicylates Treat travelers diarrhea...contain antimicrobial effect and asprin
Absorbants and Protectants NI Assess for contraindications: IBD et bleeding disorders. Check for fever. Give 1hr before and 2hr other meds (absorption interference). May cause constipation.
Absorbants and Protectants Client Teaching Take at onset of diarrhea and after each loose stool, do not use more than 48 hours.
Asorbants and Protectants Client Teaching Do not take if allergic to aspirin, Do not take with other meds containing aspirin
Opium and Opium Derivatives Camphorated tinture of opium (paregoric) Controlled
Opium and Opium Derivatives Tinture opium (Laudanum, opium tinture) Controlled
Opium and Opium Derivatives Difenoxin (Motofen)
Opium and Opium Derivatives Diphenoxylate (Lomotil, Logen)
Opium and Opium Derivatives MOA act on CNS to slow peristalsis and allow more water absorption--decrease senstaion of full rectum and increase anal tone.
Opium and Opium Derivatives NI Administer paregoric undiluted with water Observe for increased effects of other CNS depressants (alcohol, narcotics, barbs, sedatives). Report abd distension.
Opium and Opium Derivatives Client Teaching take onset and after each school. Use no longer than 48hrs. Avoid alcohol and OTC cold preps. May cause drowsiness,driving,heavy mach.
Synthetic Hormone: Chronic diarrhea Octreotide acetate (Sandastatin)
Synthetic Hormone MOA stimulate fluid and electrolyte absorption from GI tract and slows intestinal motility
Synthetic Hormone NI don't used if discolored/particles, admin @ room temp, slow subq inj, use within 24hrs. Refridgerate vials for lts
Synthetic Hormone Client Teaching rotate inj sites, admin between meals and @ HS to min n/diarrhea.
Synthetic Hormone Contraindication Pregnancy
Created by: 1161798020
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