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Pulm. Therap. Man.

Critical Care Concepts: Pulmonary Therapy Management

Dosage quantifiers for oxygen administration. Liters per minute or FiO2 Percent
True or false: Oxygen is withheld in critical situations? False. Oxygen is NEVER withheld in critical situations.
How is Oxygen need determined? SaO2 ABG (PaO2) SVO2
Where should the resting oxygen SaO2 be kept? Greater than 90%
What should the resting PaO2 be? Greater than 60 mmHg
What is the SaO2 when PaO2 is 60 mmHg? 90%
What apparatus is used to deliver Oxygen at a low flow rate? Nasal Cannula
What oxygen delivery apparatuses use a reservoir? Mask Partial non-rebreather mask Non-rebreather mask
What apparatus is used to deliver Oxygen at a HIGH flow rate? Air entrapment mask
What is the pathophysiology of absorption atelectasis? Nitrogen keeps alveoli open. High oxygen levels and low nitrogen levels lead to a greater amount of oxygen absorbed into the capillary bed than nitrogen can be replaced and the alveoli collapse.
When is there a risk for oxygen toxicity? When the FiO2 of oxygen delivery is greater than 50% for greater than 24 hours.
What are some complications of high oxygen delivery? Atelectasis Increased oxygen free radicals Pulmonary fibrosis Cellular proliferation Fluid leakage into the interstitial space
What are the clinical manifestations of oxygen toxicity? Substernal chest pain Tracheal irritation - cough Pleural pain - dyspnea Xray will show atelectasis
What the interventions to correct oxygen toxicity? Decrease FiO2
What is the difference between the clinical manifestations of oxygen toxicity and the resulting cellular changes. The clinical manifestations are reversible. Cellular changes are permanent.
When is an artificial airway indicated? Respiratory insufficiency or failure (ARDS) Airway obstruction Ineffective clearance of secretions Mechanical Ventilation Absence of protective reflexes
What are the routes that can be used with a pharyngeal airway? Oral Nasal
What are the routes that can be used with an ET tube? Oral Nasal
How is placement of an artificial confirmed? Bilateral breath sounds End tidal CO2
What some complications of
Created by: keelerd
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