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espn ls 2 renal


The kidneys lie on either side of the vertabrae. This position is referred to as?? costo vertebral
The inner layer of the kidney is the Medulla
The outer layer of the kidney is the Cortex
The tough connective tissue surrounding the kidney is the Renal Capsule
What percent of the cardiac output goes directly to the kidneys 25%
This is a hormone secreted by the kidneys to stimulate bone marrow to produce more RBC. It is secreted in response to what ??? Erythropietin Hypoxia
The functional unit of the kidney is the Nephron
The part of the nephron that filters out the fluid from the blood is called the ??. That fluid is called ??? Glomerulus Glomerular Filtrate
There is a conscious desire to urinate at ?? ml. and we become somewhat uncomfortable at ?? 250 450
What kind of tissue is the bladder Muscle
What is the primary nerve supply to the bladder Parasympathetic
The prostate surrounds which structure in the urinary tract male urethra
Antidiuretic hormone (ADH) increases or decreases water reabsorption increases
The movement of water across a semi permeable membrane from an area of low concentration of solutes to an area of high concentration of solutes is called osmosis
The movement of particles (solutes) across a semi permeable membrane from an area of high concentration is called diffusion
Aldosterone causes increased re-absorption of ?? and increases secretion of ??? Sodium Potassium
When the concentration of hydrogen ions increases, the PH ??/ Decreases
Kidneys help maintain normal pH by secreting Sodium bicarb
The normal amount of urine produced per day is 1 - 2 Liters
Normal urine is ?%water 95%
The normal range for urine pH is 4.6 - 8
Protein, glucose and ketones are normally present or absent from the urine Absent
The more concentrated the urine, the higher or lower the specific gravity Higher
The type of urine specimen that is best for a culture and sensitivity is a Straight catheter
When sending a specimen for a C & S to the lab, it is important to notify them ??? & ??? type of specimen & any antibotics
Why is it important to take urine specimens to the lab immediately after obtaining them To prevent bacteria from multiplying
Confusion increases when which kidney function test increases BUN
What are 2 things the patient shoue avoid prior to a creatinine test Strenuous Exercise and high protein meal
What kind of urine specimen is necessary for a creatinine clearance 24 hour
What 3 conditions can cause an elevated PSA? Prostate Cancer, Prostatitis, BPH
What does a KUB stand for and what conditions do we commonly use it for Kidney, Urine, Bladder Renal stones
Why do patients get a bowel prep prior to an IVP Stool and gas interfere with a clear picture
What structures make up the upper urinary tract Kidney & ureters
What structures make up the lower urinary tract Bladder and urethra
A possible complication of a renal biopsy that can have serious consequencecs is Hemorrhage
Why do hemorrages occur during a renal biopsy Very vascular
To prevent hemorrage from a renal biopsy from occuring, pressure needs to be applief or how long and bed rest for how long pressure for 30 minutes and 8- 24 hours of bed rest
List 4 things that need to be monitored closely after an angiography Vital signs, peripheral pulse, neuro vascula extremities, urinary output
What artery is usually used for a renal angiography femerol
Glomerulonephritis usually follows what kind of illness acute streptococcal
What part of the kidney is affected whith glomerulonephritis Glomeruli
What is the origin of pain Swelling and stretching of renal capsule
Describe the characteristics of urine assoc. with glomerulonephritis Hematuria with changes in urine, color from cola or changes in voiding, amount of urine output,, smokey and foamy
Why is the B.P. elevated with Glomerulonephritis urinary retention, fluid retention increased renin secretion, glomeruli not working properly
Why doees CHF sometimes develop with Glomerulonephritis Vascular fluid overload
What kind of diet is prescribed for Glomerulonephritis high calorie, low protein, low sodium
How is Glomerulonephritis treated antibiotics and diuretics to control fluid, anti hypertension
What happens to BUN and Creatinine levels elevated
What teaching needs to be done prior to discharging the Glomerulonephritis patient Meds take all of antibiotic, diet, report bloody urine, H/A and edema
