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N316 Fluids electrol

n316 exam 2Fluids and Electrolytes

*Dehydration "the excessive loss of water from the body."
*hypercalemia An abnormally high concentration of calcium in the blood.
*fluid volume deficit When fluid loss exceeds intake, a fluid volume deficit exists
*older adult considerations increase risk for FVD
*Acidosis/alkalosis-application (blank)
Acidosis- An abnormal increase in the acidity of the body's fluids, caused either by accumulation of acids or by depletion of bicarbonates.
alkalosis Abnormally high alkalinity of the blood and body fluids.
*Metabolic/resp. (blank)
homeostasis The body's tendency to maintain a state of physiologic balance in the presence of constantly changing conditions.
Body fluid distribution H20 = [] % of body weight ICF = ? % and ECF = []?% Body fluid distribution H20 = 60 % of body weight ICF = 40 % and ECF = 20%
Body fluid distribution H20 = 60 % of body weight
ICF = ?? E-lytes and 40% of body weight
ECF = ?? e lytes and 20% of body weight
what E-lytes are found in ICF? Potassium K+ magnesium Mg+
what E-lytes are found in ECF? e-lytes Sodium Na+ Chloride Cl- calcium Ca+
ECF is classified by ? Location
Name the types of Ecf interstital, intravascular, trancvellular
define the following EFC fluid interstital, fluid between cells
define the following EFC fluid , intravascular, fluid w/in blood vessels plasma
define the following EFC fluid trancellular urine, GI fluid, cerebral spinal fluid, pleural, synovial, intraocular etc.
Normal fluid I & O Normal adult Intake = 2500 mL/24 hrs.
output = 2500ml/ 24/ hrs.
oral fluid intake = 1200 cc/ 24 hrs.
urine output = 1500/24 hrs.
water in food intake = 1000/24 hrs.
output respiration = 500/24hrs.
intake oxidation of food = 300cc/24hyrs.
output perspiration 300/24hrs.
cations= + carged
anions - carge
catinas, consist of sodium,potassium,calcium,and magesium
anions, consist of negetavely charged psosphorous bicarbonate chloride
mechanisms of body fluid movement osometic preassure, hydrostatic preassure, diffusion, filtration, active transport
osometic preassure, power of a solution to draw h20 across a membrane high pressure gradient to low preassure gradient
hydrostatic preassure,
diffusion, The transport of matter from one point to another by random molecular motions. It occurs in gases, liquids, and solids.
filtration, The separation of solid particles from a fluidsolids suspension of which they are a part by passage of most of the fluid through a septum or membrane that retains most of the solids on or within itself.
active transport The passage of ions or molecules across a cell membrane against an electrochemical or concentration gradient, or against the normal direction of diffusion.
body maintains homeostasis ? thrist, kidneys, renin angiotensin/ aldosterone system, adh, ANF
thrist, felt when serum osmolarity > 295
kidneys, volume and electrolyte balance osmalarity
renin angiotensin/ aldosterone system, intravascular fluid balance and blood preassure
adh, antidiuretic hormone regulates h20 excreation from the kidney
ANF atrial natriuretic factor releases when fluid is ovweloaded /to high
roy behavior assessment (oxygenation,nutrition, elimination, activity rest, protection, neurological alterations, labs
roy stimuli assessment chronic Illness, Medical intervention, cognator effectness, developmental-older adults*, enviromental
why r older adults have an increased risk for FVD? decrease perception thrist, - in body fluid amount, changes in body structure and function ie renal , temp regulation, incontinence, physical conditions/dissabalities, cognitive impaorments
dehydration loss of h20 alone
hypovolemia decrease in circulating blood volume
Third spacing a shift of fluid from vascular space into an unuseable space.
causes of FVD inadaquate fluid intake, failure of regulatory mechanism fluid loss,
signs and symptoms of fvd weight loss, thrist, postural hypotension, tachycardia, increase body temp, decrease pulse volume
tachycardia A rapid heart rate, especially one above 100 beats per minute in an adult.
