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SIUE Cardiac Muscle

Don's Lecture 10-13

3 major types of cardiac muscle atrial, ventricular, and specialized exciatory and conducting muscle fibers
atrial and ventricular muscle fibers contract the same as skeletal but the duration of contraction is much longer
excitatory and conductive fibers exhibit automaticity rhythmical electricl discharges in the form of an AP, or conduct AP through the heart provicing and exciatory system that controls the rhythmic beating of heart
cardiac muscles are striated
cardiac muscle fibers are arranged in latticework
cardiac muscle contains actin & myosin filaments like skeletal muscle
intercalated discs (DEFINE) cell membraines that seperate individual cardiac muscls from one another and form permeable gap junctions
Purpouse of intercalated discs and gap junctions formed gap junctions allow rapid diffusion of ions along the longitudinal axis of uscle fibers so the AP easily travles from one cardiac muscle cell to the next via latticework
Intercalated discs form a synctium which is where cardiac cells are so interconnected, that when one cell becomes excited, the AP then spread throughout the lattice work.
What are the two synctiums in the heart atrial (2 walls of atria) and ventricular (2 walls of ventricle)
atria are separated from ventricles by fibrous tissue and surrounds AV valves
Normally action potentials are conducted from the? atrial synctium to the ventricle synctium via the A-V bundle.
A-V bundle allows for the conduction from atria to ventricles
division of the syntiums (atrial and ventricular) allows for atria to contract a short time before ventricles
AP in cardiac muscle are _____ than skeletal longer (15X)
resting potential is higher more negative -70 to -90.
cardiac muscle depolarization has a _____ that is unquie plateau
Plateau is the _____ of the chambers squeeze
Cardiac Muscle action potential is caused by 2 channels fast Na+ channels & slow Ca++ channels (skeletal has only fast Na+)
Calcium channels are slower to open and slower to close
The large amount of calcium and sodium influx maintains a prolonged period of depolarization or plateau
In addition the calcium that is entering the cell from these slow Ca+ channels also stimulates the contraction
Immediately after the onset of AP, the K permeability decreases causing a decrease of outflux of + charge K+ prevening early return of AP voltage to resting potential
Once calcium-sodium channels close there is a rapid outflux of K+ and cell reaches resting potential.
Velocity of atrial and ventricle conduction 0.3 - 0.5 m/second
Velocity of perkinje fibers 4 m/s (fast) compared to arial and ventricular depolariation)
Refactory period 0.25-0.3 seconds. Period where no new impulse can excite
Relative refractory period 0.05 sec. Period where the muscle is more difficult to excite than normal, but can be exccited by a very strong premature excitatory signal resulting in a PVC or PAC
Excitation coupling mechanism of cardiac muscle (mechanism by which AP causes contraction) 1.) T-tubles acct on longitudal SR to relase CA++ into sarcoplasm 2.) Ca++ diffuse from the ECF in the T-tubules into the muscle cell 3.) Ca++ entering the cell activate ryanodine receptors in SR membrane releasing more Ca++
Ryanodine receptors located in & function in the SR membrane, activated by influx of Ca++ and triggers a further release of Ca++ into the cell.
Cardiac muscle needs to have all 3 sources of Ca++ because The SR in cardiac muscle is less developed than in skeletal, and not enough Ca++ would be provided for adequate contraction
T-tubles size in cardiac vs skeletal T-tubles are larger in diameter, allowing for more Ca++ to diffuse in.
Strength of cardiac contraction is determined by? concentraction of Ca++ in ECF
skeletal muscle concentraction is not affected by extracellular Ca++ concentration b/c Ca++ in skeletal muscle is release from SR inside the cell.
At end of plateau of the AP, influx of Ca++ is cut off, and Ca++ is rapidly pumped back out to the ECF with use of atp-ase pumps and calc/sodium exchange.
2 types of cardiac action potential 1. pacemaker i.e. SA node. 2. non-pacemaker, i.e. Ca++ influx prolongs duration of AP plateau.
SA node is located in R atrium near opening of the superior vena cava.
Spontaneous generation of AP for each cardia cycle is generated here in a healthy individaul SA node
SA node rate is determined by spontaneous changes in K+, Na+ and Ca+
SA spontaneous firing rate is 100-115. This intrinsic rate is lower due to Parasympathetic control of vagus nerve.
SA node is primarily innervated by the RIGHT vagus nerve
spontaneous SA rate can also be changed by circulating thyroxin (increases), febrile (increase) increased catecholamines norepinephrine (increase, beta 1 effects)
AV node is primarly innervated by LEFT vagus nerve
NTS or nucleus tractus solitarius of the medulla recieves sensory input sending out PSNS (vagus) and SNS stimulation to heart to release catecholamines.
the slight delay of the impluse from atria to the ventrile in the AV bundle allows for the atria to contract first before the ventricles
diasole relation or filling
systole contraction
isometric ventricular relaxation no change in volume, ventricles are relaxed and the AV and semilunar valves remain closed
Ventricular filling or diastole Increased pressure of the full atria, pushes open the AV valves. Rapid filling for first 1/3. Second 1/3 is diastasis or slower filling with smaller amount. Last 1/3 is provided by the atrial kick. Reach EDV.
