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Med/Surg II Nursing

Exam 1 K.Parsons red flags

What is the Hallmark sign for respiratory failure? Dyspnea (always subjective. Pt says, "I can't breath")
where should the nurse mark for ET tube placement? Tape tube, makr level where it touches the incisor
FIO2 (fraction of inspired oxygen). What is the goal to get the FIO2 at to prevent O2 toxicity? below 40%
Vent controls & settings: Modes-AC (assist control). What is the Pt always going to get with this setting? Will always get a preset tidal volume and rate.
Vent controls and settins: SIMV synchronoized intermittent mandatory ventilation. What does this do for the Pt? tidal volume(Vt)and rate preset allows spontaneous breathing w/Pts own rate and Vt between vent breaths
Vent controls & settings: Modes: Pressure Support Ventilation (PSV). What does this do for the Pt? Assists SIMV by applying pressure to airway throughout pt triggered breath. Decreases resistance w/in trach tube and vent tubing.
Explain Positive End Expiratory Pressure (PEEP). + pressure exerted during expiratory phase. Increases O2 & gas exchange - prevents atelectasis.
Largest problem with PEEP is? pressure on venacave causes HYPOtension!!!!
Explain Coninuous Positive Airway Pressure (CPAP). Continuous pressure throughout resp cycle. Increases O2 & gas exchange, requires spontaneously breathing.
Sedation with MV. Diprivan(Propofol) give Mechanism and SE and Nursing activities. Mechanism: decrased anxiety - produc amnesia SE: cardiac depression Nursing activities: Monitor level of sedation (modified ramsey scale)
Neuromusclular block agents for MV. Pavulon (pancuronium) give Mechanism, SE, and Nursing activities. Mechanism: produces prolonged paralysis to prevent "bucking" the vent. Pt Needs concomitant sedation and analgesia!! SE: Prolonged Skeletal muscle weakness. Nursing activities: Protect Pt from environ, evaluate level of paralysis q4h with "Train of Four
Inhaled corticosteroids for MV. Beclomethasone. Give mechanism, SE, and nursing activities Mechanism: suppresses inflammatory response SE: increased risk for infection! NA: monitor SE, TE, and prevent complications
What is a nursing activity performed every day for a Pt with an ET? reposition and re-tape ET daily
When a nurse is documenting for a Pt on a vent what is one thing thy document? Perform & document ventilator checks. Write down settings!
What is a cardiac complication for a Pt on a MV? Hypotension due to + pressure in thoracic cavity which inhibits blood return to the heart which decreases CO and creates fluid retention.
If a Pt is on plavix (antiplatlet)what should I give him/her instead of protonix due to a interaction? zantac
#1 cause of infection in MV Pts is? Increased permeability of gastric mucosea due to it stop working and permebility changes, E. coli from gut gives Pt sepsis.
How to prevent ventilator associated pneumonia? oral care and pulm hygiene (brush teeth 2xd with chlorhexiden rinse), hand washing, antibiotic control, semi fowlers, glucose 80-110, enteral feeding, circuit changes 48=72 hrs.
Extubation of pt on MV monitor VS and vent pattern q1h, monitor for signs of Resp distress, stridor,
Pt w/chest drainage system. when would you notify the physican about the drainage/ if the amount of fluid is >100ml/hr after first 3 hrs, color change from serous to bright red.
When wall vacuum is turned off for drainage system what should the nurse do ? the drainage system must be open to the atmosphere so that intrpleural air can escape from the system. detach tubing from suction port to provide a vent.
What are important things to remember about sedation agents such as Versed (Midazolam) and Diprivan (propofol)? IV continous drip, decrease anxiety, produce amnesia but NO PAIN RELIEF, side effects are cardiac dpression.
Pavulon (Pancuronium is a neuromuscular blocking agent. What does it do? It produces prolonged paralysis to prevent "bucking" the vent. Nedd to give sedation and analgesia. A side effect is prolonged skeletal muscle weakness. #1 nursing activity is protect Pt from enviroment.
