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Test 3

Cardiovascular System -Highly complex -Includes heart and closed system of blood vessels
Heart -Extends: vertically from L second to L fifth intercostal space -Extends: horizontally from R edge of sternum to L midclavicular line -Precordium: anterior chest area overlying heart and great vessels -Mediastinum: space where heart sits
Layers of the Heart -Pericardium: Heart's outermost layer (covering) -Myocardium: Heart's muscular layer, biggest and thickest part, most of heart -Endocardium: Heart's innermost layer
Cardiac Cycle -Refers to the filling and emptying of the heart's chambers -Two phases: Diastole (relaxation or the ventricles, filling); Systole (contraction of the ventricles, emptying)
Heart Valves -Atrioventricular b/w the atrium and the ventricle -R=tricuspid -L=bicuspid (mitral) -Semilunar located at the exit of the ventricles and beginning ofthe great vessels -R=pulmonic -L=aortic
Heart Sounds -Produced by valve closure -Opening=silence -2 normal heart sounds: S1 & S2 -S1-closure of the AV valves, lub -S2-closure of the semilunar valves, dub
Phases of ECG -P -Q -R -S -T
Extra Heart Sounds -S3 and S4 referred to as diastolic filling sounds/extra heart sounds -Result of ventricular vibration secondary to rapid ventricular filling
S3 -Ventricular Gallop, can be heard early in diastole after S2 -Best heard using bell @ apical area -Rhythm=Kentucky -Extra beat@end -Normal in young children,and pregnancy -Rarely normal in ppl over 40 -Associated w/CHF,myocardial failure, volume ov
S4 -Atrial gallop heard late in diastole, just b/f S1 -Best heard using bell over apical area w/patient supine or L lateral -Rhythm=Tennessee -Extra beat @beginning -Can be normal in trained athletes -usually an abnormal finding associated with CAD,HTN
Murmur -Swishing sound caused by turbulent blood flow through the heart valves/great vessels -Pan-Means all throughout
Physiologic Murmur -Caused by temporary increase in blood flow. Can occur with anemia, pregnancy, fever and hyperthyroidism
Innocent murmur -Not associated w/any physiologic abnormality,they occur when the ejection of blood into the aorta is turbulent, very common in kids and young adults
Pericardial Friction Rub -Caused by inflammation of the pericardial sac -Best heard w/diaphragm over the 3rd ICS L of sternum -High pitched,scratchy, scraping sound -For best results have patient sit up, lean forward,exhale & hold breath -Commonly heard during the 1st after a
Cardiac Output -The volume of blood expelled by the ventricles of the heart with each beat -CO=HR X SV
Coronary Artery Disease: Risk Factors -Age -Family Hx -Ethnicity -Metabolic syndrome -Obesity -HTN -High LDL and fibrinogen -Diabetes -Smoking -Inactivity -Alcohol -Stress
Myocardial Infarction Signs and Symptoms -Chest pain,Squeezing pressure in chest -Anxiety -Pain in L arm -Sweating -Shortness of Breath
Jugular Veins -Internal and External veins -Internal-lie deep and medial to the sternocleiomastoid muscle -External-superficial, lie lateral to the sternocleidomastoid muscle above the clavicle -Both return blood to the heart from the head to neck by the SVC
Jugular Venous pressure -Asst- of venous pulse helps determine the hemodynamics of the right side of the heart -R sided HF raises pressure and volume, raises jugular venous pressure -Decreased jugular venous pressure occurs w/reduced L ventricular output or reduced blood volum
Pulse Amplitude 0=Absent 1+ = Weak 2+ = Normal 3+ = Increased 4+ = Bounding
Location of Heart sounds -Aortic-2nd ICS @ R Sternal border (base) -Pulmonic-2nd ICS @ L sternal border -Erb's point-3rd ICS near L midclavicular line -Tricuspid-4th/5th ICS @ L lower sternal border -Mitral-5th ICS near L midclavicular line (apex)
Observe Jugular Venous Pulse -Stand on R side of client -Client in supine @ 45* -Client turn head to L slightly -Inspect suprasternal notch for pulsations -Not normally visible w/client sitting upright, this position fully distends vein
