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Nursing Skills

Test 5- Trach/Suct

What three systems does oxygenation depend on? Pulmonary, hematologic, cardiovascular
What factors affect oxygenation? ( 9 ) Age, Environment and lifestyle: , Disease processes, Obstructive pulmonary disease, Restrictive pulmonary disease, Diffusion defects, Atherosclerosis, Heart failure, Anemia
How is airway clearing promoted? (8) Effective coughing:, Postural drainage:, Hydration:, Medications:, Environment and lifestyle changes:, Artificial airways:, Suctioning
The drawing of fluids or solids from a surface using negative pressure; clearing the airway of mucus, pus or aspirated materials to improve oxygenation and ventilation Suctioning
What is the purpose of suctioning? To maintain a patent airway
What is removed during suctioning? (5) Saliva, pulmonary secretions, blood, vomitus, foreign materials
What does the method of suctioning depend on?(3) Where secretions are located, Presence of an artificial airway, Clients’ condition
What assessment data indicates the need for suctioning? Respiratory status, CV status, VS, Neuro status, Other indicators
What are signs that an individual could be a candidate for suctioning?(9) Wheezes, crackles, rales, gurgling, low pulse ox, low respirations, ineffective rate/depth of breathing, retractions, ineffective coughing
What four indicators from a person’s past history could indicate they may be a candidate for suctioning? Deviated septum, nasal polyps, nasal obstruction, nasal injury
What part of the airway is considered clean? Sterile? Upper airway is clean ( nose and mouth), lower airway is sterile
During suctioning always keep patient well _____. Oxygenated
How many mm Hg are delivered for a wall suction unit for Adult? Child? Infant? 100-120, 90-100, 50-90
How many mm Gh are delivered for a portable suction unit for Adult? Child? Infant? 10-15, 5-10, 2-5
What position is patient in for suctioning? What about an unconscious person? semi-Fowler’s/Fowler’s position // lateral on th side
Only apply suction while withdrawing ______ Cath
Apply suction for max of ___ seconds 10
How long of a break should be taken in between suctioning? 1-5 minutes
What is the max amount of times you can suction per “visit”? 3
Is PPE to be used during suctioning? Yes
What two types of equipment could be used for oropharyngeal suctioning? Yankauer or suction catheter
Do we use sterile or clean technique for oropharyngeal suctioning in the mouth and pharynx? Clean
Always store used equipment after it has been ___ and ____. Cleaned and dryed
After suctioning mouth and pharynx encourage patient to _____. Cough
Where is the cath inserted in order to reach the trachea and nasopharyngeal areas? Through the nasal passageway
When suctioning the trachea and nasopharyngeal area, is clean or sterile technique to be used? Sterile
After opening the suction catheter, what are the next three steps of trachea and nasopharyngeal suctioning? Pour sterile normal saline or sterile water (100 mL) in basin, Apply sterile gloves, attach tubing , Lubricate distal catheter (6-8 cm) with water soluble lubricant
How is the measurement for the nasopharyngeal tube determined? It is the length from the nose to the ear
When providing nasopharyngeal suctioning, remove the oxygen with the ____ hand. Non dominant
When providing nasopharyngeal suctioning, insert catheter, using ___ hand, up to ) ___ inches, then apply suction as you slowly withdraw cath (___ seconds max Sterile, 6, 10
The catheter for the nasopharyngeal suctioning should be advanced _____ and _____. It should not be _____. Slowly, gently, forced
What is oralpharngeal catheter tubing cleaned out with Saline and water
What type of patient would be a candidate for a tracheostomy? Someone who needed long term airway support
Trach tubes have an outer ______ that is inserted into the _____ just below the ____ and a _____ that rests against the neck and helps secure tube to neck. Trach tubes have an outer cannula inserted into trachea just below the larynx and a flange that rests against the neck and helps to secure tube to neck
This type of trach device produces an airtight seal between the tube and the trachea (20 mmHg) Cuff
What are the two reasons a cuffed trach is beneficial? Prevents aspiration of oropharyngeal secretions and air leakage between tube and trachea
When are the two times that a cuffed trach is used? Immediately after a trach and with ventilators
Do children require cuffed trachs? No as airways are small
How do you know how much to inflate a trach cuff? It is per MD order
Why is a cuff used during tube feedings? To prevent aspiration
Why is a cuff used when someone is on a ventilator? To create a tight seal
Why is a cuff used for someone who has increased secretions? To prevent aspiration
