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Respiratory lect 1

G Mcgregor lecture 1, respiratory

Neonatal Respiratory System: Lungs begin to form in 4th week of gestation
Week 17-28 the bronchioles develop with multiple saccules
Alveoli develop between 32 and 36 weeks
A special lung liquid fills the air spaces in the lungs (when) 2-3 days prior to birth.
Airway that close after birth ductus arteriosis, closes after birth (invirto)
Nose and Sinuses start of airway (olefactory #1)
The upper respiratory consists of Nares, nostrils, septum, turbinates increases area that air is warmed, nasopharynx, Lips, tongue, tonsils, epiglottis, oropharynx, sinuses, trachea
Sinuses consist of Frontal, ethmoid, sphenoid and maxillary. Humidifies the air and resonance for speech, decreases the weight of the head
Gateway to the Lungs epiglottis (controlled by cranial nerve#9). At base of tounge (vocal cords on both sides
The Trachea sits below vocal cords and begins below the laryngopharynx at the level of the cricoid
The trachea is located in front and anterior to the esophagus
The Trachea is composed of 6 to 10 C-shaped cartilaginous rings, smooth muscle.
The trachea b ranches into the left and right bronchus at the level of the carina
Bronchi composed of some cartilage, smooth muscle & cilia
Bronchioles have little cartilage, are composed of smooth muscle, less cilia (airways b/c smaller.
Mucus is produced by goblet cells.
The further in the bronchioles, less cilia but more constriction to move things out
Bronchioles are very reactive bronchodilation or bronchoconstriction
The Lungs are spongy, elastic organs encased within the pleura
The apex (top) of each lung extends above the clavicle
The base (bottom) of each lung sits just above the diaphragm
The hilum the pt where the primary bronchi (BV, nerves lymphs that enter the lungs), visceral plueral, plueral space (50 mL’s, if fluid is excessive, plueral effusion) parital pleural
The right lung is larger and has 3 lobes
The left lung is narrower to accommodate the heart and has 2 lobes
The lobes are separated by fissures.
Alveoli increases the surface area for exchanges to take place.
Alveolar ducts and Alveoli branch from the bronchioles.
Acini or acinus: a little sac that contains aveoli and BV that are needed.
Clusters of grapes (alveolar sacs) are where gasses are exchanged surfactant
Alveolar sacs contain clusters of alveoli
Type II pnuemocytes secrete surfactant (keeps the alveoli from closing in on its self.
Suractant is a fatty protein, keeps alveoli free of fluid and open
Where gas is exchanged in the alveoli
Surfactant reduces the surface tension
Atalectasis collapse of aveli- pop at the end of inspiration- not taking a big enough breath- decreases the work of the lungs
Alveolar-Capillary Membrane is at the end of bronchioles are the alveoli
Encased in a web of vessels venous & arterial
Oxygen & CO2 are exchanged across the Alveoar-Capillary membrane
O2 and CO2 are exchanged by diffusion
CO2 is expired from the lungs
Oxygen diffuses into the blood, carried by pulmonary vein (carries oxygenated blood) back to the heart
Gas Transport pulmonary vein (carries oxygenated blood) back to the heart
Delivery of O2 to the body Ventilation, thru hrt, diffustion of O2 to capil ,O2 binds to hemoglobin to rt heart to body
A person who has Cor pleura has an increased risk for MI
Removal of CO2 from the body ventilation, diffusion from alveoli to capillary blood, perfusion, diffusion from capillaries to cells O2 binds w/hemo til fully diffused then the rest….
CO2 diffuses into the RBC with the help of carbonic anhydrase
C02 combines with water to form carbonic acid which quickly dissociates into hydrogen and bicarbonate ions
The hydrogen ions bind to the hemoglobin where it is buffered and the HCO3 moves out of the RBC and into the plasma
Carbon Dioxide Transport even people that are hypoxic do not retain Co2
CO2 is 20 times more soluble than O2 and diffuses easily from tissue cells into the blood.