Abnormal finding-Jugular Vein Distention -Indicates increased central venous pressure that may be the result of right ventricular failure, pulmonary hypertension, pulmonary emboli, or cardiac tamponade
Abnormal-Neck Vessels -Distention,bulging, or protrusion at 45,60,or90*may indicate R HF -Clients w/ OPD may have elevated venous pressure only during expiration -An increase in venous pressure (Kussmaul's sign) may occur w/severe constrictive pericarditis
Abnormal-Auscultation Neck Vessels -Bruit (a blowing ow swishing sound caused by turbulent blood flow through a narrowed vessel) -Indicative of occlusive artery disease -If artery is more than 2/3 occluded a bruit may not be heard
Abnormal-Palpation Neck Vessels -Pulse inequity-arterial constriction or occlusion in one carotid -Weak pulses may indicate hypovolemia, shock or decreased CO -Loss of elasticity-arteriosclerosis -Thrills-abnormal tremor accompanying a vascular/cardiac murmur,narrowing of artery
Abnormal-Palpation Heart -Pulsations which may be called heaves or lifts other than the normal apical pulse -May occur as the result of an enlarged ventricle from an overload of work
Abnormal Apical Pulse -If apical impulse >1-2cm, displaced, more forceful or longer in duration, suspect cardiac enlargement
Auscultate S1 and S2 S1-corresponds with each carotid pulsation and is loudest at the apex of the heart S2-immediately follows after S1 and is loudest at the base of the heart -Concentrate on each sound indiv.
Peripheral Vascular System -Arteries and veins of arms and legs -Lymphatic system -Capillaries
Arteries -Carry oxygenated, nutrient-rich blood to capillaries -High pressure system -Thick,layered walls -Pulse=force of blood against arterial walls felt w/heart beat
Major Arteries Arm: Brachial, Radial, Ulnar Leg: Femoral, Popliteal, Dorsalis pedis, posterior tibialis
Veins -Carry deoxygenated, nutrient depleted, waste-laden, blood from the tissues back to the heart -No force that propels blood flow -Low pressure system
Propel Blood Back to Heart 3 Mechanisms: Valves,Muscular contraction,Pressure Gradient -Failure can result in impeded venous return, venous stasis -Types: deep,superficial,perforator
Lymphatic System -Component of circulatory system -Complex system composed of lymphatic: capillaries and vessels, nodes -Function: drain excess fluid and plasma protein from bodily tissue and return them to venous system; prevent edema;produce lymph
Lymphatic nodes -Somewhat circular or oval and tend to be grouped together -Vary in size from non-palpable to 1-2 cm in diameter -Many located near major joints
Peripheral Vascular Disease Includes 5 vascular disorders: -Aortic Aneuryism -Cerebrovascular disease -Deep vein thrombosis (clot) & pulmonary embolism -Peripheral arterial occlusive disease -Varicose veins
Deep Vein Thrombosis -Conditions that increase blood clotting:Inherited,injury,surgery,Ca, pregnancy -Varicose veins -Immobility, immobilization -Age >60 more common -Overweight -BC,hormone therapy/replacement -Central venous catheter in a vein
Abnormal Findings-Arm Inspection -Lymphedema-blocked lymphatic circ caused by breast surgery -Usually affects one extremity, nonpitting edema -No BP done on that arm -Prominent venous patterning w/ edema may indicate venous obstruction
Abnormal Finding-Coloration of Hands -Raynaud's disease is a vascular disorder caused by a vasoconstriction or vasospasm of fingers or toes -Characterized by rapid changes in color
Abnormal-Palpation Arms -A cool extremity may be a sign of arterial insufficiency
Capillary Refill -If exceeds 2 seconds may indicate vasoconstriction,decreased cardiac output,shock,arterial occlusion or hypothermia
Abnormal-Radial pulse -Diminished or absent pulse suggests partial or complete arterial occlusion
Abnormal-Ulnar Pulse Normally ulnar pulse may not be detectable -Lack of resilience may indicate arteriosclerosis
Abnormal-Brachial pulse -Brachial pulses are increased, diminished, or absent