Albuterol...what is the SE and Mechanism? Relaxes smooth muscle and its side effects are tachycardia, and increased BP
Atrovent (lprtropium). Whats the mechanism and SE? Blocks constriction of smooth muscle and it has few side effects
Mucomyst Mechanism and SE? Liquifies secretion. SE : bronchospasm (usually given w/ bronchodilator.
Inhaled corticosteroids such as Beclomethason ...what is the mechanism and SE? Suppresses inflammatory response and causes a increased risk for infection.
What would be the primary nursing diagnosis for an MV Pt? Imapried gas exchange
clinical manifestations of a pneumothorax respiratory distree, reduced breath sounds, pleuritic pain, tachypnea, subcutaneous emphysema
What are the three risks for Virchow's Triad? Venous stasis Hypercoagulable states Vascular wall damage. If you have 1 your at risk for DVT, 2Increased Risk for DVT, all 3 you have a DVT!
Clincial presentation for a PE is? Sudden severe chest pain (increased w/inspiration), Tachypnea, Dyspnea, Cough hemoptysis, Cardiac s/s tacycardia, arrhythmias
PE diagnostics are? ABS, D-dimer, CXR, VQ mismatch, Pulmonary arteriogram (blocked arteries.
PE Medical Management would be? Anticoagulant therapy, Thrombolytic therapy (TPA), O2, MV, Surgical management.
What are clincial s/s of pulmonary edema? dyspnea at rest, crackles, diorientation and confusion, anxiety & panic, tachycardia, moist cough (blood tinged frothy sputum), cool, clammy, cyanotic skin
What are the diffences between cardiogenic and non-cardiogenic pulmonary edema? Cardiogenic would include Failure of LV, increase in hydrostatic pressure in pulmonary capillary. Non-Cardiogenic Hypo-oncotic, Permeability
How to treat non cardiogenic pulmonary edema? treat underlying cause - hypo=oncotic give transfusion PRC, plasma, albumin, parenteral nutrtion. Permeability - treat & manage spepsis, burn neurogenic problems
Pulmonary edema diagnostics would be? CXR, CT, ABG, Hemodynamic monitoring w/pulmonary artery catheter, PCWP (pulmonary capillary wedge pressure >25mmHg. If over 25mmHg problem is cardiac
What position would you want to put a Pt in with cardiogenic Pulmonary edema? High Fowlers with legs dngling
What is the goal of PCWP (pulmonary capillary wedge pressure? 15-18 mmHg
What kind of medication would you want to give a Pt with Pulmonary Edema? morphine 2-4mg IV q2h vasodilating (decreases afterload, decreases anxiety. Vasodilators decrease preload & afterload (Nitroglycerine (venous vasodilator, Nitroprusside (arterial & venous vasodilator).
ARDS s/s are? Grunting, Nasal flaring, cyanosis, sternal retractions, tachypnea.
How do you diagnose ARDS? PCWP <18mmHg, refractory hypoxemia most significant (<50-60mmHg w/ supp O2), ABS resp alk then resp acid, CXR diffuse bilateral pulmonary infiltrates, WHITE OUT!
Pulmonary Hypertension leads to Right ventricular failure and premature death. What are the risk factors? Primary - idiopathic, Secondary - pulmonary diseases, congenital heart disease, HIV, collagen vascular disease (lupus)
Clinical presentation of ARDS looks like? Dyspnea, weakness/fatigue, s/s of RVF (cor Pulmonale). Diagenositics would be right heart catherization.