The amount of CO2 able to enter the blood is enhanced by the diffusion of O2 out of the blood and into the cells
As O2 dissociates from the hemoglobin, CO2 is able to attach for transport back to the capillaries and out of the body via the lungs
Pulmonary Circulation Facilitates gas exchange/nutrients,circulation/waste removal
Cardiac output goes from right ventricle to the lungs
Bronchial circulation feeds the lung tissue itself
Pulmonary circulation pressure is lower than systemic circulation because it supports diffusion of gases
Bronchial circulation is part of systemic circulation,
Bronchial circulation does not involve gas exchange.
Bronchial circulation provides circulation to airway structures themselves.
FiO2 Fraction of inspired oxygen. % of oxygen in the air being breathed in.
PaO2 or PO2 Partial pressure of arterial oxygen. The amount of oxygen dissolved in arterial blood.
SaO2 Oxygen saturation. % of hemoglobin saturation by oxygen
PaCO2 of CO2 Partial pressure of arterial CO2. The amount of CO2 in arterial blood.
Tidal Volume amount of air inhaled & exhaled during normal respiration
Ventilation respiration (moving air in/out of lungs)
The amount of effective ventilation is calculated by Rate X Volume equals liters/minute
Pulmonary Function Tests measure the effectiveness of ventilation Rate X Volume equals liters/minute
The respiratory center of the brain is located in the medulla of the brain stem
Rate and respiratory pattern is controlled in the pneumotaxic center on the pons
Elastic recoil recoil after respiration. Depends on equalibrium.
Compliance is relative ease in which the chest wall can be stretched. Scars/holes effect
Increase in compliance means easy-good brain waves
compliance/decrease means more difficult (aging, emphasema, flailed chest, pneumonis, firocysts.)
Tidal Volume normal respiration
Reserve Volume (in and blow out as much as you can. Allows for stressors) maximal air in or out. Is 3 times more than TV.
Tidal Volume + Reserve Volume Vital Capacity
Residual Volume air that cannot be exhaled, gas exchange takes place
In order to get oxygen to the tissues oxygen must first reach the lungs. (Airway)
In order for gas exchange to take place, the lower airways, alveoli and A-C membrane must be free to function (Airway & Breathing)
Interventions aimed at airway & breathing Ambulation, Coughing, Turning, positioning, Suctioning, Deep breathing, Hydration, Incentive spirometer
The Role of Hemoglobin give 02 into tiss and remove co2
Oxygen & CO2 attach to receptor sites for exchange at the A-C membrane & tissue capillaries
Anemia can have 100% sat, but not have enough hemo to get it into the tissues
Avoid anemia by: Maintain nutrition, Limit blood draws, Administer PRBCs if necessary
Decreased cardiac output means less oxygenated blood going to the tissues
Can be caused by pump failure, irregular rhythm, too rapid rhythm ( Afib) (hypovolemia)-can cause circulatory colapse
Interventions for decreased cardiac output Maximize hemodynamics (rt pressure in rt places)
Fluid balance, Pump performance, Decrease resistance (afterload), BP Maximize hemodynamics (rt pressure in rt places)
Oxyhemoglobin Dissociation Curve shows the relationship between Oxygen saturation of the hemoglobin and the PaO2.
At 98% O2 saturation, the PaO2 is about
However, an O2 sat of 90% would correlate to a PaO2 of 70, 85% correlates to a PaO2 of 60 NOT OK TO GET BELOW 90%
PA02 s/b 75%-100% (ideally >90%) PaO2 of 70, 85% correlates to a PaO2 of 60 NOT OK TO GET BELOW 90%
Oxygen is carried to the tissues and gas exchange takes place according to body needs
If tissue consumption decreases then less oxygen delivery is needed. If it increases then more would be needed.
Things that increase tissue oxygen needs activity, stress, fever, sympathetic nervous system stimulation
If potential for tissue hypoxia, will need to decrease oxygen need by rest, decreasing anxiety, maintaining normal body temperature, decreasing or controlling sympathetic response.
rest, decreasing anxiety, maintaining normal body temperature, decreasing or controlling sympathetic response.
