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OB Test I

Where fertilization normally occurs outer third of fallopian tube, near ovary
haploid # of chromosomes in meiosis where # of chromosomes is reduced to half (23 chromosomes) + 1 sex chromosome
cell formed by union of sperm and ovum, transported through fallopian tube into uterus zygote
morula ball formed by divided cells of zygote
decidua endometrium after zygote implantation
amniotic sac formed from chorion and amnion, filled with fluid to allow embryo to float freely
3 germ layers of embyro ectoderm, mesoderm, endoderm
3 fetal circulatory shunts ductus venosus, foramen ovale, ductus arteriosus
fetal circ. shunt that diverts blood away from liver as it returns from placenta ductus venosus
fetal circ. shunt that diverts most blood from R atrium to L atrium foramen ovale
fetal circ. shunt that diverts blood from pulmonary artery to lungs ductus arteriosus
when does the foramen ovale close (temporarily) 2 hours after birth
when does the ductus arteriosus shunt close 15 hours after birth
when does the ductus venosus shunt close functionally AND permanently when cord is cut, permanently in about 1 week
monozygotic identical twins
dizygotic fraternal twins
gravida any pregnancy, regardless of duration, also # of pregnancies
nulligravida woman who has never been pregnant
primigravida woman who is pregnant for first time
multigravida woman who has been preg before, regardless of duration of pregnancy
para woman who has given birth to 1+ children who reached 20+ weeks gestation regardless of whether child still living
primipara woman who has given birth to her first child past point of viability regardless of whether the child was alive at birth or now living
multipara woman who has given birth to 2+ children past viability
nullipara woman who has NOT given birth to a child who reached point of viability
Created by: 1469838250
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