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VN153 Maternity Fina

VN153 Maternity Finals

S/S oF HYPOGLYCEMIA IN NEWBORN jitteriness, poor muscle tone, sweating, resp difficulty, low temp, poor sucking, high pitched cry, lethargy, seizures. Sugar less than 40
FUNDUS CHECK - LEVELS POST PARTUM PER DAY location: can be felt midline @ or below the level of umbilicus. Consistency: firm mass (abt size of grapefruit). 1cm per day
LOCHIA RUBIA 1st stage; red; 3 days after birth
LOCHIA SEROSA 2ND stage; pink, 3-10th day after birth
LOCHIA ALBA 3rd stage; clear or mucus; 10th - 21st day after birth
BREASTFEEDING HELP/TIPS FOR NEW MOMS position of mom's hands, latch on, suckling patterns, removing infant from breast
EVAPORATION moisture from newborn's wet body surface disipates heat along w moisture. My keeping newborn dry, evap is prevented.
CONDUCTION occurs when newborn is on a cold surface, such as a cold pad or mattress.
CONVECTION occurs as air moves across the newborn's skin from an open door & heat is transferred to the air.
RADIATION occurs when heat from the newborn radiates to a colder surface.
S/S OF POST PARTUM HEMORRHAGE - HYPOVOLEMIC SHOCK reduced blood volume w increased heart & resp rates. TACHYCARDIA is 1st sign of inadequate blood volume. 1st bp = falling systolic pressure & rising diastolic pressure. Pale, cold clammy skin. LOC change, dec urinary output. Pulse rate = 100 bpm or higher
TREATMENT OF MASTITIS prescribed antibiotics, mild analgesics. Cont breastfeed or pump & discard milk. Heat promotes blood flow. Both breasts shld be emptied reg to prevent stasis. Massage area of inflammation to improve milk flow. Encourage fluid intake. Wear support bra.
S/S POST PARTUM DVT pain, calf tenderness, leg edema, color changes, pain when walking & + homan's sign (pain when foot is dorsiflexed).
CAPUT SUCCEDANEUM may have swelling of the soft tissues of the scalp
CEPHALHEMATOMA a collection of blood beneath the periosteum of the cranial bone. It does not cross the suture lines.
S/S RESPIRATORY DISTRESS IN NEWBORN Respirations increased to 60 bpm or more. Tachypnea accompanied by gruntlike sounds, nasal flaring, cyanosis & intercoastal & sternal retractions. Edema, lassitude & apnea occur as condition becomes more severe.
NORMAL FINDINGS OF A HEALTHY NEWBORN has moro reflex, rooting, tonic neck, dancing, head lag
NORMAL STOOL FINDINGS OF A NEWBORN - HOW DOES IT CHANGE 1st meconium is dark, black & tarry. It gradually changes to greenish yellow transitional stool. Breastfed infant's "milk" stool is golden yellow, bottle fed is pale yellow. Green waterry stool is indicative of diarrhea
NORMAL SKIN CHANGES IN NEWBORN body covered with Lanugo, vernix caseosa, may have physiological jaundice
LANUGO body usually covered with fine hair
VERNIX CASEOSA made of cells & glandular secretions; thought to protect skin from irritation & effects of a watery environment.
ICTERUS NEONATORUM physiological jaundice; seen as a yellow tinge to the skin. Caused by rapid destruction of excess red blood cells
JAUNDICE immature liver contributes to condition called ICTERUS. Causes skin & white of eyes to assume a yellow-orange cast. Liver unable to clear blood of bile pigments w/c rsult from normal postnatal destruction of RBcs.
JAUNDICE - FYI an increase of 5mg/dl in 24 hrs or a bilirubin level above 12.9 mg/dl requires careful investigation. Breastfed infants can show s/s about 4 days after birth.
KERNICTERUS Rising bilirubin levels staining the basal nuclei of brain.
JAUNDICE-NI observe skin, sclera & mucus membrane for s/s. report progression from face to abdomen & feet. Monitor abnormal lab reports. Response to phototherapy. Feed them so they can poop it out. If breastfed, need formula.
