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final repro

SPERMATOGENESIS sperm are produced in seminiferous tubules of testes from about age 13 throughout the remainder of life
PROSTATIS inflammation of the prostate gland
PROSTATIS - ACUTE & CHRONIC BACTERIAL caused by bacterial infection
PROSTATIS - SIGNS & SYMPTOMS - ACUTE swelling, warmth & tenderness. Dysuria, frequency, hematuria & foul smelling urine
PROSTATIS - SIGNS & SYMPTOMS - CHRONIC minimal symptoms or malaise
PROSTATIS - DIAGNOSIS complaints confirmed by lab studies of prostatic secretions
PROSTATIS - TREATMENT - ACUTE & CHRONIC antibiotic, analgesics & sitz bats.
PROSTATIS - TREATMENT - CHRONIC PROSTATITIS/CHRONIC PELVIC PAIN SYNDROME short course of antibiotics, anti inflammatory drugs; opiod analgesics
PROSTATIS - TREATMENT - ASYMPTOMATIC single daily dose of alpha adrenergic blocker
EPIDIDYMITIS inflammation of the epididymis. Caused by infections, trauma or the reflux of urine from the urethra through the vas deference
EPIDIDYMITIS - SIGNS & SYMPTOMS painful scrotal edema, nausea, vomitting, chills, fever
EPIDIDYMITIS - TREATMENT bed rest, ice packs, sitz baths, analgesics, antibiotics, anti inflammatory drugs and scrotal support.
EPIDIDYMITIS - NURSING CARE monitor temp, edema & comfort. Carry out prescribed tx.
ORCHITIS inflammation of one or both testes. r/t trauma or infections such as mumps, pneumonia or tuberculosis
ORCHITIS - SIGNS & SYMPTOMS fever, tenderness and swelling of the affected testicle and scrotal tenderness.
ORCHITIS - TREATMENT analgesics, antipyretics, bed rest, scrotal support, local heat to the scrotum
ORCHITIS - NURSING CARE pain management, assistance w activities of daily living, pt teaching & anxiety reduction
BENIGN PROSTATIC HYPERTROPHY (BPH) enlargement of the prostate gland. Common age-related change, but exact cause is unknown.
BENIGN PROSTATIC HYPERTROPHY (BPH) - SIGNS & SYMPTOMS obstructive symptoms: decreasing size and force of the urinary stream, urine retention, and postvoid dribbling. IRRITATIVE symptoms: urgency, frequency, dysuria, nocturia, hematuria, sometimes urge incontinence
BENIGN PROSTATIC HYPERTROPHY (BPH) - DIAGNOSIS based on rectal examination, lab & radiographic studies, endoscopy, ultrasound, catheterization for residual urine & sometimes urodynamic testing. Urine specimen & prostatic secretions obtained & examined for infection
BENIGN PROSTATIC HYPERTROPHY (BPH) - SURGICAL/INVASIVE TREATMENTS TURP (transurethral resection of the prostate) and suprapubic prostatectomy
BENIGN PROSTATIC HYPERTROPHY (BPH) - TURP COMPLICATIONS urinary infection & incontinence, hemorrhage, urinary leakage, inflammation of the pubic bone, erectile dysfunction
BENIGN PROSTATIC HYPERTROPHY (BPH) - ALTERNATIVE INVASIVE TREATMENTS microwave thermoterapy or transurethral needle ablation, stents, balloon dilation
BENIGN PROSTATIC HYPERTROPHY (BPH) - ASSESSMENT urinary symptoms: frequency, urgency, hesitancy, a change in stream size or force & nocturia. Record pain or hematuria. Palpage lower abdomen to detect bladder distention
BENIGN PROSTATIC HYPERTROPHY (BPH) - ASSESSMENT OF PROSTATECTOMY PT compare vital sites with preop. Inspect urine, dressings & wound drainage for excess bleeding. Carefully record fluid intake & output to avoid overdistention of the bladder. Record urine color & any clots.
BENIGN PROSTATIC HYPERTROPHY (BPH) - ASSESSMENT OF PROSTATECTOMY PT Check intravenous fluids & regulate rate of flow. monitor pt's level of comfort for incisional pain & bladder spasms
ERECTILE DYSFUNCTION (IMPOTENCE) inability to produce & maintain an erection for sexual intercourse. Erection requires intact neurologic function, sufficient inflow of blood to fill the corpus cavernosa.