Changes Related to Aging ↓alveolar surface, elastic recoil, diffusion capacity, Efficiency of O2 & CO2 transfer ↓,Repse to hypoxia/hypercapnia ↓
The Focused Assessment , Insp, palp, percuss, auscu, hist, prior illnesses
Risk factors Smoking, Medications, Allergies, Current Health Problems - Cough, dyspnea, chest pain or sputum production
Assessment of the Nose & Sinuses Ext/int inspection, drainage, Septum, px on palp-sinus, transill of sinus, Post-nasal drainage
Assessment of the Upper Airway Mouth,Tongue,Soft palate,Tonsils,Palpation of neck and lymph nodes,Palpation of the trachea
Assessment of the lungs Inspection: Note rate/rhythm/depth of inspiration,symmetrical , (pursed lip),diaphragm breathing, shape, palp
Assess thoracic expansion masses, lesions, bruises or swelling over the rib cage
Palpate for crepitus subcutaneous air. ( Sounds like rice krispies)
Tactile Fremitus- check with palm of hand or base of fingers at the apex and base of both lungs. Auscultate by having the person say
Percussion Checking for pulmonary resonance
Place the middle finger of the non-dominant hand over the intercostal space to be percussed Posteriorly begins at apex and works to base of both lungs
Percussion: check for diaphragmatic excursion
Auscultation:Listening for normal breath sounds Have client breath through their mouth slowly and deeply while sitting upright.
Describe as normal, increased, decreased or absent
Crackles and Rales heard in lower airways during inspiration, may change with coughing (in the lower alveoli-like hair rubbing together)Popping or rattling
Rhonchi most prominent in expiration, arise from larger airways (Lower-pitched, coarse, continuous snoring sounds)
Wheezes arise from small airways, can be heard during inspiration or expiration or both
Pleural Rub heard during inspiration & expiration (pleuritis)
Stridor upper airway obstruction, louder on inspiration. (don’t need steth to diagnose. Very loud)
Epiglotisis prevents food from going down the wrong path
Voice Sounds (listening in the lungs is normally muffled. If liq in lungs its increased
Bronchophony If fluid is compressing the lung, the vibrations from the client's voice are transmitted to the chest wall and the sound becomes clear (consolidation of pneumonia)
Types of voice sounds include bronchophony, egophony, and pectoriloquy
Whispered pectoriloquy say 99 (refers to an increased loudness of whispering noted during auscultation with a stethoscope on the lung fields on a patient's back)
Whispered pectoriloquy is done to assess for the presence of lung consolidation, which could be caused by cancer or pneumonia.
Egophony (EEE high pitched sounds like AAA) a change in the voice sound of a patient with pleural effusion or pneumonia as heard on auscultation
(EEE high pitched sounds like AAA) a change in the voice sound of a patient with pleural effusion or pneumonia as heard on auscultation
Diagnostics Laboratory Tests, Radiographic Exam, Pulmonary Function Tests, Exercise Tolerance, Skin Tests
Invasive Diagnostics Endoscopic, thoracentesis and biopsy
Laboratory Tests Blood Tests: CBC, ABG, Sputum Test: Gram stain, C & S, Acid-fast stain, cytology
Arterial Blood Gases Gives information about oxygenation, acid-base balance
Acid-Base Balance: pH 7.35-7.45
Oxygenation: PaO2 75- 100 mm Hg; Compare to Oxygen Saturation 96-100%
Carbon Dioxide Retention: 35-45 mm Hg
HCO3: 22-26 mEq/L
Compensation occurs to maintain acid-base balance. It will always be from the opposing system.
Pulmonary Function Tests (PFT) Look at lung function and capacity
Forced Vital Capacity (FVC) records the maximum amount of air that can be exhaled as quickly as possible after maximum inspiration.
Forced Expiratory Volume in 1 second (FEV1) records the maximum amount of air that can be exhaled in the first second of expiration.
Functional Residual Capacity (FRC) is the amount of air remaining in the lungs after normal expiration. FRC test requires use of the helium dilution, nitrogen washout, or body plethysmography technique.
Total Lung Capacity (TLC) is the amount of air in the lungs at the end of maximum inhalation.
