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the most effective method in eliminating smoking-related illnesses is to prevent people from starting use of tobacco
half of all long-term smokers die prematurely from smoking related causes
tobacco use is the single most preventable cause of death and disease in the US
almost all first use occurs before the age of 18
for those that already smoke, what is the best and surest option for reducing health risks? stopping
cigarette smoking is the single most avoidable cause of death and disability in the US
smoking can be thought of as a chronic illness with exacerbations and remissions
a brief tobacco use assessment can help identify thos people who are highly nicotine-dependent, or lack motivation and confidence to quit
medications treat what component of smoking addiction
behavioral counseling addresses the habit
the habit is addressed by _________, the addiction is addressed by ________ behavioral counseling; medications
are any methods proven to prevent relapse? no
to highlight it's importance, consider smoking status as a vital sign
encouraging smoking cessation is now recognized as an important part of medical care and public health.
prevalence of smoking has decreased by what % over the last 50 years 50
what percentage of americans have never smoked 58
which gender has more smokers? men
smoking is most commong among american indians/native alaskans
smoking is least common among asians/pacific islanders and hispanics
which is more likely to smoke: pacific islander or native alaskan? native alaskan
native is to smoker as islanders and asians is to nonsmoker
the prevalence of smoking for both blacks and whites is 21%
what percentage of 18 to 64 yo smoke? 22-24
what percent of people over 65 smoke? 8.8
a person with more than 16 years of education is more or less likely to smoke? less
a person with 10 years of education is more or less likely to smoke? more
smoking and education have what type of relationship inverted
the highest percentage of young adult smokers is in men with less than 12 years of education
what percent of young adult smokers are men with less than 12 years of education 40
overall 26% of all young adult ____ and 22% of all young adult ___ smoke. men; women
smoking is more common in what socioeconomic groups lower
about 21% of people at or above the poverty line smoke; compared to 29% of those above the poverty line
smoking and socioeconomic groups have a inverted relationship
the higher the socioeconomic group the lower the incident of smoking
the higher the education the lower the incident of smoking
the US govts healthy people 2010 goal for adult smoking rate is less than 12%
less than 12% is the healthy people 2010 goal
2010...2 plus 10....12 12% is the healthy people 2010 goal for smoking rate
What is the biggest preventable cause of premature mortality in the US smoking
Exposure to secondhand tobacco smoke is a significant health risk for nonsmokers
Secondhand smoke is especially harmful to those with pre-existing respiratory and cardiac conditions
Health care professionals should routinely question all their patients about exposure to secondhand smoke
Health care professionals should advise their patients to adopt a smoke-free home and car policy
What affect can smoking and/or second hand smoke have on bones low bone density leading to fractures
What type of hematologic cancer does smoking cause myeloid leukemia
For current smokers, what was the most prevelant condition chronic bronchitis
What was the second most prevelant condition of current smokers emphysema For former smokers what are the three most prevalent conditions
Tobacco use is the single most ___ ____ of death and disease in the US preventable cause
An estimated ___ million American adults currently smoke cigarettes 45
Annually, cigarette smoking causes more than _____ deaths 400,000
Exposure to second hand smoke causes ____ ___ and ____ in nonsmokers premature death and disease
For current smokers in 2000, what was the most prevelant condition chronic bronchitis
The most effective way to eliminate smoking-related illness is to _____ prevent people from starting use of tobacco
Stopping smoking _____ the risk of many of the conditions associated with smoking reduces
Lag times differ among conditions between smoking and development of disease
For some conditions the risk falls off quickly __________ toward the level of a never smoker after quitting
For some conditions the risk remains elevated for many __ decades
Individual risk often depends on previous duration and intensity of smoking and varies between those with and without pre-existing evidence of disease
What age group of smokers have the greatest chance of avoiding adverse smoking-related events young
The largest potential benefits of cessation lie with what age-group young
Are there benefits from quitting even among elderly smokers yes
What are the two top cancers that cause death in male smokers lung and respiratory
What are the two top cancers that cause death in female smokers vascular and respiratory
Is lung cancer the top cancer that causes death in women no
What is the top cancer that causes death in women vascular
What gender has the highest incident of death related to lung cancer caused by smoking male
A study by british doctors suggests a life expectancy increase of how many years for 30 year olds 30
Evidence supports that cessation is beneficial for all age groups and the earlier smokers quit the closer will their chances of survival resemble that of never smokers
What type of cancer represents the biggest cause of smoking-related cancer mortality lung
In the development of coronary heart disease smoking reduces the ability of the blood to carry oxygen and causes progressive artherosclerosis
Smoking is the ______ risk factor for _____ _________ ________ peripheral artery disease
Second hand smoke is now a recognized carcinogen, containing over ___ 50 harmful chemicals
What are the two aspects to cessation making a quit attempt and maintaining cessation
Two studies found that ___ was the key predictor of cessation success nicotine dependence
Nicotine dependence is assessed by length of time to first cigarette of the day and number of cigarettes smoked per day
If a person has a variable number of cigarettes a day and/or smoke less than daily their nicotine dependence is low
If a quit date has been set or a person has a strong desire to quit their predictive factor is high motivation
Define longer prior attempt longest time off smoking in the past >6 months
Prior quit attempts a Prior quit attempts during what time frame last year
If a person hasn’t smoked within 2 weeks of attempt to quit they are said to have initial success
Higher socioeconomic status is a strong predictive factor to cessation, how is it assessed by length of education or income
What gender has a higher success rate for quitting men
The largest reductions in smoking prevalence in the US has been from price increases
What is the first global health treaty negotiated under the WHO framework convention on tobacco control (FCTC)
Name three effecting drug treatments nicotine replacement therapy (NRT), bupropion and varenicline
What is the mechanism of action for NRT reduces nicotine withdrawal symptoms
Which drugs exhibit independent neurologic effects bupropion
Which drug is a partial nicotine receptor agonist varenicline
NRT increases odds of cessation by 1
5-2 times
Bupropion increases the odds of cessation by 2 times
Varenicline increases the odds of cessation by 3 times
Which drug increases the odds of cessation more varenicline
How does varenicline work when people relapse and have a cigarette it reduces the effect of nicotine when they do smoke
How is varenicline dosed titrated up until 1mg bid on day 8
How many weeks is varenicline used 12
How many cycles of varenicline can be given two
Nortriptyline or clonidine are also effective smoking cessation drugs, why are they not used as much side effects
Created by: Lori Dobrisky
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