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Decreased Vaginal Secretion, Painful Sexual Intercourse, Behavorial Changes, hot flashes, night sweats, and decreased bone density are all symptoms of _________. Menopause
________ gland is found on both sides of the vaginal opening and provides Lubrication during intercourse. It often becomes infected, ruptures, or abcessed. Bertholins
A hormone from the pituitary gland that prompts milk production Prolactin
Urethreal meatus occurs of the dorsal penis surface and may extend penis length. Epispadis
Urethreal meatus is on the ventral side of the penis surface and may extend the entire penis length. Hypospadis
Downward curvature of the penis is known as ______. Chordee
Which impairs function more, epispadis or hypospadis? Hypospadis
One or both testes do not descend from abdomen to scrotum prior to birth. Cryptorchidism
If the testicle moves back and forth between the scrotum and the lower abdomen it is _____. Retractable.
If the testicle has returned to lower abdomen and cannot easily be guided back to the scrotum it is _______. Ascending
3 Causes of Male Infertility. 1. Decreased Sperm or Sperm Abnormalties 2. Hormone Deviations 3. Physical Impediments
4 causes of female infertility 1. Ovulation Dysfunction 2. Hormone Deviation 3. Physical Obstruction 4. Severe Reproductive Tract Infections
If unsuccessful in conceiving after ______, a fertility expert should be consulted. 1 yr
Inability to maintain or attain a penile erection sufficient to complete sexual intercourse. Erectile Dysfunction
Causes of erectile dysfuntion (7). 1. Diabetes 2. multiple schlerosis 3. hypertension 4. circulatory problems 5. excessive alcohol/tobacco use 6. cirrhosis of the liver 7. low testosterone levels
When the Foreskin cannot be retracted from Glans penis this is known as _____. It can be problematic after ___ yrs of age. Phimosis; 3
Phimosis is generally caused by 3 things. 1. poor hygiene 2. inflammation 3. infection
Complications of phimosis are _____. Urinary obstruction and pain.
When the foreskin is retracted and cannot be returned over the glans penis this is known as _________. Paraphimosis
Paraphimosis is a medical emergency because ______. Pain becomes constricted and edamatous. Gangrene can set it.
A prolonged painful erection not caused by sexual stimulation is known as _______. Priprism
2 causes of priaprism 1. Too much blood flow (high flow/nonischemic) 2. Blood Trapping (Low flow/ischemic)
Priaprism is a medical emergency if it lasts longer than ____. 4 hours
Priaprism can be treated by 1. cold application 2. needle aspiration 3. shunt placement 4. injection of meds into penis
Fluid accumulation between the layers of the tunica vaginalis or along spermatic cord is known as _______. Hydrocele
Hydrocele is diagnosed by: Painful scrotum enlargement that transilluminates and scrotal heaviness
Hydrocele is treated by: 1. Scrotal elevation 2. sitz bath 3. hot/cold compress 4. aspiration 5. removal
A sperm containing cyst that develops between the testes and epididymis is known as ______. Spermatocyle
An intervention for spermatocyle would be to increase scrotal support by wearing briefs or boxer briefs
A dilated vein in the spermatic cord is called ________ & it results from ______. Varicocele; valve issues that allow blood to pool in the veins
What is the most common cause for low sperm count & decreased sperm quality? Why? Varicocele because of testicular ischemia
Varicocele is said to feel like having a heavy scrotum with a "bag of worms" feeling
Abnormal Rotattion of the testes on the spermatic cord is _______. Testicular Torsion
Absence of menstruation is known as amenorrhea
Painful menstruation that is characterized by cramping that interrupts ADLS is known as Dysmenorrhea.