A common clinical finding in a patient with Glomerulonephritis is swelling of the ?? especially around the >>> Face, eye
Chronic Glomerulonephritis may progress to Renal Failure
What part of kidney is affected with nephrotic syndrome Glomerulus
What labs will be abnormal for nephrotic syndrome Hypoalbuminia, hyperlipidemia, serum albumin, protein in urine
What kind of diet is prescribed for Nephrosis Protein replacement and restriction of sodium, adequate carbs
Describe the characteristics of urine assoc. with nephrosis foamy, from presence of protein, bloody
How is the condition treated corticoseroids
Nephrosis is characterized by what symptoms Marked protein uria edema hypoalbuminia
Create a flow chart that shows why patients experience anasarca blood protein allows to pass into urine causing a loss of serum protein. This decreases serum osmotic pressure then allows flid to seep into interstitial tissue
What causes the damage to the nephrons with hyronephrosis Obstruction of normal urine flow
What are the possible causes of hydronephrosis Calculus, scar tissue, tumors kinks in the ureter
The aim of initial intervention for a client with a urinary obstruction is to control pain and relieve obstruction
Prolonged pressure from accumulate urine proximal to an obstruction can cause _?__ & _?__ damage to kidney Hydronephrosis Irreversible
What is the cause of polycystic Genetics Chronic Kidney disease
What is the pathophysiology in polycystic kidney Diabetes High BP
What are complications associated with polycystic kidneys? Death in infants ESRF adults
Patients with polycystic disease lose.retain sodium lose
Urinary stones are more likely to be passed if the patient ? & ?
What part of the urinary tract is the most frequent site of stone formation Urethers
How are urinary tract stones diagnosed KUB, abdominal Ct. Scan, Kidney MRI, IVP, Ultrasound, Pyelogram
Where is pain felt with a kidney ston e in men lower ab, testicles
Where is the pain felt with a kidney stone in woman Pressure above pubic bone
What causes the pain with a kidney stone Severe pain when they travel
How many ml. of fluid should a pt. with a kidney stone drink per day and why?
Why are patients who take diuretics predisposed to renal calculi It is a side effect of diuretics
What does "Supersaturation" of urine mean High concentration of urine contributes to calcium oxylate
What are the methods of relieving pain for pts. who are trying to pass a stone
What medications may be used to prevent re-occurrence of uric acid stones
Why is it important to force fluids after a lithotripsy to encourage the flushing of any remaining gravel
What are the important post - op priorities for a pt. who has undergone a nephrolithotomy
What are the important post - op priorities for a pt. who has undergone a nephrolithotomy with a nephrostomy tube?
After a nephrostomy, the patient is turned to the affected or unaffected side to facilitate drainage
Why might fluids be restricted immediately following a nephrectomy
Acquired urethral structures may be caused by
The classic symptom of cancer in the urinary tract is
The most common site in the urinary tract for cancer is the
The ?? of the urinary bladder have the potential to become cancerous and are removed when detected
The cause of BPH is unclear, but may be influenced by sex and age Male over 50
How is BPH initially diagnosed? Enlarged Prostate Gland
TURP stands for Trans Urethral Resection of the prostate
Why are stool softeners used in client with prostatitis
Define hypertrophy A nontumorous enlargement of an organ or a tissue as a result of an increase in the size rather than the number of constituent cells: muscle hypertrophy.
Define hyperplasia An abnormal increase in the number of cells in an organ or a tissue with consequent enlargement
What determines how fast CBI fluid should run
Initially the CBI drainage will be ?? to ??? in color.
CBI catheter drainage tubes should be checked frequently for what
Why is prolonged sitting avoided after a TURP
The pt. needs to be informed that once the catheter comes out he may initially experience ?, ? & ?
The 3 goals of a radical prostatectomy are ?
Male ptients > age ? should have annual or biannual ?? ?? & a yearly ??
What size is the balloon on a foley used for TURPs
Why does the physician exert traction on the CBI catheter before taping it into place?
How soon does a transplanted kidney begin to work?
