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Alterations in Oxygenation MS1 exam2

describe inadequate ventilation adequate pulmonary circulation, <O2, mucus/fluid blockage. PNEUMONIA, ASTHMA, ATELECTASIS
describe inadequate perfusion normal ventilation, <perfusion/blood flow. PE, BLOOD CLOT, SHOCK, CHF
describe normal ventilation.perfusion unoxygenated blood to pulmonary arteries to lungs.gas exchange then CO2 to alveoli, O2 to capillaries
surfactant: Purpose and Production? prevents alveoli collapse. cough, deepbreathing cause stretching of alveoli resulting in its production (L511) fyi:300M alveoli
how are respirations controlled? chemoreceptors in medulla and carotid bodies respond to >CO2 and <O2 respectively (L515)
properties of lung tissue (2): Describe 1.Compliance - ability to stretch, lung expansion 2. Elastic recoil - ability to get back in shape
>lung compliance overstretched, easy to inflate but has air left after exhalation. COPD, EMPHYSEMA
<lung compliance stiff lungs, difficult to inflate, <expansion. PE, PULMONARY FIBROSIS, OBESITY
connnective tissue responsible for adequate elastic recoil? Elastin; <elastin=<recoil. ELDERLY, COPD, EMPHYSEMA (>CO2, remain inflated)
how to determine ability of lungs to oxygenate arterial blood adequately? PaO2 & SaO2
first sign of Hypoxia? restlessness; change in LOC
assessment of breathing pattern changes in rate, rhythm, effort; any dyspnea on rest and activity
describe sputum r/t health conditions blood - CA, TB, PE thick,white frothy - COPD yellow, green - INFECTION dry, hacking - IRRITANT
describe cough onset r/t health conditions at night - BRONCHIAL ASTHMA morning - BRONCHITIS after meal - ASPIRATION
cause of chest pain irritation of pleural lungs, pain on inspiration. PNEUMONIA, PLEURITIS, PLEURAL EFFUSION
why is taking corticosteroids a RF for the development of RespInfection? Corticosteroids suppresses the immune system, making one more vulnerable to infections
respiratory assessment interview current resp problem, hx of resp disease, lifestyle, allergies, RF, med hx
important questions when pt is showing S/S hx of respiratory disease. eg SOB = 'Do you have asthma?'
perfusion diseases? CAD, DM, CHF, COPD
why is COPD a perfusion disease? there is a decreased oxygenated blood circulating
RF alteration in respiratory defense mechanisms dehydration, the very young and very old, repeated resp infection (PNEUMONIA, COPD), smoking, drugs (gen anesthesia, opioids, narcotics)
clubbed fingers? classic long standing hypoxia. COPD
INSPECTION on physical exam breathing pattern, chest configuration, skin color, clubbed fingers. WHAT CAN YOU SEE?
normal RR 12-20rpm, elderly 16-25rpm (L521). peak at age 25
Kussmaul breathing deep rapid breathing
Cheyne-stokes breathing apnea, then deep rapid breathing
Biots breathing irregular, apnea breathing pattern
PALPATION on physical exam tracheal position, thoracic expansion, tactile fremitus
normal thoracic expansion 1 in (2.5 cm)
tactile fremitus felt vibration through chest wall, pt says '99' naturally felt on big airways, normally not felt on lower lobe = if felt PNEUMONIA
tactile fremitus findings > = fluid filled lungs. PNEUMONIA, PLEURAL EFFUSION < = hyperinflated. COPD absent = air filled/trapping. PNEUMOTHORAX, ATELECTASIS
tracheal position normal midline. if SHIFTED = TENSION PNEUMOTHORAX on opposite???
Findings: PERCUSSION on physical exam resonant = normal lung, <pitch hyperresonant = hyperinflated, <<pitch. COPD dull = fluid filled, consolidation. PNEUMONIA, PLEURAL EFFUSION tympany = loud drumlike. gas filled STOMACH/INTESTINE, PNEUMOTHORAX
AUSCULTATION on physical exam vesicular = soft, <pitch, insp 3:1. ALL AIRWAYS except major bronchi bronchial = louder, >pitch. TRACHEA bronchovesicular = medium pitch, 1:1. STERNUM, SIDE OF SCAPULAE
adventitious sounds: main concern crackles = on, end of inspiration. PNEUMONIA, FLUID OVERLOAD-CHF wheezes = continuous, >pitch muscial. ASTHMA, ANAPHYLACTIC rhonchi = rumbling, snoring on large airways. COPD, overwhelming PNEUMONIA, CF absent = PLEURAL EFFUSION, ATELECTASIS, LOBECTOMY
adventitious sounds: others pleural friction rub = grating, cracking sound from inflammation. PNUEMONIA stridor = continuous musical, crowing. PARTIAL LARYNX/TRACHEA OBSTRUCTION, CROUP, EPIGLOTTITIS
adventitious sounds: misc bronchophony/ whispered pectoriloquy = clear, audible whispered syllable. PNEUMONIA egophony = 'E' heard as 'A'. PNEUMONIA, PLEURAL EFFUSION
SaO2 vs PaO2 amnt of O2 bound to hgb/Saturation. amnt of O2 dissolved in plasma >93-95%, p&p. 80-100mmHg
pulmonary function test measure lung volume, airflow; Dx pulmonary disease, monitor disease progression, evaluate disability and response to treatment; mouth to mouthpiece, deep breath, exhale as HARD,FAST, LONG as possible. COPD, ASTHMA, CF
peak expiratory flow rate (PEFR) > 600ml/min. daily measurement for ASTHMA, gauge airway resistance/bronchoconstriction; max airflow rate during forced expiration
thoracentesis removal of fluid. Dx/intervention, med insertion. CHF, PNEUMONIA
ventilation-perfusion scan dx PE, BLOOD COT
terms: lung capacities 1 tidal vol (Vt)-air inhaled/exhaled with each breath. 500ml residual vol (RV)-air left after forced expiration, air available for gas exchange. 1500ml
terms: lung capacities 2 total lung capacity (TLC)-max air vol lungs can contain. 6000ml vital capacity (VC)-max air vol exhaled after max inspiration 4500ml (L531, T26-13)
forced vital capacity (fvc) air that can be quickly, forcefully exhaled after max inspiration, >80%
how does air move in and out of lungs? r/t intrathoracic pressure changes in relation to pressure at airway opening, contraction of diaphragm, intercostal/scalene muscles = >chest dimension = < intrathoracic pressure. GAS flows from >pressure, atmospheric to <intrathoracic
early signs of inadequate oxygenation restless, apprehension, confusion; tachypnea, dyspnea; tachycardia, mild htn (L515, T26-2)
respiratory system age related changes >age = <resp fucntion; lifetime exposure to environmental stimuli, concurrent chronic disease (DM,COPD), structural alterations, altered defense mechanisms, <physical mobility
altered resp defense mechanisms cilia function, cough reflex, <effective alveolar macrophages, muscle atrophy of pharynx/larynx. INEFFECTIVE AIRWAY CLEARANCE, URIs/LRIs
Created by: sarahjqs
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