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HCE 240 patho

key terms chapt one

Anaerobic metabolism and function without oxygen
Apoptosis normal programmed cell death in tissues
Autopsy an examination of part or all of a body, including organs, after death (postmortem) to determine the cause of illness and death
Biopsy the removal of a small piece of living tissue for microscopic examination to determine a diagnosis
Endogenous originating from within the body
Exogenous originating from outside the body
Gangrene necrotic tissue infected by bacteria
Homeostasis a relatively stable or constant environment in the body, including blood pressure, temperature, and pH, maintained by the various control mechanisms
Hypoxia a decreased or insufficient level of oxygen in the tissues
Iatrogenic caused by a treatment, procedure, or error
Idiopathic no known cause
Inflammation the response to tissue damage, indicated by redness, swelling, warmth, and pain
Ischemia decreased blood supply to an organ or tissue
Lysis destruction of a cell
Microorganism very small living organism, not visible to the naked eye, usually single-celled
Microscopic visible only when magnified by lenses in a microscope
Morphologic the physical size, form, structure, and shape of cells or organs
Probability the likelihood or chance of occurrence
atrophy degeneration and wasting of tissue, organs, or muscle due to decrease in cell size
hypertrophy increased size of an organ or muscle due to increased size of individual cells
hyperplasia an abnormal increase in the number of cells resulting in an increased tissue mass
metaplasia replacement of one mature cell type by another mature cell type
dysplasia disorganized cells that vary in size and shape with large nuclei
anaplasia undifferentiated primitive cells of variable size and shape, associated with cancer
neoplasm abnormal growth of new cells, benign or malignant
etiology cause or origin of a disease or abnormality
pathogenesis the early stages in the development of a disease
Latent present but hidden and inactive
Incubation period the time between the initial exposure to the infectious agent and the appearance of the first signs of infection
Prodromal the initial period in the development of disease before acute symptoms occur
Lesion an abnormality in the structure of a tissue or organ
Syndrome a group of signs and symptoms characteristic of a specific disorder
Exacerbation an acute episode or increased severity of manifestations
precipitating factor condition that triggers an acute episode
remission manifestations of a disease subside
complications secondary/additional problems that arise after original disease begins
sequelae unwanted outcomes of primary condition
Prognosis the probable outcome of a disease
Morbidity the rate at which a disease occurs; the proportion of a group affected by a disease
Mortality the number of deaths in a group for a specific disease
Epidemic a disease occurring in higher numbers than usual in a certain population within a given time period
epidemiology science of tracking the pattern or occurrence of disease
Occurrence the incidence and prevalence of disease
Incidence the number of new cases of a disease in a certain population within a time period
Communicable disease a disease that can be transmitted from an infected person, directly or indirectly, to other susceptible hosts
Necrosis death or destruction of tissue
liquefaction necrosis process which dead cells liquefy under influence of certain enzymes (bacterial infections)
coagulative necrosis cell proteins altered or denatured (MI)
fat necrosis fatty tissue broken into fatty acids
caseous necrosis form of coagulation, thick, yellowish, "cheesy" substance forms. (TB)
infarction an area of dead tissue caused by lack of blood supply
somatic death death of the body
brain death lack of response to stimuli, EEG changes, and decreased perfusion in the brain
–Congenital diseases diseases occurring at birth
–Remission period when symptoms & signs of disease abates
–Exacerbation period when symptoms & signs increase
–Endemic disease disease native to local area
Created by: superheromom24
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