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IV electrolytes


Normal Sodium levels 136-145 mEq/L
sodium roles regulation of fluid distribution in the body maintenance of body fluid osmolarity regulation of acid-base imbalance maintain ECF volume
Hyponatremia levels 135 or lower mEq/L
Hypernatremia levels 145 or higher mEq/L
cause of hyponatremia more water than sodium or excessive loss of sodium with an excessive gain of water.
cause of hypernatremia gain of sodium with out water loss or loss of water without loss of sodium.
swollen tongue, red dry and sticky mucus membranes, elevated body temperature sign or symptom of hypernatremia
chloride may be elevated with what? hyponatremia
electrolytes active chemicals that unite
Normal Potassium Levels 3.5-5 mEq/L
potassium roles responsible for nerve impulse transmission plays role in acid base imbalances effects skeletal and cardiac muscle fluid volume in the cell enzyme action for cellular energy production control of hydrogen ion concentration
is sodium intracellular or extracellular? extracellular; it can't cross the cell membrane
is potassium intracellular or extracellular? intracellular
what is the daily requirement of potassium? 40 mEq/L
treatment of hypokalemia salt substitutes contain K+ and can be used as supplement IV K+ replacement NEVER GIVE K+ IV PUSH
hypokalemia potassium level less than 3.5 mEq/L
hyperkalemia potassium level greater than 5 mEq/L
treatment of hyperkalemia calcium gluconate, sodium bicarb, regular insulin in hypertonic solution, peritoneal dialysis or hemodialysis
what is K+? potassium
what is Na+? sodium
what is Ca2+? calcium
role of calcium activating enxymes and stimulating chemical reactions maintaining normal nerve pulse transmissions conversion of prothrombin to thrombin maintaining skeletal elements regulates neuromuscular activity
hypocalcemia decrease in total body calcium or decrease of percentage of ionized calcium level
numbness of fingers and hyperactive deep tendon reflexes are signs and symptoms of what? hypocalcemia
hypercalcemia and hypocalcemia are dependent on what endocrine gland? parathyroid
deep bone pain is a sign and symptom of what? hypercalcemia
who is at risk for hypercalcemia? patients with solid tumonrs that have metastasized
hypercalcemia total serum calcium greater than 10.5 mg/dL
what is Mg+? magnesium
normal range for magnesium 1.3-2.1 mEq/L
is magnesium intracellular or extracellular? intracellular
what are the roles of magnesium? enzyme action regulation of neuromuscular activity regulation of electrolyte balance
magnesium levels less than 1.3 mEq/L hypomagnesemia
chronic alcoholism, prolonged malnutriton or starvation, and prolonged NG tube suctioning are possible causes of what? hypomagnesemia
hyperactive relexes, seizures, painfully cold extremeties, and parasthesia of feet and legs are signs and symptoms of what? hypomagnesemia
magnesium levels greater than 2.1 mEq/L hypermagnesemia
renal failure is a possible cause for what? hypermagnesemia
what medicines are high in magnesium? laxatives and antacids
what is a a sign of hypermagnesemia in newborns? weak or absent cry
hypoactive deep tendon reflexes, sinus brady, heart block, cardiac arrest, and flushing are signs and symptoms of what? hypermagnesemia
HPO4- is what? phosphorus
what is the normal range for phosphorus 3.0-4.5 mg/dL
where is the majority of phosphorus stored? in the teeth and bones
what is the role of phosphorus metablolism of protein, carbs, and fats energy production by the formation of ATP and ADP cell building block by being the backbone of nucleic acids and beign essential to cell membrane formation delivery of oxygen by formation of red blood cell enzyme
phosphate levels at less than 3.0 mg/dL hypophosphatemia
alcohol withdrawl is a possible cause of what? hypophosphatemia
tremors, ataxia, impaired oxygen delivery to peripheral tissues, dysarthria, dysphagia and congestive cardiomyopathy are signs and symptoms of what? Hypophosphatemia
phosphate levels at more than 4.5 mg/dL hyperphosphatemia
renal disease is a main cause of what? hyperphosphatemia
blood transfusions, excessive vitamin D, and some cancers are possible causes of what? hyperphosphatemia
hypocalcemia, tetany, soft tissue calcification, and mental changes are signs and symptoms of what? hyperphosphatemia
Cl- is what? chloride
normal chloride range 98-106 mEq/L
what electrolyte is a secondary result of another electrolyte imbalance? chloride
what is the role of chloride? regulation of osmolarity regulation of fluid balance controls acidity of gastric juices regulation of acid balances rold in oxygen-carbon dioxide exchange (the chloride shift)
chloride levels less than 98 mEq/L hypochloremia
pyloric obstruction, acute infection, and prolonged use of D5W are possible causes of what? hypochloremia
tetany, hypertonic reflexes, depressed respirations, alkalosis are signs and symptoms of what? hypochloremia
chloride levels more than 106 mEq/L hyperchloremia
trauma (especially head injury), excessive secretion of adrenal cortical hormone, severe dehydration are possible causes of what? hyperchloremia
headache, tremors, dyspnea, tachypnea, kussmaul respirations, hypoventilation, dysrhythmias, cardiac dysrhythmias are signs and symptoms of what? hyperchloremia
Created by: 561540524
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