FVD diagnostic tests concentrated urin SG> 1.030, decreased urine output, E-lytes, osmolarity, CVP sub normal, increased hemocrit elevated bun(possible
nursing diagnosis in hypovolemia Fluid volume deficit [r/t} inabality to maintain oral intake of fluids AEB vomiting [2] r/t lack of cognative abality to understand neeed to drink fluids AEB: confusion disorentation [3] r/t lack of info 2 replace fluids-Ineffective tissue perfusion, risk
treatment hypovolemia prevention, treat cause of deficits evaluate effectness of treatment
treatment hypovolemia prevention at risk elderly, children, persons with fluid loss (V/D) atheletes
treatment hypovolemia treat cause of deficits replace oral, iv, enteral, isotonic may need to add e-lytes
fFE terminology hypervolemia, edema, causes system failure,excessive intake of sodium, IV solution w/ NaCI
fFE terminology hypervolemia, edema, system failure causes heart, kidney cirrhosis of Liver, adrenal gland dissorders, corticossteroides, stress conditions causing a release of ADH/aldosterone
ADH/aldosterone antidiuateric hormone A steroid hormone secreted by the adrenal cortex that regulates the salt and water balance in the body.
adrenal gland dissorders water and electrolyte loss associated with this condition results from deficiency of the adrenal hormone, aldosterone
corticosteroid Any of the steroid hormones produced by the adrenal cortex or their synthetic equivalents, such as cortisol and aldosterone. Some corticosteroids regulate fluid balance in the body
S/S of fluid excess weight gain, circulatory overload peripheral edema, diagnostics
S/S of fluid excess weight gain, >5% over short period
Diagnostics S/S of fluid excess chest x-ray pulmonary edema
Diagnostics S/S of fluid excess Serum Na and Osmolarity: WNL Within Normal Limits
Diagnostics S/S of fluid excess Hgb. and Hct slightly below normal limits
Diagnostics S/S of fluid excess may develop metabolic acidosis if fails to adapt
Diagnostics S/S of fluid excess low BUN (blank)
pulmonary edema An effusion of fluid into the alveoli and interstitial spaces of the lungs. Edema of the lungs usually due to mitral stenosis or left ventricular failure
Serum Na and Osmolarity Serum = Watery fluid from animal tissue, such as that found in edema. Na = The symbol for the element sodium.Osmolarity = The osmotic concentration of a solution expressed as osmoles of solute per liter of solution.
WNL Within Normal Limits
Hgb. and Hct HGB (Hemoglobin) HCT (Hematocrit)
BUN blood urea nitrogen
treatment of FVE prevention, manage fluid intake, diuretics
treatment of FVE diuretics loop lasix,thiazides, osmotic diuretic, potassium sparing
treatment of FVE loop lasix inhibit Na reabsorption in ascending loop of henle
treatment of FVE thiazides diuril same as loop lasix but @ distal tubule less potent than loop same SE
treatment of FVE osmotic diuretic Mannitol (IV)
treatment of FVE potassium sparing spironolactone
spironolactone spi·ro·no·lac·tone (spī'rə-nō-lăk'tōn, spī-rō'-, spī-rŏn'ə-)
adaptation to hypervolemia left sided heart failure,right sided heart failure
adaptation to hypervolemia left sided heart failure will present as pulmonary edema crackles
adaptation to hypervolemia right sided heart failure will present as pweipheral edema pedal edema
nursing diagnosis hypervolemia (blank)
electrolyte imbalances characteristics mainly in ECF, normal values 135-145 mEq/L,
ECF extracellular fluid
electrolyte normal lab values 135-145 mEq/L
electrolytes actions regulates fluid volume, osmolality, maintains neuromuscular activity
sources of electrolytes (blank)
electrolyte adaptation to imbalances kidney saves or excretes stimulates renin and aldosterone system , ADH, glomercular filtration rate, natriuretic peptide release
electrolyte adaptation kidney saves or excretes stimulates renin and aldosterone system why? (blank)
electrolyte adaptation kidney saves or excretes ADH, why? (blank)
electrolyte adaptation kidney saves or excretes glomercular filtration rate, natriuretic peptide release Why? (blank)
@next hyponatrumia (blank)
hyponatrumia A serum sodium level of less than 136 mEq/L. A deficiency of sodium in the blood
hypernatremia >145mEq/L An abnormally high plasma concentration of sodium ions.
*hyperkalemia >5 mEq/L An abnormally high concentration of potassium ions in the blood.