RDS - SURFACTANT result of immature lungs. This is a fatty protein necessary for lungs to absorb O2. BEGINS TO FORM @ 24 WLS GESTATION & BY 34 WKS, IF FETUS IS DELIVERED, SHOULD BE ABLE TO BREATHE ADEQUATELY.
APNEA IN PRETERM INFANT cessation of breathing for 20 sec or longer. May be r/t immaturity of nervous system. May be accompanied by bradycardia (HR <100 beats/min) & cyanosis
WHAT CAN BE GIVEN TO MOM IN PRETERM LABOR TO HELP DEVELOP LUNG OF FETUS may be given corticosteroids to stimulate lung maturity 1-2 days before delivery.
NORMAL URINE OUTPUT OF PRETERM INFANT should be between 1 & 3 ml/kg/hr
PREVENTION OF RETINOPATHY OF THE PRETERM INFANT damage to immature retinal blood vessels throught to be caused by high o2 levels in arterial blood. Maintain sufficient levels of vit E & avoiding excessively high concentrations of o2. cryosurgery may reduce long term complications
WHY PRETERM NEEDS TO BE IN INCUBATOR provide a neutral thermal environment. Temp, air, radiating surface temp & humidity are controlled to maintain the infant's tem w/in a normal range w minimal O2 consumption req. provides isolation & protection from infection.
HYPOGLYCEMIA IN POST TERM NEWBORN OR NB OF DIABETIC MOM fetus gets large amt of glucose causing it to be hyperglycemic . Causing fetus to get big. AFTER BIRTH - glucose level below 40 mg/dl can result in brain damage.
NORMAL FINDINGS OF POST TERM NEW BORN - SKIN/NAILS/HAIR ETC long & thin - wt may have been lost. Skin is loose (esp around butt & thighs). Little lanugo or verniz caseosa. Skin is dry, crackles & peels. Nails are long & may be stained from meconium. Thick head of hair & looks alert.
BULGING FONTANELLE may indicate hydrocephalus or increased intracranial pressure.
SUNKEN FONTANELLE may indicate dehydration
CHEILOPLASTY initial repair of cleft lip. occurs in 3 month of age.
CHEILOPLASTY - NI may have elbow restraints to prevent the infant from scratching the lip. Prevent infant from sucking and crying (LOGAN BOW). Careful positioning : head up. Prevent infection by cleaning suture line.
CHEILOPLASTY - feeding special syringe or bottle is needed to assist in feeding. Med dropper untl wound is completely healed ( 1-2 wks). Clean mouth by giving smal amt of sterile water at end of each feeding session
BARLOW'S TEST upon adduction & extension of the hips (w health care providing stabilization to the pelvis), may "feel" the dislocation actually occur.
ORTOLANI'S SIGN CLICK. Where health care provider can actually feel & hear the femoral head slip back into the acetabulum under gentle pressure
S/S HIP DYSPLACIA IN NEWBORN limited abduction of leg on affected side. Knee on side of dislocation is lower. Skin folds of thigh are deeper & often assymetrical. When in prone position, one buttock appears higher than the other.
PKU-PHYLKETONURIA DIET must avoid the sweetener aspartame (nutrasweet) because it is a converted to phenylalanine in the body
PKU faulty metabolism of phenylalanine, an amino acid essential to life & found in all protein foods. Infant unable to digest this essential acid & it accumulates in blood & found in urine w/in 1st wk of life. Results in severe metal retardation.
CARE OF DOWNSYNDROM INFANT - HOW TO DEAL WITH HYPOTONICITY it makes positioning & holding more difficult & contributes to heat loss from exposed surface areas. infant should be warmly wrapped to prevent chilling. It causes resp problems & excess mucus accumulation. Bulb suctioning before feedings
RH NEG MOM - WHAT DOES SHE NEED administer RHOGAM w/in 72 hrs of delivery or at 28 wks gestation
PATHOLOGICAL JAUNDICE occurs w/in 24 hours of delivery
Created by: jekjes
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