ERECTILE DYSFUNCTION (IMPOTENCE) - DRUG THERAPY phosphodiesterase type 5 inhibitors - VIAGRA, CIALIS, LEVITRA. Alprostadil - MUSE, CAVERJECT. Papaverine, testosterone
ERECTILE DYSFUNCTION (IMPOTENCE) - TREATMENT vacuum constriction devices, revascularization (surgical procedure that bypasses blocked arteries, removes or ties off incompentent veins & tightens surrounding tissues), Penile implants.
ERECTILE DYSFUNCTION (IMPOTENCE) - ASSESSMENT pt's health/family history of diabetes. Record surgical procedures, injuries, illness, cancer & meds used regularly. Habits & lifestyles including adl's, diet, alcohol, drugs, exercise.
ERECTILE DYSFUNCTION (IMPOTENCE) - INTERVENTIONS listen & be careful not to dismiss the issue as unimportant. Provide factual information & resources.
PEYRONIE'S DISEASE a hard, nonelastic, fibrous tissue (plaque) just under the skin of the penis of men between 45 & 70 yrs of age. Plaque develops as a result of an injury that causes inflammation & scarring of the tunica surrounding the corpora cavernosa.
PEYRONIE'S DISEASE loss of the elasticity of the tunica results in decreased ability to fll during an erection & failure to store because of low pressure on the veins against the covering of the erectile tissue
PEYRONIE'S DISEASE - MEDICAL TREATMENT topical or oral meds w vit E, oral paraaminobenzoic acid, tamoxifen, colchicine. Local radiation, injections to the lessions. Tx depend on size of plaque & curvature
PRIAPISM prolonged erection not related to sexual desire. Causes injury to the penis, sickle cell crisis & neoplasms of the brain or spinal cord. Drugs that may be responsible: alpha adrenergic blockers, anticoagulants, cocaine, marijuana, levitra.
PRIAPISM painful, constitutes in emergency situation. Failure to resolve the problem within 12 to 24 hours may result in penile ischemia, gangrene, fibrosis & erectile dysfunction
PRIAPISM - MEDICAL TREATMENT aspirating blood from erectile chambers or injecting drugs that causes contraction of smooth muscle, inhibiting inflow of blood & allowing outflow. Emergency surgery may be needied.
INFERTILITY couples who have had unprotected intercourse over a 12 month period and have been unable to become pregnant. May be caused by reproductive problem in the male, female or both
INFERTILITY - ETIOLOGY & RISK FACTORS endocrine disorders, testicular problems or abnormalities of the ejaculatory system. Infections that affects the testicular or ejaculatory functions. Infections: mumps, tb, PNA, syphilis, chlamydia, gonorrhea
INFERTILITY - CRYPTOCHIDISM testis in other than a dependent scrotal position. Bec the abd cavity is warmer than the scrotum, excessive warmth can damage the seminiferous epithelium of undescended testes & result in decreased sperm count.
INFERTILITY - TESTICULAR TORSION occurs unilaterally when testicle is mobile & the spermatic cord twists, cutting off blood supply to testicle. Acute med surgery requiring immediate release of the torsion or removal of the testicle.
INFERTILITY - TESTICULAR TORSION- S/S intense pain, often accompanied by nausea & vomitting.
INFERTILITY - TESTICULAR TORSION- MED TX after it is corrected, lowered sperm count & infertility may follow
INFERTILITY - VARICOCELE lengthening & enlargement of the scrotal portion of the venous system that drains the testicle. Caused by incomptent or absent valves in the spermatic venous system. Allows pooled blood & the rsulting increased pressure to dillate the veins
INFERTILITY - VARICOCELE - TX scrotal support, surgical ligation & is indicated when fertility is thought to be affected. Fertility or ability to conceive may/may not improve
INFERTILITY - VASECTOMY surgical removal of a portion of the vasa. Erection, ejaculation & intercourse is not affected.
INFERTILITY - VASECTOMY - postop pain/swelling managed w application of an ice bag, mild analgesics & scrotal support. Pt can resume intercourse as soon as he feels comfortable. Important to use birth control until analysis of semen to determine there is complete absence of sperm
PENILE CANCER relatively rare; almost exclusively in uncircumsized men. A dry, wartlike painless growth on the penis that does not respond to antibiotic therapy. Can be removed surgically if treated in early stages.
