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Med I

study guide/review

5 steps of nursing process ANPIE (Assessment, Nursing Diagnosis, Planning,Implementing and Evaluation)
Subjective vs Objective Data Subjective-pt tells you (sypmtoms) Objective-you can see (signs)
Nursing Diagnosis is written in what format PES
What does PES stnad for P-problem (from NANDA list) E-etiology (cause or r/t) S-signs and symptoms
What is DAR Data, Action, Response Charting
5 levels of Maslows Hierarchy (from bottom to top) Physiological needs, Safety and Security, Love and Belonging, Self Esteem, Self-Actualization
The level of responsibility that society places on individuals for their action is: liability
What is malpractice definition breach of duty that arises out of the relationship that exists between patient and the health care worker
What is ethnocentrisim represents a belief that ones culture is better than all others
Name some examples of cultural diversity for HISPANICS ex.) milk is seldom consumed, food served warm-not hot or cold, rarely leave children with babysitters, body should be buried whole, believes direct eye contact can cause illness, no cremation, prefers potato, corn and other spicy vegetables
Name some examples of cultural diversity for ARAB-AMERICANS/MUSLIMS ex.)maintains intense eye contact, extended family members are important, food is a symbol of love, at time of death body should face Mecca, no pork or alcohol
Name some examples of cultural diversity for AFRICAN-AMERICANS ex.) pain is a sign of illness, strong family ties, diet high in fat and sodium, church is a central role, being overweight is a positive thing, may believe that serious illness is sent from God
Name some examples of cultural diversity for AMERICAN INDIANS/ALASKAN NATIVES ex.) avoid speaking of death/illness, uses herbs to cleanse the body of evil spirits, pain is something that must be endured, elderly may request same gender provider, believe body should go into the afterlife whole, no cremation
What does insulin do to blood sugar levels decreases
3 P's of diabetes polyuria, polydipsia, polyphagia
pre-diabetes FBS 100-125
Type 1 Diabetes A.K.A. IDDM and/or juvenile diabetes
Type 2 Diabetes A.K.A. NIDDM and/or adult onset diabetes
cause of type 1 diabetes destruction of cells in pancreas, produces little to no insulin
Most common age for type 1 diabetes 5-15 years old
Most common age for type 2 diabetes 40+ years old
cause of type 2 diabetes insulin does not work effectively, therefore insulin produced by the pancreas is not sufficient to keep blood sugar level normal & bodys cells are unable to properly use glucose
What is diabetes insipidus? What is the cause? deficiency of ADH (antidieuretic hormone), caused often by a tumor or trauma to the pituitary gland
treatment of diabetes insipidus removal of tumor and/or treatment to replace ADH
FBS normal ranges and when is it usually drawn? 60-110 and usually drawn in am (after fasting overnight) or after 4 hours of fasting
diagnosis made after fbs of what on two or more occasions 126
what is OGTT and how is it used to diagnose? oral glucose tolerance test and when blood glucose is 200 or higher after 2 hours, diabetes is diagnosed
glycohemoglobin is also known as what? What does it give results for? Hb A1c and it tests average blood glucose from past 2-3 months
only cure for diabetes pancreas transplant
PFT pulmonary function test
storage of insulin 1 month out of refrigerator, 3 months in refrigerator
clear insulin= cloudy insulin= clear=rapid cloudy=regular
What insulin is usually given in an insulin pump Novolog
Only insulin given IV Humulin R
Humulin R peak 2-5 hours
Humulin N peak 6-12 hours
Which insulin should you adminster when a meal is available for immediate consumption Novolog (Humalog)
WHat insulin is often found in pen form and CAN NOT be mixed with other insulin Levemir
What insulin is UNCOMPATIBLE with all others, has 0 peak and is often administered at bedime Lantus
What is basal insulin Insulin produced by the body.
What does Glucophage do? does not lower FBS but stabilizes it once it is normal.
Hyperglycemia occurs when: eating more than meal plan sugests, stress, calories exceed insulin available (TREAT WITH INSULIN)
Hypoglycemia occurs when: level is below 50, caused by skiping a meal, exercising more than usual, or administering to much insulin.
S/S hypoglycemia hunger, sweating, blurry vision, irritibility (TREAT WITH FOOD, SUGAR -OJ)
S/S hyperglycemia lethargy, polyuria, polydipsia, polyphagia
DKA: what is it, and list S/S diabetic ketoacidosis, s/s- deep respirations, kussmaul resp., dry skin, flushed apperarance, hyperkalemia (TREAT WITH INSULIN)
leading cause of amputation of lower extremities diabetes
only papable endocrine gland thyroid
function of T3 and T4 regulate metabolism
what is isthmus portion that divides anterior and posterior thyroid
function of parathyroid calcium regulation
enlargement of thyroid goiter
What is Hashimotos thyroiditis autoimune ilness, inflammation then destruction of the thyroid gland
s/s hypothyroidism weight gain, fatigue, cold, bradycardia, dry skin and hair, lethargic
what is cretinism hypothyroidism in children
treatment of hypothyroidism synthroid oral med (administered once a day-often before breakfast)and routine blood work
s/s hyperthyroidism heat intolerance, inreased appetite, weight loss, frequent bowel movements, nervousness
Cause of Cushings syndrome hyper-secretion of adrenal glands-cortisol is hypersecreted
Cause of Addisons disease decreased production from adrenal glands
4 stages of grief 1. shock and disbelief 2. protest 3. disorganization, 4. reorganization
What is thanatology study of death
5 stages of coping with death 1. denial, 2. anger, 3. bargaining, 4. depression, 5. acceptance.
What is Dr. Elisabeth Kubler-Ross well known for? her research on death and dying
6 stages of family life cycle 1.) unattatched young adult, 2.) joining of families through marriage, 3.) family with young children, 4.)family with adolescents, 5.) moving on to empty nest syndrome, 6.) family later in life (retirement)
branch dealing with disease and problems of the elderly geriatrics
what is gerontology science studying the aging process
two categories that contribute to aging intrinsic factor (wear and tear) and extrinsic factor (environmental influences)
Name the three key points about insulin? Secreted by the beta cells of the islets of langerhans, helps regulate the metabolism of carbohydrates, proteins, and fats, and lowers blood glucose levels.
define tetany. Lower calcium levels. (Trousseau's or Chvostek's sign).
Excess growth hormone in adults acromegaly
major cause of memory loss in older adults depression
Created by: 100000914976506
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