End Diastolic Volume (EDV) 110-120 mL in a normal heart
Isovolumetric Contraction in ventricular systole no change in volume at this point. ventricles are full, contraction starts, ventricular pressure begins to increase causing AV valves to close (S1 or "lub"), all along semilunar valves are still closed.
S1 or "lub" is heard as AV valves close in isvolumetric contraction in ventricle systole
Ventricular ejection ventricular pressure continues to increase and overcomes aortic pressure opening the semiluar valves. Blood pours out of ventricles, reach end systolic volume here.
Ventricular relaxation b/c all the blood ejected into larger distended arteries from the contraction, blood immediately flows backward from aorta into ventricles (higher pressure to lower pressure) causing a snap shut of the semilunar valves "dub"
Snap of the semilunar aortic valve is also called dicrotic notch
AV (mitral & tricuspid) valves prevent backflow of blood from ventricles to atria during during ventricular systole
Semilunar valves (aortic & pulmonic) valves prevent backflow from aorta and pulm areries into the ventricle during ventricular diastole
Valves close when when backward pressure gradient pushes blood backwards (Higher pressure to low, think blood from full arteries after ventricular ejection tries to go back into the ventricle (low presure) causing the close
Valves open when forward pressure gradient forces blood forward. (atrial pressure builds so much, it forces AV valve open to get into the ventrile (low pressure)
AV valves are specialized b/c they have chordae tendineae
purpose of the chordae tendinea attaches the papiillary muscles to the AV valves. preventing bulging too far back into the atria when the ventricles contract. Keeps blood from leaking back into the atria.
Semilunar Valves are specialized b/c they have rapid closure (snap shut) due to a smaller opening in comparison to AV valves. Much more wear and tear on these valves.
CO = SV x HR
Stroke volume (SV) volume of blood ejected per beat - if normal heart around 70.
Aortic stenosis patients are complicated to tx because They have fixed stroke volumes. Changing HR is the only way to change cardiac output, which can be detrimental in other ways.
Stroke volumes 3 factors 1. Preload 2. Contractility 3. afterload
Preload volume or stretch, EDV (filling volume). Frank Starling Law
Frank Starling Law Greater the stretch, greater the contraction (withing reason, overstretch and will have problems)
Atrial kick will affect what of stroke volumes 3 factors preload
contractility inotropic fx or chemical factors. Na+, K+, CALCIUM (biggest fx), epiniephrine, thyroxine
afterload resistance, SVR, think BP. What ever is impeding your flow
Profound hypertension affects which factor of SV Afterload
Dehydrated, increased H&H, hypovolemic affect preload
Conditions that alter CO HR, BP, Fluid volume statis, HCT, ionotropic factors, status of cardiac muscle, conduction
Heart effects from excess K+ in ECF causes heart to dialate and becomes flaccid. Slows HR, can block conduciton throug AV bundles, making contraction very weak
Heart effects from increased Ca++ spacicity of heart muscle, because Ca+ causes contraction
Heart effects from decreased Ca++ heart becomes flaccid
S1 closure of AV valves, isovolumetric conctraction (ventricles just starting to contract)
S2 closure of semilunar valves in ventricular relaxation after blood has been ejected into arteries.
Split S2 caused by closure of the aortic and pulmonic valve respectively. can be called gallop or S3. CAn hear this even better with deep inspiration because create neg intrathoracic pressure increasing blood return to the R side of heart
LCA supplies anterior and L lateral portion of the L ventricle
RCA supplies most of the R ventricle AND posterior part of L ventricle
Coronary circulation dependant on Stroke volume, HR (fills during diasole), condition of arteriers (plaque or no plaque), collateral circulation
Coronary filling occurs with diastole
How to improve collateral circulation exercise
worse case scenario for your patient is tachycardia and hypotension, (supply/demand)
Coronary circulation most important factor is a good SRV (not too high, not too low) because the back pressure which is the driving pressure in the heart. Forces blood back to the coronary cirulation.
Cardiac center regulates Cardiac output
Vasomotor center regulates B/P, and vessel diameter
Cardiovascular center gets information from baroreceptors & chemoreceptors
Baroreceptorss are located carotid sinus, aortic arch, and R atrium
Chemoreceptors monitor levels of CO2,O2, H+ (pH)
Renin-Angiotensine-Aldost-system 1.) juxtaglomerular cells secrete renin in kidneys. 2.) changes angiotensinogen to angiotensin I 3.) angiotensin I is converted to angiotensin II in lungs which constricts vessels & stim secretion of aldosterone from adrenal cortex
aldosteron function to hold onto Na+, H2O follows salt increasing blood volume.
ADH secreted by hypothalamus, increases volume
Aterial natriuretic (ANP) secreted by atria of heart, vasodilation and increased urine output (decreases BP)
Nitric oxide (NO) secreted by endothelial cells, causes vasodilation. Sets tone in blood vessels. Most potent vasodilator in the body.
Electrical current rate of charge flow past a given point
Ampere measures electrical current, = coulombs/second
EKG measures change in electrical potentials
Phase I Action Potenial ions are K+ and Cl- move out
Phase II of AP ions are Ca+ in (plateau) K+ delayed to release but starts its move
Phase III of AP K+ out reapid repolarization
Phase IV of AP Resting membrane potential
Created by: asaranita
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