Pharmacological Management of PAH is? sildenafil (revatio aka viagra) Epoprostenol (flolan) Bosentan (tracleer) Nitric Oxide
What is the medical management for PAH? treat underlying cause and lung transplantation
Explain PQRST P-position, Provocation Q-Quality R-Radiation, Relief S-Severity, Symptoms T-Timing
Symptoms of MI are? SOB, "indigestion" nausea, anxiety, elevated HR, RR, BP,signs of decreased CO: cool, clammy skin, decreased peripheral pulses decreased, urinary output, mental status changes
What enzymes are assesed for an MI? Ck-MB (0-5 ng/ml) specific to cardiac muscle, elevates w/in 4hr; normal in 3days. Troponin (0-0.2 ng/ml)specific to cardiac muscle, elevates w/in 4hr; normal in 3 weeks. Myoglobin (30-90 ng/ml) not specific to cardiac muscle, good to rule out MI if -
name some interventions to increase myocardial O2 supply. O2, ASA & antiplatelet and anticoagulants, NTG, thrombolytics, PCI, CABG(coronary artery bypass graft)
Name some interventions to decrease myocardial O2 demand. Morphine, NTG, Beta blockers, Ace inhibitors, Ca channel blockers, balance rest/activity
Name contraindications for thrombolytics (alteplase, reteplase) recent trauma, gi bleeding, surgery, hemorrhagic CVA, bleeding disorder, uncontrolled HTN
Percutaneous Coronary Intervention (PCI) Superior to thrombolytics, not always available, PTCA percutaneous transluminal coronary angioplasty, stent, atherectomy, brachytherapy
What is pre-PCI care? NPO, baseline pedal pulse assessment, labs, bun, cr, h&h, Plt, coag studies, electrolytes, allergies to IODINE, IV line and hydratio, mucomyst w/ renal insufficiency, informed consent, assess ability to lay flat for @ least 4hrs
Post PCI complications abrupt closure, vascular complications groin or retroperitoneal bleed, PSAarterial throbus/distal embolization, acute renal failure
Post PCI care bedrest w/ leg sraight, hob <30, bedrest w/leg straigh X hrs after sheath removal, during sheath removal hr/bp drop give saline bolus & atropine, manual pressure to groin X5min, assess 4-8hr for bleeding, hematoma bruit
Post PCI care continued VS/Extremity check Q15min X 4, Q30min X2, Q1hr X2: check VS, groin and pedal pulses, color and temp, ECG & w/chest pain, Labs: H&H, creatinine sever hrs post procedure, I&O, supervise resumption of activity prior to d/c
Pre CABG care baseline labs, EXR, ECG, TXM (type and cross match), allergies, IV line & hydration, informed consent, teaching
Post CABG care Specialized ICU care, decreased CO, Impaired gas exchange, Pain, Infectio, Renal failure
Post CABG care discharge teaching anxiety,infection (sternal and vein sites), activity, pulm care, medications, cognitive fx and sleep changes
MI cardiac rehabilitation Phase 1 -3 Phase 1 - hospital (walking, diet, exercise) Phase 2- community (PT, BP, activity) Phase 3- 6-8 wks after follow up high risk behavior
M.Fey says All people w/MI have? 1. dysrhythmias 2. L sided Heart Failure
Where does BNP live and what does it do? It lives in the Left LV starts to stretch it is released ...kind of like a diurectic for the heart :)
Left sided heart failure looks like ... pulmonary edema, dypnea, orthopnea (trouble breathing when laying flat), activity intolerance, decreased bowel sounds, urine output, eleveated creatinine, decreased perfusion to CNS: confusion.