What is the major post op complication in a transplant client
What is the most common type of urinary diversion
What is the priority nursing consideration in patients with urinary diversions
What type of drugs (2) will pts. be put on for life following a kidney transplant
Why is it necessary to drain a Kock pouch at regular intervals
What are normal physiological mechanisms that help prevent cystitis Adequate hydration & hygiene
Why is cystitis more common in women than men Urethra is short and proximal to vagina & rectum
What is a hemorrhagic cystitis Bleeding with cystitis
What is interstitial cystitis Chronic pelvic pain disorder with recurring discomfort or pain in the urinary bladder inflammation not caused by bacteria of urine bladder
Why should people who are prone to cystitis avoid caffeine & alcohol bladder irritant to bladder liner
How does frequent voiding help prevent cystits & uretthritis Helps flush the system flushes out organisms & acteria
How does avoiding bubbles baths & wearing loose clothing/cotton underwear help prevent urethritis & cystitis d/t not being able to breathe. bubble bath = perfume = irritant/loose clothing/cotton underwear allows moisture to evaporate = discourage bacteria
What micro organism is responsible for most UTI's ECOLI gram neg microorganism
Urethritis is comonly associated with what kind of diseases STD's sexual transmitted disease
Name 2 chronic health conditions that predispose s patients to a UTI
Name the 3 most common symptoms associated with cystitits
What part of the kidney does pyelonephritis effect Renal pelvis, renal tubules 7 interstitial tissue and medullary tissue
What micro organism is the most common cause of pyelonephritis
Describe the appearance of the kidney in pyelonephritis
What serious complications from pyelonephritis may occur diabetes mellitus, polycystic or hypertensive kidney diseasem scar tissue, & renal failure, bacteruremia septic shock d/t septicemia
What are 4 phases of acute renal failure ARF hemmorhage trauma infection'decrease cardiac output
Why do hypotension and tachycardia occur during the diuretic phase excessive urinary output diuresis decreases bp, fluid volume, blood volume, which makes heart beat more faster
When in renal failure why do patients become disoriented azotemia, metabolic acidosis, potassium, BUN, Sodium
When in renal failure why do patients develop dsrhythmias hyperkalemia
When in renal failure why do patients develop s/s of pericarditis heart works harder
When in renal failure why do patients develop acidosis toxin build up, too increase hydrogen ions, too much carbon acid
When in renal failure why do patients develop pruritis concentrated urines build up of waste - on skin itching crystal
When in renal failure why do patients develop CHF & pulmonary edema d/t oligeric
ESRD stands for ?? & is the same thing as CRF or End Stage Renal Failure Chronic Renal Failure
how much of the kidney function is impaired before s/s develop 75-80%
Why does specific gravity decrease in CRF because kidneys tubule function decrease & failing to concentrate urine water goes out but not waste
Why do some patients with ESRD develop: Kussmaul respirations lungs trying to blow off CO2 d/t metabolic acidosis
Why do some patients with ESRD develop: HTN fluid retention - Increase production
Why do some patients with ESRD develop: Hypotension anemia, dialysis process, decrease osmotic pressure loose sodium
Why do some patients with ESRD develop: Anemia decreased production of erythropeoitein, ab draws, depletes folates - bruit decrease survival of RBC, only 60 days of ureic environment decreased blood gi system, loss during dialysis blood urine
Why do some patients with ESRD develop: Proteinurea cannot metabolize protein properly as pre ESRD
Why do some patients with ESRD develop: Uremic Frost urea crystals on skin, untreate renal failure increase urecic system
Name 6 foods or food supplements high in potassium banana, prunes, chocolate, potates, tomato, high fiber cereal, greens, grapefruit
What stimulates erythropoitin production hypoxia
A patient in renal failure is at risk for developing respiratory or metabolic acidosis or alkalosis metabolic acidosis
The diet for renal failure patient is low protein, high carb, low potassium and sodium
An elevated BUN can affect the patients LOC
Hemodialysis works on principle diffusion
peritoneal dialysis works on the principle of osmosis and diffusion
the funtional unit of a hemodialysis machine is called a dialyzer
The fluid in the machine is called ? and is composed of ? dialysate fluid water and electrolyte
What medications are commonly held prior to hemodialysis and why BP meds - filters back out, some narcotics d/t dialyzing out decreas bp, antibiotics d/t being dialyzed out