With long term trachs, the tube is usually _____. Deflated
Over inflation of trach tubing leads to ______. Complications
When performing Tracheostomy Suctioning, use ____ technique. Sterile
When performing Tracheostomy Suctioning, client should be _____oxygenated. When? Hyper, Before, during and after suctioning
Tracheostomy Suctioning can only be done a maximum of ___ seconds per suction. 10
What size catheter is used for Tracheostomy Suctioning? ½ of trachea opening
How do you clear the tubing for Tracheostomy Suctioning? When? Use sterile water or NS before during and after
Tracheostomy equipment should be disposed after____. One use
What are the expected outcomes for someone who has had Tracheostomy suctioning? (9) Patient’s airways are cleared of secretions, no sounds of congestion can be detected, lung sounds are improved. Patient indicates easier breathing and decreased congestion. Patient’s vital signs show improvement; improved heart and resp. rate, O2 sat
What are the complications associated with suctioning? (8) Hypoxemia, Cardiac dysrhythmia, bradycardia, Trauma, bronchospasms, Infection, Increased secretions, Aspiration
Should you suction on a routine or scheduled basis? No
When suctioning, have all equipment at ______. What should this include? Bedside, extra same sized trach tube, extra smaller sized trach tube, obturator
When suctioning, have client in a _______ position. If unconscious? Fowler’s/semi-Fowler’s, lateral on side
When suctioning, hyperoxygenate when? Before, during and after
When accessing the stoma site, what should be noted? Color, amount, consistency and odor of tracheal and stoma secretions
What concerns should be assessed regarding respiration? Coarse breath sounds, noisy breathing, prolonged expiratory sounds, ¯ O2 sat
When inserting the catheter, the suction should be ___. Off
Do you suction on the way into an orifice or on the way out? Out
Never suction for more than 10 seconds
Tubing must be cleared with _____ or _____. When? Clear suction tubing with (sterile) normal saline or water – before, during, after
How often is the inner cannula of a trach changed? Changed daily or PRN, per agency policy
Changing the cannula on a trach is a _____ procedure. Sterile
When completing a dressing change for a trach, what type of technique is used? Clean
What do you use to wash around the stoma? ½ normal saline and ½ hydrogen peroxide OR agency policy
What type of trach dressing is used? Clean drain sponge( manufactured split sponge)
The outer cannula of a trach is only changed by who? Doctor
What is the outer cannula held in place by? By ties on a flange
Used for inserting or reinserting a trach Obturator
Removing and replacing trach ties is a ____ procedure. Clean
How many people should be used when removing and replacing trach ties? Two
Should you remove old ties before securing new ties? No, secure new ties before removing old ones
How tight should you secure trach ties? You want to be able to get at least one finger under tie
What needs to be included in the documentation on trach care? Frequency of suctioning, Amount and characteristics of secretions, Pre and post-suctioning hyperoxygenation, Vital signs, Reestablishment of oxygen therapy, Appearance of stoma, Trach care., Patient’s tolerance of procedure
What technique is used to clean stoma? Inner cannula? Clean, sterile
What two types of devices can be used to help a person with a trach “speak” Passy-Muir, Shiley phonate valve
is commonly used to help patients speak more normally. This one-way valve attaches to the outside opening of the tracheostomy tube and allows air to pass into the tracheostomy, but not out through it Passy-Muir
Lightweight, medical-grade, plastic valve designed for tracheostomy patients to direct airflow past the vocal chords, giving them the ability to speak Shiley phonate valve
How else can we communicate with a client who cannot speak? Call light always within reach, Do not use intercom to answer call light, Paper and pencil, Dry erase board, Computer assisted device
Can suctioning sometimes increase secretions? Yes make sure to allow for adequate rest periods
What are signs of hypoxia? (10) Dyspnea, evaluated bop, increased respiratory and pulse rates, pallor, cyanosis, anxiety, restlessness, confusion, drowsiness
When is an inner cannula used? When there are a lot of secretions or it is difficult to get them out. They are not always needed.
How deep to you go in to suction a patient’s trach? Until they cough and then one cm less than that
When providing oral care what two things should you not use? What one product is recommended? Glycerin swabs, mouthwash with alcohol, use hydrogen peroxide
Created by: anastasia158
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