TESTICULAR CANCER testicular germ cell carcinoma occurs most often in men between 18 & 34.
PROSTATIC CANCER cause is unknown. Age >50 yrs, african american, overweight, high fat diet, & family history.
PHIMOSIS edema that may prevent retraction of the foreskin caused by inflammation under the foreskin. Often assoc w poor hygiene. Treated w antimicrobials & proper cleansing. Circumcision sometimes recommended.
PHIMOSIS Uncircumcised men need to retract the foreskin for cleansing as part of daily hygiene
CHLAMYDIAL INFECTION most common bacterial STI in US. Organism like bacterium Chlamydia trachomatis . Transmitted by contact w mucus membranes in mouth, eyes, urethra, vagina or rectum
CHLAMYDIAL INFECTION - SIGNS & SYMPTOMS most has no symptoms. Males: PENILE DISCHARGE; painful or frequent urination. Females: vaginal discharge, painful urination, nausea, fever, painful intercourse, bleeding between mens, lower abd pain
CHLAMYDIAL INFECTION - COMPLICATIONS sterility, risk of ectopic pregnancy is increased, women w chlamydia are approximately 5 times more likely to become infected w HIV if exposed to it.
CHLAMYDIAL INFECTION - DIAGNOSIS lab studies: chlamydia antigen test, cell tissue culture
CHLAMYDIAL INFECTION - TREATMENT single does of AZITHROMYCIN (Zithromax) or 7 day course DOXYCYCLINE (Vibramycin). Repeat culture 4-7 days. Confirms successful treatment. Pt to avoid all sexual intercourse (genital, oral, anal) until cured.
GONORRHEA commonly reported STI in US. Most often through sexual contact. Caused by neisseria gonorrhae. Affects pharynx, rectum, urethra, prostrate, epididymis, uterus & fallopian tubes. w/ systemic (disseminated) infection: heart, joints, skin & meninges
GONORRHEA - SIGNS & SYMPTOMS many has no symptoms. MALE: WHITISH OR GREENISH discharge from penis. Often burning sensation during urination. FEMALES: vaginal discharge, redness & swelling of the external genitalia, a burning sensation during urination, abd pain, abnormal mens.
GONORRHEA - SIGNS & SYMPTOMS Rectal infection: discharge, anal itching, soreness, bleeding or painful bowel movements. Throat infections: usually no symptoms but sore throat.
GONORRHEA - COMPLICATIONS sterility in both sexes & infections may lead to damage to heart tissue & joints. Males may develop epididymitis & prostatitis. Females may develop PID.
GONORRHEA - DIAGNOSIS health history & physical exam findings as well as lab analysis of exudate infected body parts or urinalysis
GONORRHEA - TREATMENT single dose of IM ROCEPHIN, Suprax, Cipro, Floxin. If concurrent w/ chlamydial infection, initial drug followed w 7 days oral VIBRAMYCIN. Erythromycin ophtalmic ung for newborn to prevent eye infection caused by exposure to gonococci during delivery
SYPHILIS caused by microscopic organism, a spirochete called TREPONEMA PALLIDUM. Organism transmitted by sexual contact; also spread through breaks in skin. Also passed through placenta, thus causing an infant to be born with disease
SYPHILIS - SIGNS & SYMPTOMS - PRIMARY STAGE (CHANCRE) reddish papule appears where organism entered body; usually on genitals, anus or mouth. w/in wk, papule becomes painless red ulcer. Lymph nodes near enlarged but not tender. will last 1-5 wks. When it disappear, pt thinks cured but it moved to blood.
SYPHILIS - SIGNS & SYMPTOMS - SECONDARY STAGE occurs 1-6 months after contact. Rash on extremities chest or back, palms, soles. Pustules containing highly contagious material often develop, fever, sore throat & generalized aching, pt contagious during 1st & 2nd stage.
SYPHILIS - SIGNS & SYMPTOMS - LATENT STAGE there are no symptoms. Organisms are invading major organs. Disease is not spread by sexual contact during the latent stage but may be transmitted by blood exposure.
SYPHILIS - SIGNS & SYMPTOMS - LATE STAGE generally 3 yrs after contact before late syphilis develops although it may be decades. Arthritis, numbness of extremities, ulcers of skin & internal organs, pain due to damage to the heart, blood vessels (especially the aorta), spinal cord or brain
SYPHILIS - COMPLICATIONS blindness, mental illness, paralysis, heart disease. Easier for a person to contrct HIV
SYPHILIS - DIAGNOSIS physical exam findings. Venereal Disease Research Laboratory (VDRL), test & rapid plasma reagin (RPR) test. Flourescent treponemal antibody absorption test (FTA-ABS) & the microhemagglutination test.