What does Right sided Heart failure look like? jugular venous distention, enlarged liver and spleen, engorged gut; anorexia, ascities, peripheral edema
1 k of water weight is = to how much water gain? 1 L
pharmacologic management of Heart faliure ACe inhibitors = "prils" Beta Blcokers = "lols" Diuretics Vasodilators: hydralazine, Nitrates Digitalis: positive inotroup (contractibility)
If giving ACE inhibitors for the first time what does the nurse want to do? Be back in the room in 20 mins due to "first dose effect"
A Pt is in Heart Failure...what does the nurse want to do to the heart to make it easier to pump? Maximize pre load and after load
Milrinone, Dobutamine are ? used for Pts with Heart failure...positive inotropic agents
Why would morphine be given to a pt with ehart failure? to manage pulmonary edema (vasodiolator), decrease anxiety
A. Fib no true p wave (loss of atrial kick) 2 problems: decreased CO and clotting
Nursing care: A.Fib clotting: asses for evidence of embolization, admin anticoags. Decreased CO: manage symptoms Assist w/cardioversion: chemica, electrical, if duration unknow or >48hrs, TEE first (echo in esophagus for clots)
Cardioversion chemical: meds that are givien Amiodarone: bolus and IV infusion Flecanide, Propafenone: oral Calicum Channel Blcokers: verapamil, diltiazem Precautionsall antiarrythmics (on monitor, VS q5-10 min,
Sinus Tachycardia is a prob or symp? usually asymptom. Hr less than 150 probably from a node. pain, anxiety, dehydration, SV goes down.
Atrial Tachycardia (Hr>150)is usually a prob or symp? usually a problem. Atrial tachy grater tahn 150 ..somethings wrong!
Nursing care of Tachys...If ST (<150, P-waves) Assess for and treat causes: pain, anxiety, fever, dehydration, compensatory mechanism for decreased SV. some drugs.
Nursing care of Atrial tachy (HR 150-250) Vagal maneuvers - carotid massage, valsalva Adenosine - given rapidly w/ rapid flus causes asystole Beta Blcokers Ca Channel blockers
Bradydysrhythmias... sinus brady - not always a problem (athletic) Heart Balcok - always a problem (s/s hypotension, leight headed, got more p waves than QRST
Nursing care for Bradydysrhythmias.. sinus brady: Asses for symptoms -ONLY treated if sysmptomatic. Heart Blcoks: treatment aimed at increasing HR to maintain CO, Atropine IV, Pacemaker exteral in emergency, permanent may be necessary
Nursing care for Pacemakers assess for bleeding, infection at insertion site or site of generator, Hemo/pneumothorax psot procedure, ventricular dysrhytmias, phrenic nerve stimuation(hiccups), dislocation of lead(arm sling), monitor for proper Fx of pacemaker loss of capture sensin
What does loss of capture mean? pacemaker fired but don't beat
What does loss of sensing mean? Pacemaker won't stop firing even when Pt tries to have its own beat
On EKG failure to capture looks like? pacemaker spike isn't followed by QRS complex
on EKG Failure to sense looks like? pacemaker doesn't sence pts own beat and fires when it shouldn't
Pt teaching: pacemakers s/s infection, carry ID/medic alert, electromagnetic interference, security procedures, move awary from electrical or magnetic device, talk pulse, battery lasts 10 yrs
What dysrhythmias are the "Killers"? Ventriular: PVCs, Vent tachycardia
What is a PVC? myocardial ischemia, MI, or decreased K, MG, O2
V tach is what? 3 or more PVCs
Nursing care of PVCs may be normal, pathological causes: hypoxia, myocaridal ischemia,hypokalemia, hypomagnesemia, acidosis. Initally correct the cause; rarely need meds for PVCs
Nursing care for V tachy Pt may bepulseless or stable, but it needs to be fixed Meds: Amiodarone, sotolol, lidocaine. May be cardioverted if stable, defibrillated if pulseless
ADPGE means? All Dead People Get Epi
Lidocane make old people? CRAZY!! if they get confused give them something else
If asystole the nurse does what? CPR, ambu, defib
Nursing care: VF (disorganized electrial activity) Always pulseless. Call code #1 priority is defib, cpr ACLS protocol meds. Epinephrine (ADPGE), vasopressin (vasoconstricotr)
Nursing care: asystole No electrial activity call code, cpr,ACLS protocol meds (Epi, vasopressin, atropine)
Created by: ashleydc1987
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