Dysmenorrha can be caused by 3 things 1. unknown 2. reproductive conditions 3. following childbirth
Bleeding abnormalties cause _____. Lack of ovulation
Increased Menstrual Flow blood amount is called Menorrhagia
Vaginal Bleeding between periods in premenopausal woman is known as metrorragia
Short menstrual cycles occursing less than every 21 days is known as polymenorrhea
Long Menstrual cycles resulting in infrequent menstruation is known as Oligomenorrhea
Physical and emotional symptoms affecting many women for reasons not fully understood is known as Premenstrual Syndrome
Premenstrual Syndrome usually occurs when? 5 to 11 days before menstruation
Severe form of PMS that is characterized by severe depression, tension, and irritability Premenstrual Dysphoric Syndrome
To help treat Premenstrual dysphoric syndrome, what may be eliminated from a persons diet? Caffeine, Soda, Chocolate, Fat, Processed Sugars, Alcohol
Bladder protrudes through the wall of the vagina Cystocele
Cystocele is caused by weakened pelvic support caused by straining such as childbirth, chronic constipation, or heavy lifting
A complication of cystocele is recurring cystitis (bladder infection)
Rectum protrudes thought the posterior vaginal wall Rectocele
Rectocele is caused by conditions that strain the fascia and menopause
Descent of the uterus or cervix into the vagina is known as ___________ and caused by _____, Uterine Prolapse; conditions that stretch or weaken pelvic support
When the cervix has dropped into the vagina what degree of uterine prolapse is this? 1st
What degree of uterine prolapse is it when the cervix is apparent at the vaginal opening? 2nd
When the uterine and cervix bulge through the vaginal opening this is what degree of utericne prolapse? 3rd
_______ occurs when endometrium grows outside of the uterus & blood becomes trapped & irritates surrounding tissue. Endometriosis
Complications of endrometriosis 1. infertility 2. scarring 3. adhesions 3. pain 4. cysts
4 manifestations of endometriosis 1. dysmenorrhea 2. menorragia 3. pelvic pain 4. infertility
Firm, rubbery growths of the myometrium Leiomyoma
Leiomyoma usually occur as multiple, well-defined, encapsulated masses
The causes of leiomyoma is unknown but they seem to grow in the presence of estrogen & shrink after menopause
Leiomyoma usually does not interfere with fertility but does increase the risk of spontaneous abortion and preterm labor
Benign fluid filled sacs on the ovary are _____. they often form during ____. Ovarian Cysts; ovulation
Complications of Ovarian Cysts 1. hemorrhaging 2. peritonitis 3. infertility 3. amenorrhea
Polycytic Ovary Syndrome is when the ovary enlarges and contains numerous cysts
Hirutism, acne, male-patterned baldness, and amenorrhea, and infertility are characteristics of _____. Polycytic Ovary Syndrome
Numerous Benign Nodules in the breast Fibrocystic Breast Disease
Fibrocystic Breast Disease is more common when? during childbearing years
The difference in Fibrocystic Breast Disease and Cancer in that... cancer does not hurt
Firm movable masses that become more prominent during menstruation is Fibrocystic Breast Disease
Irregular and Bumpy Breast Tissue; Heavy Breast Pain and Tenderness; Occasional Nonbloody Nipple Discharge are all characteristics of _____. Fibrocystic Breast Disease
Breast tissue inflammation associated with infection is Mastitis
Mastitis usually develops when? 6 weeks after childbirth
Mastitis usually occurs because.. Staph or Strep bacteria is introduced to the nipple through the breastfeeding process
Complication of mastitis is Blockage of milk flow and abcess
Inflammation of the prostate that can be acute or chronic is ________ & it can be caused by _____. Prostatitis; conditions that trigger the inflammatory process
Acute Bacterial Prostatitis is catagory __. It usually results from ______. 1; urinary tract infections
Chronic Bacterial Prostatitis is catagory ___. It usually results from ______. 2; recurrent urinary tract infection
Chronic Prostatitis/Chronic Pelvic Pain is catagory ____. It results from _____. 3; no clear etiology and may be noninflammatory
Asymptomatic Inflammatory Prostatitis is Catagory ___. It is caused by ____. 4; no clear etiology but immune cells can be found
Recurrent Urinary tract infections, difficulty urinating, pain in the abodmen/lower back/perineum/genitals, pain ejaculation, indications of infection are all signs and symptoms of prostatitis
Inflammation of the epididymis is Epididymitis
Ascending bacterial infections, STIs, TB, and Antidysrhythmic medication are all causes of Epididymitis
Complications of epididymitis are 1. abcesses 2. fistulas 3. testicular necrosis 4. infertility