SYPHILIS - TREATMENT Parental PENICILLIN G unless contraindicated. Advice follow up appt w md to see whether tx was effective. Advice not to engage in sexual act until 1 month after completing treatment for primary or secondary syphillis.
HERPES SIMPLEX - COLD SORES caused by herpes febrilis or herpes simplex virus 1 (HSV-1). Transmitted through contact w open lesions, usually on the lips or inside the mouth
HERPES SIMPLEX - GENITAL HERPES caused by herpes simplex virus 2 (HSV-2). Vaginal or anal intercourse and oral-genital contact but also can be by hand contact.
HERPES SIMPLEX - SIGNS & SYMPTOMS painful, itching sores on or around the genitals approximately 2-20 days after infection. Symptoms last abt 2-3 wks. Rash appears 1st, then small blisters that ulcerate. Complaints of flulike symptoms & burning sensation during urination.
HERPES SIMPLEX - COMPLICATIONS increased risk of cervical cancer. Obstetricians recommend caesarian sections for infected women who have active lesions to decrease risk of transmission to baby
HERPES SIMPLEX - DIAGNOSIS appearance of genital lesions. Exudate from lesions examined under a microscope & culture. HERP CHECK.
HERPES SIMPLEX - TREATMENT NO CURE for HSV infection but oral antivirals acyclovir (ZOVIRAX) to control s/s.
TRICHOMONIASIS caused by protozoan parasite. Usually sexually transmitted. Parasite can survive for hours on damp cloths. CBC estimates 7 mil cases per year. Affects vagina in women, urethra for men
TRICHOMONIASIS - SIGNS & SYMPTOMS WOMEN: frothy, yellowish discharge. foul odor. Vaginal irritation & itching. Urinary frequency/burning infection in urethra. Chronic infection: bladder & anal involvement. MEN: no symptoms. mild discharge or slight burning after urination or ejaculation.
TRICHOMONIASIS - DIAGNOSIS detected by microscopic study of vaginal discharge or urine (in males). Discharge can be cultured to reveal organism.
TRICHOMONIASIS - TREATMENT METRONIDAZOLE (FLAGYL) is the drug of choice. Important that pt & sexual partners be treated at the same time to avoid reinfection.
CONDYLOMATA ACUMINATA (GENITAL WARTS) caused by HPV. Affect genital, anal regions of men & women. Transmission by vaginal, anal or genital contact. Incidents of transmission from people who had no visible signs of infection. Incubation period: 3 wks to 8 months.
CONDYLOMATA ACUMINATA (GENITAL WARTS) - SIGNS & SYMPTOMS MALES: glans, foreskins, urethra opening , penile shaft or scrotum. FEMALES: in/around vulva, vagina, cervix, perineum, anal canal, urethra. Also on labia, deep w/in vaginal canal & endocervix. Warts generally pink or red & soft w cauliflower like.
CONDYLOMATA ACUMINATA (GENITAL WARTS) - DIAGNOSIS observation of warts. Biopsy necessary to make a definitive diagnosis.
CONDYLOMATA ACUMINATA (GENITAL WARTS) - TREATMENT NO CURE. Removal provides symptomatic relief. Application of podofilox or imiquimod by pt. cryotherapy
BACTERIAL VAGINOSIS caused by Gardnerella Vaginalis & other anaerobic bacteria. Infectious bacteria emerge when normal bacteria in vagina are suppressed. Asoc w having multiple sex partners & douching. Unclear if actually transmitted sexually
BACTERIAL VAGINOSIS - SIGNS & SYMPTOMS genital irritation & itching, thin gray discharge, & a fishy odor but some women report no symptoms
BACTERIAL VAGINOSIS - DIAGNOSIS microscopic examination of the discharge fluid by culture.
HUMAN IMMUNODEFICIENCY VIRUS INFECTION HIV gradually destroys T4 lymphocytes w/c are essential for resisting pathogens. As lymphocytes decline, pt is increasingly sysceptible to opportunistic infections. When immune system ceases to function, pt has AIDS
Created by: jekjes
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