Abnormal Findings-Legs -Pallor, especially when elevated, and rubor when dependent, suggests arterial insufficiency -Cyanosis when dependent suggests venous insufficiency -A rust or brownish pigmentation around ankles indicates venous insufficiency
Abnormal Findings-Leg Hair -Hair loss could indicate arterial insufficiency
Abnormal findings-Leg lesions, ulcers -Ulcers w/smooth,even margins that occur @pressure areas,toes and lateral ankle, result from arterial insufficiency -Ulcers w/irregular edges,bleeding and possible bacterial infection that can occur on the medial ankle, result from venous insufficiency
Abnormal Findings-Edema -Pitting edema is associated w/systemic problems such as CHF,hepatic cirrhosis and local causes such as venous stasis due to insufficiency or obstruction or prolonged standing or sitting -4+ most severe
Abnormal Findings-Legs Palpation -Generalized coolness in one leg or a change in temperature from warm to cool as you move down the leg suggests arterial insufficiency -Increased warmth in the leg may be caused by superficial thrombophebitis
Homan's Sign -Screening for thrombophebitis -Client supine -Flex knee about 5* -Place hand under calf musc, and dorsiflex of foot -Pain or tenderness? -No pain or tenderness=negative
Other tests for Leg -ABPI-ankle brachial pressure index to screen for arterial occlusion -Manual compression and Trendelenburg tests to screen for incompetent valves
Breasts -Paired mammary glands -To produce and store milk that provides nourishment for newborns -To aid in sexual stimulation
Breast: Anatomy -Nipple;areola -Montgomery glands -Four quadrants -Glandular (produce milk, functional tissue), fibrous(support breasts), and fatty tissue, major axillary lymph nodes -Axillary tail of spence-where tumors are found, upper outer quadrant
Risk Factors: Breast Cancer -Most common cancer among women -Age -Genes -Family Hx -Personal Hx -Early menarche/Late Menopause -No natural kid -1st child >30 -BC -Alcohol -Education -Hormone replacement -Wet ear wax -Smoking -Chest exposed to radiation as child
Ways to reduce Breast Cancer -Breast-Feed -Monthly Breast self exam -Stay active -Avoid weight gain -Maintain regular sleep sched. 9hrs in dark room -Avoid exposure to bright light @ night, and night shift
Physical Examination: Breast -Inspection:skin,aerolas,nipples for size shape rashes dimpling swelling discoloration retraction asymmetry -Palpation: swelling lumps masses warmth or inflammation tenderness
Masses or Lumps -If malignant: usually upper outer quadrant,, irregular poorly defined borders, hard nontender, fixed to underlying tissue
Fibroadenomas -1-5cm round,oval,mobile,firm,solid,elastic,nontender, unilateral or bilateral -Fibrosystic Breast Disease: round elastic,defined, tender, mobile systs,most common 30yrs old-menopause about 50
Male Breasts -Inspect and palpate the breasts ,areolas,nipples,and axillae -No swelling,nodules, or ulceration should be detected -Gynecomastia-enlargement of breasts-puberty
Axillae: Breasts -Inspect and palpate -No rash or infection -No palpable nodes or one to two small discrete non-tender, movable nodes in the central area
Male Genitalia -Penis: used for urination and reproduction -Components: shaft, gians, scrotum, scrotal sac -Internal: spermatic cord, testes(produce sperm,testosterone),epididymis, vasdeferens
Inguinal area -Located b/w the anterior superior iliac spine laterally and symphysis pubis medially -Frequent site of hernia development
Adult HIV/AIDS:Risk Factors -Anal intercourse -Intravenous drug use -Heterosexual transmission -Exchange of blood or body fluids -Mother to infant transmission during pregnancy or delivery
Adult HIV/AIDS:Reduce Risks -Abstinence -Use condoms -Double glove when handling sharp objects -Single glove with bodily secretions -Avoid: IV drug use,sex w/multiple partners,mixing sex w/alcohol and drugs, anal intercourse
Created by: prettyinpink7
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