Manifestations of Epididymitis are 1. penile discharge 2. bloody semen 3. pain
Most common cause of vaginitis Candidiasis
Causes of Candidiasis 1. bubble bath 2. feminine products 3. decreased immune response 4. increased glucose in vaginal secretions
Think and white vaginal discharge that resembles cottage cheese, vulvular erythemia and edema, itching,burning, and white patches on vaginal wall are all signs of Candidiasis/yeast infection
Infection on the female reproductive system is_____ and it occurs when_____. PID; bacteria ascend from the vagina
PID can be caused by 1. STDS 2. bacteria from childbirth 3. endometrial procedures and abortions 4. bacterial invasion from the blood stream
Complications of PID 1. septicemia 2. ectopic pregnancies 3. infertility 4. obstructions 5. abcesses
Manifestations of PID 1. pelvic tenderness 2. abnormal vaginal/cervial discharge 3. bleeding after sex 4. painful sex 5. PID Shuffle*
Most common STD is Chlamydia
Which STD manifests as a sore throat and white blisters that darken and dissappear? Gonorrhea
Which STD causes a constant dripping discharge? Gonorrhea
Ulcerative infection caused by Treponema Pallidium, a spirochete that requires a moist warm environment Syphillis
Which STD can be transmitted through skin or mucous membrane contact with chancres? Syphillis
Which stage of syphillis has painless chancres formed at a site of infection that disappear? How long does it take for them to form and when do they disappear? Primary; form 2-3 wks after infection and disappear 4-6 wks later
Secondary Syphillis occurs ______ weeks after 1st chancres form. This stage is identified by Non-pruritic, brown-red rash, malaise, fever, patchy hair loss.
When does tertiary syphillis begin and how long does it last? It begins when secondary symptoms disappear and lasts 1-4 yrs.
Complication of Teritiary syphilis 1-blindness 2-paralysis 3-dementia 4-CVD 5-death
When are pregnant women screened for syphillis? Should they be retested after treatment? Prior to the 4th month of gestation; yes, in the last trimester
HSV type 1 occurs _____. above the waist and manifests as a cold sore
HSV type 2 occurs ____. below the waist
How is HSV spread? 1. sexual 2. direct skin to skin 3. maternal to fetus
When are HSV patient contagious? When are they contagious the most? They are contagious at any time but they are the most contagious when lesions are present.
What risks does HSV pose to a fetus? spontaneous abortion, Encephalitis, brain damage
HSV outbreaks begin with a tingling or burning sensation at the site just before lesions appear. This is known as _______. Prodrome
Describe a HSV lesion. It appears as a vesicle surrounded by erythema. It bursts leaving a painful ulcerative lesion with watery exudate that crusts over. It heals spontaneously in 3-4 wks.
Which stage of genital herpes begins at the time of infection and antibody development? How long does it take it to occur? Primary; 2-20 days
What stage of genital herpes begins once antibodies are formed? latent
What stage of genital herpes occurs when the virus is reactivated but no symptoms occur? Shedding
What stage of genital herpes is characterized by the reactivation of the virus and manifestations? Recurrent
Recurrent Genital Herpes can be triggered by stress, illness, menstration
Polymerase Chain Reaction test is used to diagnose Herpes and genital warts
Benign growths caused by a group of virusus called the HPV condylomata Acuminata/Genital Warts
HPV can have an incubation period that can last up to ____ 6 months
In men, trichomoniasis primarily resides in the _______ & causes______. urethra and causes no symptoms
In women, Trichomoniasis primarily resides in the ______ and causes______. vagina; becomes symptomatic when vaginal microbial imbalance occurs
Trichomoniasis cannot survive in the ____ or _____. mouth or rectum
Trichomoniasis occcurs through ____ or ____. Sexual contant or prolonged exposure to moisture
Cervical cancer is caused by -HPV (#1 cause) -Trichomoniasis
Copious amounts of frothy, white, or yellow-green vaginal discharge is a sign of Trichomoniasis
Flagyl is used to treat Trichomoniasis
Penile cancer appears as what kind of lesion? Thick, grey-white lesion or a red, shiny lesion
The most common cancer in men is prostate cancer
Risk factors of prostate cancer are 1. STIs 2. family history 3. high-fat diet 4. androgen hormone replacement
In prostate cancer, What happen to the prostate as the tumor grows? It impedes the urethra
2 main manifestations of prostate cancer are 1. bloody semen 2. hematuria
What age is testicular cancer most common in? 15-35
Created by: 1290990006
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