Residual Volume (RV) is the amount of air remaining in the lungs at the end of a full, forced exhalation.
Exercise Tolerance is to assess functional capacity, determine reason for exercise limitation & changes due to disease
Pulmonary rehab is Rx’d if respiratory rate is under 88% & supplemental oxygen required
Skin Tests are used Identify infectious diseases(Tuberculosis, Viral illness, Fungal illness, Allergies, Invasive Diagnostics
Endoscopic exams Thoracentesis, Biopsy (look at with cytology
Endoscopic Exams include Bronchoscopy, Larygoscopy, Mediastinoscopy
Endoscopic Exams are u sed for actual visualization and collection of biopsy for diagnosis. Can be used to retrieve a foreign body from the airway.
Lung Biopsy To obtain tissue for histologic analysis. By bronchoscopy, needle aspiration or open lung biopsy during surgery
Risk of pneumothorax Thoracentesis
Aspiration of fluid from the pleural space Microscopic examination of the pleural fluid Relieving pulmonary compression
Oxygen Therapy Considered a medication
The goal of O2 therapy is to use the lowest amount of oxygen to obtain acceptable oxygenation
Oxygen Delivery Systems Nasal Cannula, Simple Face Mask, Non-rebreather mask (just b4 u intibate), Venturi mask (Face Tent or aerosol mask- little kids), Positive Pressure ventilation –obstructed airways, Ventilator
Low Flow Oxygen O2 in room 21%
Nasal Cannula 25-40% FiO2 at 1-6 L/min
Face Mask 40-60% FiO2 at 5-8 L/min
Partial rebreather mask 60-75% FiO2 at 6-11 L/min
Non-rebreather mask 80-95% FiO2
Compressed into tank or cylinder (humidifiers added for comfort) Liquid oxygen in a reservoir
Oxygen concentrator @home. Takes O2 from air and concentrates it. More cost effective
Non-rebreather mask Delivers highest FiO2, Reservoir bag must be inflated about 2/3
In a non-rebreather mask, valves should open during exhalation and close during inhalation
Non-rebreather is one step before intubation
High Flow Oxygen Venturi Mask, Face Tent, Trach collar, T-piece, Intubation and ventilator support
Bi-level positive airway pressure BiPAP- delivers set inspiratory positive pressure during inhalation, lower during exhalation
Continuous positive airway pressure CPAP- delivers a set positive pressure during both inhalation and exhalation
Endotracheal Tubes Used to protect patient airway, Surgical use, Emergency use in hypoxia, Emergency use in trauma
Ventilator Patient is being supported by the ventilator, May require sedation or paralytics
Priority for ventilator protect the ET tube, secure
Oxygen Toxicity Related to concentration, duration and degree of lung disease present.
Oxygen given at 50% continuously for more than 48 hrs can damage lungs
Initial symptoms of oxygen toxicity non-productive cough, chest pain, GI upset, dyspnea
More severe symptoms of O2 toxicity are related to damaged lung tissue and resemble acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS)
Toxicity is difficult to treat, PREVENTION is key
Suctioning Sterile procedure for trachea, Pre-oxygenate
Do not apply suction longer than 10-15 seconds or suction more than 3 times
If patient becomes hypoxic, heart rate decreases (vagal) or increases this would indicate need to stop suctioning
Complications of suctioning Bleeding, Obstruction, Vagal stimulation and bronchospasm, Tissue trauma, Hypoxia, Infection
Complications of suctioning Bleeding, Obstruction, Vagal stimulation and bronchospasm, Tissue trauma, Hypoxia, Infection
Toxicity is difficult to treat, PREVENTION is key
Suctioning Sterile procedure for trachea, Pre-oxygenate
Do not apply suction longer than 10-15 seconds or suction more than 3 times
If patient becomes hypoxic, heart rate decreases (vagal) or increases this would indicate need to stop suctioning
Complications of suctioning Bleeding, Obstruction, Vagal stimulation and bronchospasm, Tissue trauma, Hypoxia, Infection
Created by: Jillzs
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