What precautions need to be taken in the extremity wuth a dialysis access device Signs on bed, no bp taken on that arm, no venal puncture,no injection, no jewlry, no blood draws, no bp tight clothes, no heavy lifting, no sleepin on the access side protect from injury
What should you observe for in a patient with a fistrula or graft to make sure it hasn't cloted off listen for bruit thrill feel
What is used as the semi permeable membrane with peritonela dialysis peritoneum
What complication is of primary concern for the peritoneal dialysis client peritonititis
What complication is of primary concern for the peritoneal dialysis client what are s/s pain, fever, cloudy fluid, chills, hemorrhage, abdomen rigity, guarding abdominal tenderness
hypotension may occur after dialysis d/t excessive sodium & fluid removal
Urinary stones are more likely to be passed if the patient
How many ml. of fluid should a patient with kidney stone drin per day 3000-4000 ml
Why should a person with stones drink so much water Encourage flushing of the stones
What are the methods of relieving pain for patiens who are trying to pass a stone
What medications may be used to prevent re-occurance of uric acid stones
Why is it important to force fluids after a lithotripsy to wash out stone fragments
What are important post op priorities for a patient who has undergone a nephrolithotomy Monitor hourly I & O's
What are important post op priorities for a patient who has undergone a nephrostomy tube empty every 4-6 hours 1/2 0 1/3 full
After a nephrostomy, the patient ususally is turned to the which side to facilitate draingage the affected side
Why might fluids be restricted immediately following a nephrectomy
Urinary stones are more likely to be passed if the patient
How many ml. of fluid should a patient with kidney stone drin per day 3000-4000 ml
Why should a person with stones drink so much water Encourage flushing of the stones
What are the methods of relieving pain for patiens who are trying to pass a stone
What medications may be used to prevent re-occurance of uric acid stones
Why is it important to force fluids after a lithotripsy to wash out stone fragments
What are important post op priorities for a patient who has undergone a nephrolithotomy Monitor hourly I & O's
What are important post op priorities for a patient who has undergone a nephrostomy tube empty every 4-6 hours 1/2 0 1/3 full
After a nephrostomy, the patient ususally is turned to the which side to facilitate draingage the affected side
Why might fluids be restricted immediately following a nephrectomy
Acquried urethral structures may be caused by infection, tumor after radiation trauma
The classic symptom of cancer in the urinary tract is painless hematuria
The most common site in the urinary tract for cancer is bladder
What of the urinary bladder have the potential to become cancerous and are removed papillomas
why are stool softeners used in clients with prostatitis avoid bearign down putting pressure in prostate
What determines how fast the CBI fluid should run the color of output
Initially the CBI drainage will be ?? & ?? in color Pink to light red
CBI cathete drainage tubes should be checked frequently for what KInks.
Why is prolonged sitting avooided in TURP casue increaseee intra abdominal pressure that can cause the op site to bleed
The patient needs to be informed that once the catheter come out hemay experience frequency voiding small amounts dribling
The 3 goals of a radical prostatectomy are remove tumor pressure urine control preserve sex function
Male patients > age 40 should have annual or biannual ?? and a yearly ?? Rectal exam PSA level
What size is the balloon on a foley used for TURP 30-50 ml
////////why does the physician exert traction on the CBI catheter before taping it into place to put pressure on OP site and decrease bleeding
How soon does a transplanted kidney begin to work Immediately
What is the major post op complication in a transplant client graft rejection
What is the most common type of urinary diversion ileal conduit
What is a priority nursing consideration in patients with urinary diversions Skin problems
Why is it necessary to drain a KocK pouch at regular intervals to prevent reabsorption of waste materials and reflux in ureters. Minimize reabsorption of waste
Name 2 chronic health conditionos that predispose patients to a UTI DM, MS<, HTN, Spinal chord kidney disease
Name the 3 most common symptoms associated with cystitis dysuria _ Painful urination pyuria _ pus in urin frequency in urination
What microorganism is most common cause of pyelonphritis ecoli
describe the appearance of kidney in pyelonephritis edamatous, inflamed bloody
Created by: gmabrender
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