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PA-Systemic Assess.

skin and circulation

Assessment of Skin and Circulation both may occur as a system of its own, or in conjunction with other body systems
Skin Assessment 1. choose to assess the entire skin surface at one time 2. Assess skin as a part of each body system
Skin Assessment Techniques: Inspection and Palpation
Assessment of Skin and Circulation both may occur as a system of its own, or in conjunction with other body systems
Skin Assessment 1. choose to assess the entire skin surface at one time 2. Assess skin as a part of each body system
Skin Assessment Techniques: Inspection and Palpation
Inspect and Palpate the skin for: 1. color 7. Thickness 2.temp 8. Edema 3. moisture 9. Mobility/Turgo 4. Texture 5. vascularity or bruising 6. lesions
Color of skin: things you will look for e. Jaundic- yellowing of the skin due to an increas in bilirubin *esp in sclera, hard palate, posterior of tongue, and skin (babies= all over)
Inspection and Palpation of the skin: best assessed areas for color areas of least pigmentation; Start from head to toe (change color first)
Inspection and Palpation of the skin: Temp. (Hyperthermia) could be a temp. above 100.4 *S/S=
Inspection and Palpation of the skin: Areas of least pigmentation assessed first Sclera(normally white) Conjunctiva(normally pink) Nail beds lips buccal mucosa tongue palms soles
Color of skin: things you will look for a. General pigmentation b. Pallor- absence of color; best in the nailbeds, lips, mucous membranes, & conjunctiva c. Erythema- areas of injection may appear reddened d. Cyanosis- caused by decreased oxygenation of blood; esp. skin, nailbeds, mucous mem
Color of skin: things you will look for e. Jaundic- yellowing of the skin due to an increas in bilirubin *esp in sclera, hard palate, posterior of tongue, and skin (babies= all over)
Inspection and Palpation of the skin: Temp. Normally skin is warm; excessive coolness or warmth indicates a deviation from normal
Inspection and Palpation of the skin: Temp. (Hyperthermia) A core body temperature much higher than normal, that is, above 37.2° C (99° F). 2. Therapeutic raising of the body temperature to 42°-45° C (107.6°-113.0° F). Also called hyperpyrexia.
Inspection and Palpation of the skin: Temp. (Hypothermia) A condition in which core body temperature is reduced to 32º C (89º F) or lower, usually caused by prolonged exposure to cold
Inspection and Palpation of the skin:Tugor and Mobility Skin tugor is an indicaiton of hydration status; assessed by pinching up the skin and releasing it (skin elasticity) *snap back in 3 sec. *best assessed sternum and forehead: beneath the clavicle for the older adult
Inspection and Palpation of the skin: Moisture (diaphoresis) profuse persiration from increased metabolic rate
Inspection and Palpation of the skin: Moisture (dehydration) look at mucous membranes; the tugor of the skin when pinched will stay up for a lot longer then 3 sec
Inspection and Palpation of the skin:Texture skin should be smooth,soft, flexible, and firm, and with an even surface
Inspection and palpation of the skin: Texture irregularity examples a. Hyperthroidism = results in smoother, velvety skin (access oil collection) b. Hypothroidism= results in rough, dry, and flaky skin
Inspection and palpation of the skin: Thinkness epidermis normally is uniformly thin over most of the body
Inspection and palpation of the skin: Thinkness (increased thickness areas) eczema or calluses
Inspection and palpation of the skin: Thinkness (decreased thinness areas) Arterial insufficiency will result in very thin, shiny, easily breaks, taut skin w/a loss of hair growth
Inspection and palpation of the skin:Edema fluid accumulating in the intracellular spaces that is abnormal most often in the extremeites
Types of Edema: Dependent found in areas of dependence such as feet in erect, ankles, sacrum in bedfast client, or back of knees, back, etc
Types of Edema: Peripheral Starts in feet then progresses to hands and sometimes even the face
Types of Edema: Pitting press finger into edematous area for 2-3 sec and note depth of indentation (make finger marks in the skin)
Grades of Pitting Edema: 1+ slight pit, normal contour
Grades of pitting Edema: 2+ deeper pit, faily normal contour
Grades of pitting Edema:3+ puffy, apperance of deeper pit
Grades of pitting Edema: 4+ Extremely deep pit, def. swollern and loss of contour
True of False; you may use a measuring tape and compare sizes of both extremities if edema is present? True.
Types of Edema: Generalized edema(anasarca) Massive edema *Ex: edema associated w/renal disease (fluid retention con't over an extended period of time)
Types of Edema: Pulmonary fluid rention in the lungs due to imbalanced capillary dynamics
How would we examine pulmonary edema? Auscultate or palpate? Aucultate
Types of Edema: cerebral fluid w/in the brain
How would we examine cerebral edema? See through examination of the eyes
Inspection and Palpation of the skin: Lesions physical changes in the skin caused by a disease process; rarley specific to a disease entity
Abnormal characteristics of lesions: ABCDE A: assymmetry B: Border irregularity (color; does it border the lesion or leak over into skin) C: color D: diameter > 6 cm E: Elevation and Enlargement
Lesions should be described in detailed esp if it is isolated and elevated
Lesions should be described in terms of: color, location, size, tenderness, discharge, crustation, and type of surface
Inspection and Palpation: Vascularity and Bruising Varicose Veins
"Primary Skin Lesions" -->Macule is a change in the color of the skin. It is flat, if you were to close your eyes and run your fingers over the surface of a purely macular lesion, you could not detect it. A macule greater than 1 cm. may be referred to as a patch.
"Primary Skin Lesions" --> Papule is a solid raised lesion that has distinct borders and is less than 1 cm in diameter. Papules may have a variety of shapes in profile (domed, flat-topped, umbilicated) and may be associated with secondary features such as crusts or scales.
"Primary Skin Lesions" --> plaque is a solid, raised, flat-topped lesion greater than 1 cm. in diameter. It is analogous to the geological formation, the plateau.
"Primary Skin Lesions" --> nodule is a raised solid lesion more than 1 cm. and may be in the epidermis, dermis, or subcutaneous tissue
"Primary Skin Lesions" --> wheal is an area of edema in the upper epidermis.
"Primary Skin Lesions" --> tumor a solid mass of the skin or subcutaneous tissue; it is larger than a nodule. (Please bear in mind this definition does not at all mean that the lesion is a neoplasm.)
"Primary Skin Lesions" --> vesile raised lesions less than 1 cm. in diameter that are filled with clear fluid.
"Primary Skin Lesions" --> bulla circumscribed fluid-filled lesions that are greater than 1 cm. in diameter.
"Primary Skin Lesions" --> pustule circumscribed elevated lesions that contain pus. They are most commonly infected (as in folliculitis) but may be sterile (as in pustular psoriasis)
primary skin lesions--> patch macules that are larger than 1 cm
primary skin lesions--> urticaria hives; wheals coalesce to form extensive reaction,intensley prutitic
primary skin lesions-->cyst encapsulated fluid-filled cavity in dermis or subcutaneous layer,tensely elevated skin
Created by: ectolle
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