*hyperkalemia cause less common more dangerous cardiac arrest, renal failure, medications, extensive tissue trtauma-burns, crush injuries, severe infections, rapid IV infusion
pseudo hyperkalemia (blank)
S/S hyperkalemia abnormal heart rate/rythem/ecg changes skeletal muscle weaqkness tremors, irritability GI diarrhea colic, Nero paresthesias flacid paralysis Collaborative care
paresthesias A skin sensation, such as burning, prickling, itching, or tingling, with no apparent physical cause.
Calcium 8.5 to 10mEq/L 99% bound to phosphorus to form minerals in bones and teeth only 1% extracellular and ionized (free) active
actions of ionized Calcium regulates muscle contraction and relaxation Maintains cardiac function, acts in blood clotting process
Potassium <3.5 mEq/L intracellular cation (K+) vital to cellular metabolism especially skeletal and cardiac muscle activity Daily intake needed, kidneys primary regulator aldosterone shifts in and out of cells in response to ph of the blood
hypocalemia <8.5mEq/L low calcium
hypercalemia serum calcium >10mEq/L
hypercalemia causes hyperparathyroidism malignancies lack of weight bearing w/ prolonged immobility self limited in a successful kidney transplant and excessive intake of ViD or Ca thiazide diuretics and renal failure
thiazide diuretics Any of a group of drugs that block reabsorption of sodium in the distal tubules of the kidneys, used as diuretics primarily in the treatment of hypertension.
S/S hypercalemia muscle weakness slow GI Abn heart rythm
hypercalemia may lead to peptic ulcer, kidneystones, cardiac arrest
magnesium 1.6-2.6mEq/L
magnesium characteristics mainly intracellular in bone, green veggies, excreated kidneys, vital 2 cellular function, affected by K and Ca levels
K and Ca K Abbrev. for potassium.Abbrev. Ca for calcium.
hypomagnesia <1.6mEq/L
Acidosis The condition where the hydrogen ion concentration increases above normal (reflected in a pH below 7.35).
Alkalosis The condition where the hydrogen ion concentration decreases below normal (reflected in a pH above 7.45).
Alkalosis Acidosis application (blank)
acid base balancenormal p.h. 7.35-7.45
body constantly produces acids carbonic acid
eliminated through lungs as co2
lactic hydrochloric sulfuric kidney
most acids and bases are weak
the major base = bicarbonate
body constantly responds to regulate ph by buffer systems, respiratory systems, renal (metaBOLIC) SYSTEMS
buffer systems, IMMEDIATE RESPONSE
Pco2 Partial Pressure of Carbon Dioxide
HCo3 Bicarbonate
pO2 normal hypoxia normal = 80-100mm Hg hypoxia<80 mm Hg
pO2 Partial Pressure of Oxygen
hypoxia Insufficient levels of oxygen in blood or tissue
Acidosis A state characterized by actual or relative decrease of alkali in body fluids in relation to the acid content; depending on the degree of compensation for the acidosis, the pH of body fluids may be normal or decreased; an accumulation of acid metabolites
Acidosis H ions concentration increases and pH <7.35
Acidosis respiratory unable to get rid of CO2
Acidosis metabolic excess acid or lack of bicarb
alkalosis A pathophysiological disorder characterized by H-ion loss or base excess in body fluids (metabolic alkalosis), or caused by CO2 loss due to hyperventilation (respiratory alkalosis).
alkalosis H ion concentration decreases below normal and ph > 7.45
alkalosis respiratory exce4ssive co2 loss
alkalosis bicarb excess or loss of H ions
symptoms of acidosis respiratory ph <7.35, pCO2 > 45mm Hg resp hypoventilation is cause (likely Resp. can't respond) Neuro: HA, blurred vision, irritable, confused
symptoms of Acidosis Metabolic : pH Metabolic : pH < 7.35, HCO3 < 22mEq/L resp. hyperventaltion to blow off CO2, NEURO, HA, weak, fatigue, confusion, stupor, coma GI: N/V Skin:warm/ flushed CV Dysrhythmias d/t hyperkalema
symptoms of alkalosis respiratory ph>7.45, pCO2 <35mm Hg resp rapid shallow breathing cause NEURO panic light headed paresthesias of extremities lead to seizure LOC CV palpitions, chest tightness
symptoms of alkalosis metabolic ph>7.45, HCO3 >26mEq/L RESP response dec rate and depth of respirations NEURO; altered mental status numbness tingling at mouth & extremities muscle spasms may lead to seizure LOC CV: Arrhythmias d/t hypokalemia
Created by: garrowcousino
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